Final Images and Presentation Ideas

For this image I decided to print the image to the scale of A3 size, I want to sick this image onto a white foam board as I wanted to have decided to present this image by its self as I feel that this is the strongest image out of my final selection.

I have decided to present these image together on the same white foam board as the I feel that they do not fit with the other images but when they are put together complement each other very nicely, I have printed these to images to A4 size.

With this final image I decided to print it off at A4 size. I  plan to stick it onto a white foam board and then to stick this onto a black board to highlight the levels of contrast.

Experimentation Of Different Layouts 

Final Layout Choice

decided to change the layout of the image from being on separate pieces and card and foam, I decided to present all if the images on a white piece of card as it would be more effective as the images all fit into the same series. I placed the A3 image in the center of the card as I feel that this is the strongest image out of my final selection.  

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