what is exposure

Achieving the correct exposure is based upon that of the rate o flight is uncontrollable, three factors remain under your control:

1)the cameras(lens) width, 2)the duration you leave it in then(exposed to light),3)and the quantity of light you want to collect.

It is a necessity to make sure you collect the correct amount of light not underexposed but not overexposed levels. This is highly important due to the many different availabilities of width, time and quantity of light you wish to achieve.

For example,less amount go time in the light can work if you’re camera lens expands and is very wide.Alternatively for the same duration with a narrow lens can be used but you Will achieve less light.


exposure triangle

Each setting controls exposure differently:

Aperture: controls the area over which light can enter your camera
Shutter speed: controls the duration of the exposure
ISO speed: controls the sensitivity of your camera’s sensor to a given amount of light

although one section is able to use as many different combinations to achieve s certain style and technique. The key, however, is knowing which trade-offs to make, since each setting also influences other image properties.

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