Street/Candid Photography

Street /Candid Photography

Street/Candid photography is a form of photography in which the subject that is being photographed is unaware that the photo is being taken and the encounter between the subject and the photographer is a chance encounter

Street Photography

Street photography can focus on people and their behavior in public, thereby also record people’s history. This motivation entails having also to navigate or negotiate changing expectations and laws of privacy, security and property. In this respect, the street photographer is similar to social documentary photographers or photojournalists who also work in public places, but with the aim of capturing newsworthy events; any of these photographers’ images may capture people and property visible within or from public places.

Candid Photography

Is a photography captured without creating a posed appearance the candid character of a photo is unrelated to the subject’s knowledge about or consent to the fact that photos are being taken and unrelated to the subject’s permission for further usage and distribution. The crucial factor is the actual absence of posing. However, if the subject is absolutely unaware of being photographed and does not even expect it.

Links About Street Photography

street photography

what is street photohgy?

Street photography,  is photography conducted for art or enquiry that features unmediated chance encounters and random incidents within public it is used to focus on street behaviour and how people develop and act whiten their natural environment and daily journey, it has a long history to it being based off of development of time to capture the people with. the city as a way of developing change. what I like about street photography is how very picture tells a story and also presents each person in such a different dynamic.

what is candid photography ?

Although there is a difference between street and candid photography, it is usually subtle with most street photography being candid in nature but not all candid photography being classifiable as street photography. Street photography does not necessitate the presence of a street or even the urban environment  . whereas candid is a photograph captured without creating a posed appearance. This is achieved in many ways .peronsally candid photography  has so much accurate expression of happiness and or any emotion that is real and human that you are bale to couture

Environmental Portraiture Homework

Arnold Newman

Image result for Arnold Newman


Image result for Arnold Newman

Arnold Newman was born in 1918 and is acknowledged as the pioneer of the environmental portrait, he is also known for his still life and abstract photography. The reason I was intrigued  by Newman’s images is because not only does he show people in their natural workplaces like the typical environmental portrait photos, but he also captures images which further communicate a lifestyle choice chosen by the person in the photo in a more in-depth sense than just their workplace. I feel that this approach creates a stronger connection between the person in the photo and the audience because it allows them to feel as if they know the person being photographed. He released many books throughout his life and is an important contributor of portraits to publications such as life and vanity fair.

Photo Analysis

Image result for Arnold Newman

I am inspired by this photo and visually appreciate it due to the simplicity yet great effect it has. The simplicity comes through the use of only three real colours, thus being white, black and grey which strongly contrast each other. This strong contrast helps the viewer identify the key elements to the photo which is the piano and the pianist. This photo comes under the category of environmental portraiture due to the fact that we can understand something about the mans life due to what is shown in the photograph. In this case we know he is a piano player and perhaps lives a simple life due to the way in which the photo has very little detail.


Task – Take 150-250 formal portrait photos that show an understanding of environmental portraits.

Location – Sporting locations such as football pitch and skate park.

Subjects – My friends with their sporting equipment on in the related location.

Camera settings – 1/250 sec, f/4, ISO 100 (most likely will be adjusted slightly up and downwards)

Props – Model, football boots, football, helmet, bike/skateboard.

Lighting – Natural lighting, artificial for the night shots.

Concept – To photograph images in the style of Arnold Newman


My Response


Henri-Cartier Bresson

The Decisive Moment:

In 1952 Henri Cartier-Bresson, a founder of modern photojournalism, proposed one of the most fascinating and highly debated concepts in the history of photography: “the decisive moment.” This moment occurs when the visual and psychological elements of people in a real life scene spontaneously and briefly come together in perfect resonance to express the essence of that situation. Some people believe that the unique purpose of photography, as compared to other visual arts, is to capture this fleeting, quintessential, and holistic instant in the flow of life.

