
What is Typology?

The term typology refers to the study of different types. Typology can be used across all industries and disciplines including theology, anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, psychology, politics, education, medicine, farming and more.

Throughout the modern era, photography has been enlisted to classify the world and its people. Driven by a belief in the scientific objectivity of photographic evidence, the logics utilized to classify photographs-in groups and categories or sequences of identically organized images-also shape our visual consciousness. In the twenty-first-century, new digital technologies and globalization have radically transformed the applications of photography, making the reconsideration of photographic information systems ever more urgent.

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One thought on “Typology”

  1. Excellent start to the course with a range of interesting, informative and visually stimulating blog posts. Now aim to analyse and interpret each photo assignment and develop your artist case studies in order to make final selections over the next few weeks. Well done!

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