Tableau Photography

What is tableau photography?

Tableau is the French phrase for 'living picture'. Before photography was a thing it was a popular past time to which people would recreate scenes from famous paintings at parties. These people would dress up and use props to make it as accurate as possible. As photography emerged artists such as Julia Margaret Cameron created fantasy scenes like Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere, which prompted a huge interest in the art form. However this form of photography fell out of fashion with the introduction to realism.

Some of Julia Cameron's work can be seen below:
As seen in her work, she wanted to focus on how the photos were meant to recreate paintings in an innovative and creative way not seen before.
The 7 deadly sins were a popular topic when doing tableau photography due to each one having an important connection. These were Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. I could then link this back to how these all formed their own unique identity and change the individual for the good or worse.