Hannah Hoch

Hannah Hoch was a German Dada artist born in 1889, she was one of the first photographers who was artist to use photomontage. Related imagePhotomontage is a collage of images which have been cut/taken from their orignal context and place into different photographs to give the image a different meaning.

She is best known for her work of the Weimar period. Höch’s work was intended to dismantle the fable and dichotomy that existed in the concept of the “New Woman”: an energetic, professional, and androgynous woman, who is ready to take her place as man’s equal. Hoch also focused on other topics such as androgyny, political discourse and shifting gender roles, these themes creates a feminist idea surrounding Hochs work. Image result for Hannah Hoch

The Dada Movement

Dada was an artistic movement formed in 1919 in Zurich, Switzerland. The movement rejected monarchy, militarism, and conservatism and was enmeshed in an “anti-art” sentiment. Dadaists felt that art should have no boundaries or restrictions and that it can be whimsical and playful. The Dada movement had a tone of fundamental negativity in regards to bourgeois society. The term “dada” has no actual meaning the word used to describe the lack of reason or logic in much of the artwork.


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