My 4 Best Images
I chose this image as it includes many features of Formalism such as the texture in the moss (due to the light and shadow from the natural lighting), vibrant colour and repetition of the individual stems of moss. Abstraction is added where the close-up image appears as a forest from high up. Although the image is not symmetrical, it still appears appealing because of its natural appearance.
This image is one of my favourites due to its simple yet powerful appearance. A close-up of the creases in the hand allows for the details of the hand print to be seen. I added contrast to this image to emphasize the shadows from the creases and the red-ish undertones of the hand. I feel the abstraction in this image comes from the idea that it can never be recreated in the same way as every individual has their own hand print.
I took the inspiration for this image directly from the photographer. The image was already pleasing for it showed texture in the rotting tree log, and natural shapes and lines in the tree bark. After applying the black and white filter and changing the contrast, I noticed it could feature into the Ansel Adams Zone System. This combination with the blurred background (giving it a shallow depth of field) made it one of my favourite images.
This image shows obvious abstraction from the distorted use of bright colours. The reflection in the water that goes down the centre of the image stands out and shows line. Texture is added to the image where the colour was over-saturated. This image is also one of my favourites because its unique and something I havent seen before yet still shows the common features of both Formalism and Abstraction.
I paired my images so that one showcased colour and the other was in black and white. Images are connected by texture and shape.

I also compiled three edits of the same image into one sequence.
Well done, this is a successful unit showcasing your creativeness combined with knowledge, understanding and perception too.
However…I think the portrait based experiments could be transferred over to the next unit.
Aim to select more from your contact sheets and present as large scale images.