Tanja Deman and Jonny Briggs at CCA gallery

On Wednesday the 19th of September we visited the CCA gallery in St Helier to see some work by photographers Tanja Deman and Jonny Briggs.

Jonny Briggs


"In search of lost parts of my childhood I try to think outside the reality I was socialised into and create new ones with my parents and self." Jonny talked us through each of his pieces, the impression that his work gives is that he is trying to question what we actually know and is trying to question perception often politically/war related. Here are a few examples of his work.

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Tanja Deman


Tanja Deman's art is inspired by her interest in the perception of space and her relationship to nature. Here are a few examples of her work.

Image result for tanja deman photographerImage result for tanja deman photographer

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