Homework Week 5

Mark Lovejoy

Mark Lovejoy is a painter and photographer from Texas. Alough from a glance his work looks like photographs of think mixed paint colours,m when we look closer we notice the detail in the images. Io make each image Mark mixes a variety of pigments with oils, resins and drying agents. he then takes multiple images when the paint is wet and dry so they can be manipulated and played with later. The light reflections and textures are retouched by editing which helps the images looks so detailed and created the illusion that they are standing of the page. When the paint has completely dried they no longer retail the same glossy look, this is why his work is thought of more as photography than painting because all that remains is the photograph.

Tamara Lorenz

Tamara Lorenz is a German artist and photographer who creates various abstract constructions using different materials. a common theme running through her work is large areas of plane colour which contrast with the colours of the. the texture provided by the edges  and shadows of the shapes makes the images look more 3D and ads depth. The photographs creates a type of illusion that becomes more complex the more you look at it.

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