This website was established by Henri Cartier-Bresson, his wife Martine Franck, and their daughter Mélanie, the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation opened its doors in May 2003.  It now preserves Henri Cartier-Bresson and Martine Franck’s archives:

Environmental Portraits

In this shoot I focused on environmental portraits. I wanted to capture the calmness of a person's facial expression, in order to make an impact within the picture itself. When taking the shoot I tried to make sure that the subjects facial expression was expressionless, so that it could make the viewer interpret more about the person's personality themselves. I used a variety of subjects to really explore the different expression of different people, and which ones would impact the most from them all.
Once I had completed the shoot, I decided to try to limit the images down into my top ten photographs, from there it would allow me to decide which picture I found the most effective from the overall shoot. I chose the image that I thought had the biggest impact of all, so took into account the rule of thirds, symmetry and lighting. These were my results:
Once again I then decided to limit my top ten photographs into a top five. From these it would make it easier for me to figure out what I thought was the best image out of the entire shoot, by using software like Adobe Lightroom to edit my pictures and make each one stand out against the rest. These were my final results:

I chose this image because I loved how the subject was exactly on the middle line of the road. From this it created a look of symmetry within the picture, and with the trees and paths in the backdrop with the same composition, it to me made the picture aesthetically pleasing. What I also liked about the image was how the blue house in the background, in a way neutralized the image, and to me made it easy to look upon.
I chose this picture because I liked the expressionless face of the subject against a white plain backdrop. This to me created effect within, as the backdrop broke up to a messy brick wall on the right hand side, allows for more focus on the subject rather than what is around them, due to how the contrast on their face stands out from the exposed wall.
The reason I chose this image was because I loved the contrast between the overly exposed background and the darkness of the subjects clothes. This creates a dramatic effect, whilst highlighting the points I wished for the viewer to look upon, like the head up. I found that the character being centered slightly to the middle of the picture made it an overall aesthetically pleasing piece.
Finally I chose this image because I found that it captured the calmness and thoughtfulness, of the subjects face at a significant time in their life. This makes the image aesthetically pleasing because of how there is symmetry between the subjects face, and that of the birthday balloon, which cancel each other out making the picture very balanced. 
The reason I chose this image was because I really liked the contrast between the darkness of the backdrop of a bush, and the brightly colored outfit of the subject. This instantly draws the viewer's eye to the subject due to the clear definition between her clothes and the bush, whilst making it visually pleasing to the eye as the pattern of the bush behind is broken up.


I chose this image as my final photograph, because I loved the look of thought upon the subjects face, and found that it told a lot about their past and personality. I found that the balloon and the subject's face being on either side of the image, in a way cancelled each other out, making the overall piece aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The fact that the subject was not centered in the middle of the screen, and made more way to the backdrop behind her, allowed the viewer a bit more of an insight into the life of the subject as a whole. Finally what I thought made the image most effective was that the birthday balloon allows a bit of an view into what the subject may be thinking about in their previous years, and everything they have seen, creating a perspective which is joyful, yet saddens the viewer.


Henri Cartier-Bresson and The Decisive Movement

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) was a French humanist photographer who was considered a master of candid photography. He is considered to be the pioneer of the street photography genre. Cartier-Bresson has widely influenced many photographers throughout the years. His work is primarily black and white street photography and he takes photographs of image with lots of context in them, such as the location/background.

Image result for henri cartier bressonImage result for henri cartier bressonImage result for henri cartier bressonImage result for henri cartier bresson

Analysis of Henri Cartier-Besson’s Work

Image result for henri cartier bresson

In this photograph it appears that natural daylight has been used to capture it. This has allowed the faces and bodies of the children to contrast with the over-exposed background.  It appears that a deep depth of field has been used as all of the image is focused. It also appears that a quick shutter speed of 1/100-1/500 has been used to capture a photograph of the children playing with minimum blur. It appears that a medium ISO of possibly 1600 was used as the image is mostly bright but slightly noisy.

