Photoshoot Plan
Concept: After researching the New Topographic, urban landscapes and the photographer Lewis Baltz I am going to take inspiration from the style of their work and apply it to my own photos.
Location: I am going to take photos at the industriel estate at La Collette, we will walk from Harve des Pas along the coast line and through the industrial estate and along the harbor taking pictures relating to our topic of New Topographic. The area has a wide range of urban scenes which i can take pictures of.
Lighting: I will use natural lighting to take these photos and I will take them in the afternoon to avoid over exposed images with light flares.
Camera settings: I will take the photos using the manual expose setting and experiment with long shutter speed and the waves.
Contact Sheets:
I also edited some other photos that I took in a different location. They were in the style of Nicholas Nixon’s landscapes so i edited them in black and white and enhanced the highlights to give them a higher contrast whilst still making them look faded.