Exploration Of Secrets
1.Something not known, seen or not meant to be known by others.
The word ‘secret’ evokes many thoughts in the viewer’s head, secrets may be verbal or physical; good or bad and in most cases, it is up to the person to decide on how they’re handled. Secrets could link to hidden identities – photographs can be taken of the same person in many different roles and such. Secrets could also explore landscapes – things such as a secret hideout.

When I initially searched for ‘secrets’ on google images this is the sort of thing that showed up; the images are predominately black and white – creating an atmosphere of suspicion and mystery. Most of the images are also rather plain and the focus is on one subject in each. A common theme is also the simplicity of the photographs; a lot is left the viewer to imagine and interpret.
Exploration Of Codes
1.A system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy.
The word ‘code’ nowadays is mostly used for programming and computing situations, codes could evoke imagery of long complicated chains of letters and numbers; codes could also mean lines or simple patterns that translate into a message. Photographs under the theme ‘codes’ could consist of long chains of characters being projected onto people or different subjects.

These are the photographs that come up when I search for ‘codes’, unlike the ‘secret’ search results, these differ majorly from each other – some seem to be just general photographs of computer codes while others are focusing on making a bold statement about our lives and society overall.
1. A rule, method, or practice established by usage; a way in which something is usually done.
Conventions in photography could apply to the rules and guidance used to take ‘successful’ photographs, an idea for exploring this theme could be attempting to break away from these standards and take wonderful photographs that don’t follow these rules; in order to prove that the success of a photograph is not always determined by the basic rules. Conventions could also apply to social standards such as manners or perception/views on people based on things such as appearance or behaviour.