There is no colour in the image as it has a black and white filter over it – this black and white filter helps to create more contrast between the subjects and the background. There is a wide tonal range in this photograph ranging from the dark tone of the faces to the white tone of the environment. There is a dirty and dusty texture to this image and the subjects have dirt on their faces and the material all over the floor is pretty much dust – this helps to further emphasise the children’s life style. There is a slight 3D effect to this image as the subjects are at lots of different distances from the camera, the hole in the wall helps to separate the background and the foreground. There is no pattern or repetition in this image which reflects the environment of the subjects – they cannot predict if their village will be destroyed even further by war. There is no clear organisation of subjects to go along the lines of the rule thirds, this is suitable as there appears to be no organisation in the subject’s lives.

This photograph shows children playing in ruins in Seville, Spain in 1933. Even though the children in the image are quite young, they are unsupervised so it appears that this is quite normal, especially when considering the hard and aged faces of the young children.

It is a very well composed photograph because the curious but aged look on the children’s faces make the viewer wonder what they are thinking about and what they are going through. The photograph shows that in different places in the world, people have completely different lifestyles. It shows the innocence of the children but at the same time the hardship that they go through.

Magnum Agency

Magnum photos agency is an international photographic cooperative owned by its photographer-members. Cartier-Besson says “Magnum is a community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on and a desire to transcribe it visually”. Henri Cartier-Besson was among one of the photographers that founded Magnum in 1947. Magnum has included photojournalists from across the world who have covered many historical events of the 20th century.

Street Photography

Street photography is a type of photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places. Street photographs are mirror images of society and show ‘unmanipulated’ images. Street photography can also be known as candid photography. Street photography can focus on people and their behaviour in public.
Image result for street photographyImage result for street photographyImage result for street photographyImage result for street photography
A great example is Bruce Gilden. He is best known for his candid close-up photographs on the streets of New York whilst using a flashgun to capture initial reactions of people in public. Here is a video showing his work.
Image result for bruce gilden

Bruce Gilden

Image result for bruce gilden street photography

Bruce Gilden is know for his candid close up portraits of people on the streets of New York City and is characterized by his use of flash photography, making him one of the revered street photographers.  He has photographed people on the streets of New York, Japan’s yakuza mobsters, homeless people, prostitutes, and members of bike gangs between 1995 and 2000.  He was fascinated by the duality and double lives of the individuals he photographed.

Gilden’s advice for street photographers is “shoot who we are.” Gilden shoots who he is in a direct, honest, and aggressive type of manner.

An interview with Bruce Gilden:

Homework Assignment – Street Photography


Task – Take 100-250 photos in an urban environment with people as the focus.

 Models/Props – A group of friends.

Camera Settings – I will use a quick shutter speed of about 1/100-1/500 depending on how fast the subjects are moving as I plan on photographing them whilst they naturally move around. I will use a low ISO as the area I will take photos in will be well lit with street lighting.

Lighting – Mostly my lighting will be natural daylight but in some images I will use the flash to light up the features of the subjects.

Location – In random streets and back-lanes.

Context – I will be photographing a group of friends as they casually do what they would be doing normally in order to capture natural looking images.

Concept – To capture street photographs in the style of Vivian Maier and Robert Frank.

Vivian Maier

Image result for vivian maier


Image result for vivian maier

Vivian Maier (1926-2009) was an American street photographer born in New York City. A her work was unknown and unpublished during her lifetime. In 2007,  collectors found some of her prints and negatives in boxes. Her images were first published on the internet in 2008. Her work has now been exhibited in North America, Europe, Asia and South America. A lot of details about Maier’s life remains unknown.

Vivian Maier Favourite Photo

Image result for vivian maier

In this photograph it appears that natural daylight was used to capture it as the tones in the subjects face and clothing look natural and not over-exposed to light. It appears that a low aperture/shallow depth of field was used for this image as the subject in the foreground is in focus whilst the corners of the image in the background are blurred in almost a vignette style.  A quick shutter speed of 1/60 – 1/200 appears to have been used as the image is sharp and not accidentally blurred. A low ISO also appears to have been used as the image does not have much noise in it. The black and white filter provides a cold colour cast over the image.

