Psychogeography - the exploration of urban environments to explore and examine the architecture and spaces in an area, anything that takes pedestrians off their predictable path. The term was invented by Guy Debord, he wanted a revolutionary approach to architecture that was less functional and more open to exploration. Psychogeography gained popularity in the 1990s when artists, writers and filmmakers such as Iain Sinclair and Patrick Keiller began using the idea to create works based on exploring locations by walking.I want to explore Kensington place and lewis street because most of the buildings on the streets are run down but still functional. Photoshoot - I planned one afternoon to go out into town and photograph as much as I could. In my chosen area i didn't find as many interesting places to photograph so I carried my photo shoot out even further around town. However, from my chosen place I did find a few interesting places to photograph.
my three best images -
These images were based on The New Topographics while I didn't document everything in the area, only what i found interesting and ultimately, avoiding the point of psychogeography.