There is a lack of colour as the image is black and white and the subject has a sad facial expression – this contrasts with the idea that clowns are meant to be colourful and happy all of the time. There is a mostly dark colour range in the image to match the mood of the subject – the tone doesn’t get any lighter than the white makeup on his lips. There is a slight 3D effect in the image as the subject is clearly closer to the camera than the truck behind him – this is further supported by the blurred effect in the background. The image has not been composed to follow the rule of thirds but the subject has been placed slightly off the centre of the image – this could be to show that something is slightly off with the subjects life.

The image actually shows a man called Emmett Kelly as the clown figure “Weary Willie”. Kelly was an American circus performer who created the clown figure based on the hobos of the depression era. At the time, Kelly’s routine was revolutionary as it wasn’t the clown that people expected to see. Maier took this photo out of context as not everybody will know who Weary Willie is.

The fact that Maier took this photo out of context leaves the image open for people to see what they want. Some people will see the famous clown ‘Weary Willie’ whilst others will see a street performer struggling to get by. This makes the image much more interesting as it is left up to the viewer to decide what it is trying to show.

Robert Frank

Image result for robert frank

Image result for robert frank

Robert Frank was a Swiss-American photographer and documentary filmmaker. His most famous work is his book “The Americans” in which he shows an outsiders view of American society in the 1950’s. His book consisted of 83 photographs.

Robert Frank Favourite Photo

Image result for robert frank the americans trolley

In this image, Robert Frank uses different techniques to create the photo that he wants. A fast shutter speed seems to be used due to the sharpness of the possibly moving trolley. Frank also uses a low ISO to create a darker image. The natural lighting of the sun also helps to create a natural looking image that captures Americas society in the middle of their day. A deep depth of field is used as well to keep the image sharp and focused. This image has lots of different settings working well together but the image is cleverly structured by Frank to use the rule of thirds. The bottom and top of the window run along the horizontal lines whilst the old lady and the coloured man are placed at the vertical lines. This makes the image seem instantly appealing and interesting to the human eye.

In the photograph a high contrast is used in the black and white image to create a more dramatic image. The contrast comes from the white bars which cleverly break up the image into different sections because of the natural frames. This influences the viewer to view the photograph in more detail. The wide variety of tones between the black man and the white people adds even more contrast and drama in the image.

This photograph was taken in the 1950’s in New Orleans. It shows how the American society travels and the slight division of the whites and the blacks. As you can see, the white people are sat at the front and the black people are sat at the back, at this point in time the blacks did not have as equal rights as they do today so this documents the slow changes that have happened throughout history.

Racial segregation is shown in Frank’s photograph. There appears to be a social hierarchy from left to right. The white frames in the image segregate old people, white people, children and black people. On the left of the image you can see a white man partially hidden by a window; his separation and cover from the photograph represents how the whites were protected by society but the blacks weren’t.

My Response

My Edits

My Favourite Photo

In this photograph flash was used to emphasise the shadows in the image and to create contrast along with the sun in the background adding exposure to the photo. A short field of depth was used to create a 3D effect and to blur out the background so that the focus was purely on the subject. A shutter speed of 1/200 was used to capture a sharp image as the subject was moving when I captured this photograph of him off-guard. An ISO of 400 was used as there was plenty of light in the area and to produce the minimum amount of noise in the photo.

I reduced the colour in this image to create a slightly washed tone to go with the background. There is not a major tonal range in this image as it only ranges from the black of the subjects jacket to the grey of the background. A rough texture has been created in this image by the worn background. The image has a 3D effect due to the shadows created by the flash and the blurred background. There is no pattern or repetition in this image to reflect that this was not a planned photograph. The subject is placed along the third vertical line of the rule of thirds to create an appealing photograph.

This image was taken in a back alley where the sun was directly in front of the camera and was flooding the camera with light. I used this to my advantage and created a washed tone whilst managing to catch the subject off-guard and not camera ready. This resulted in this image which I like due to the fact it was not staged like it was supposed to be.

For this set of photographs I tried to take inspiration from Vivian Maier and Robert Frank by taking photos of subjects mostly aware that the camera was there. I tried to capture how someone would behave whilst they are trying to pose for a camera and whilst they are not ready for the camera. This photograph shows that I was successful with this.