The colour white reflects any other coloured light that is shone at it, for example if we shine a yellow light at a piece of white paper the paper will appear yellow. In different conditions light can appear more cool in a shady area or warm toned in direct sunlight. Unlike our eyes a camera can only record the wavelengths hitting its sensor, this means something that seems white to us may not appear the same colour in a picture. we can change this using the pre set white balance settings or using the kelvin scale which allows us to change the as much as we want. I took six photographs of the same thing and changed the white balance each time to show how it changes the colours in the image.
Daily Archives: September 12, 2017
The uses of contact sheets
A contact sheet is a sheet that contains all the photos from a shoot in a grid format, this is used so that we can easily see which images are in in focus and have a good composition, etc. This makes it easier to pick out which are our best images. There are a few ways to make contact sheets, but when dealing with a large number of photos one of the best methods is to use Photoshop. By doing this it makes it easier to select which images are the best to then go on and edit.
Contact Sheets
what is a contact sheet? A contact sheet is a piece of photographic paper on to which several or all of the negatives on a film have been contact-printed and sometimes from a film positive,or in the Morden day it is a way to represent and present all your work and development of visual inspiration to how you have found your final piece.Furthermore negatives are developed In a darkroom and exposed and developed piece of photographic film is placed on the emulsion side down, in contact with a piece of photographic paper, light is briefly shone through the negative and then the paper is developed to reveal the final print. This can clearly been seen here:The defining characteristic of a contact print is that the resulting print is the same size as the original, rather than having been projected through an enlarger.A contact sheet is not to differ your image or create an illusion of the image,but display and emphasis the original images and similar.You are usually able to see a distinct choice in the paper within circles and marks of significance. Highly respected and influential photographers are called magnum photographers who produce beautiful contact sheets. Magnum Contact Sheets reveals how Magnum photographers have captured and edited their best shots from the 1930s to the present. The contact sheet, a direct print of a roll or sequence of negatives, is the photographer's first look and understanding around the scenario at what he or she has captured on film, and provides a uniquely intimate glimpse into their working process.It is more detailed and emphasise journalism within the development of a shoot and a conservation of the persons emotive reflection. It records each step on the route to arriving at an imageproviding a rare behind-the-scenes sense of walking alongside the photographer and seeing through their eyes.
Contact sheets are part of the "decisive moment”it captures a specific moment within their shutter and then furthers to the oversize best capture and desire within their possible one in a million photo.
White Balance
What is White Balance?
The white balance setting you choose will change the colour balance in the pictures you take. Changing the setting will make it warmer or cooler depending on the lighting you are taking pictures in.
When do we need to adjust White Balance?
You need to adjust the white balance when you are in the wrong lighting. For example if you are in a shaded area you will change the white balance setting to the shaded setting which will increase the warmth of the photo. You will then have to change the white balance setting if you are outside on a bright day to the direct sunlight setting which will capture the colours in the picture with a blue tone.
My attempt at using white balance
Looking at white balance
White balance is when you change the settings on your camera make an object that appears white in real life to also appear white on camera depending in the lighting of your setting. White balance can be used under all different lightnings when things don't appear as they do in real life, for example in fluorescent, incandescent or shaded light. White balance can also be used as an artistic effect to change the colours of objects, for example a white piece of paper can be turned blue or yellow.
White Balance:shoot
For this shoot I wanted to develop how the lighting differentiates due to the setting on a camera and changing the expose due to the light itself . So in turn changes the colour of tone between all the images.With my images I wanted to capture a light reflection and shadow coming in from a skylight, this form a large contrasting of shades as well as a reflection creating an effective piece.It also emphasis the amount of light and how each segment of light is reflected within each white balance setting .White balance is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so that objects which appear white in person are rendered white in your photo. Efficient cameras use white balance to take into account the “colour temperature” of a light source, which refers to the relative warmth or coolness of white light, such as seen below.
Secondly I then transported my images and edited them into a contact sheet in order to develop the more visual appealing layout also displaying the image effectively. Furthermore I save this as a Jpeg and made it into the best quality and displayed this work in the best manner suited.Lastly below you can clearly see the ways in witch to tell what setting to get the best photo from your lighting, wether its artificial or natural.
White Balance Contact Sheet
Contact Sheets
- A contact sheet is a piece of photographic paper on to which several or all of the negatives on a film have been contact-printed.
- We use contact sheets to view multiple photos at once and later use it to narrow down the images to find the ones that will be used.
- We make contact sheets by:
- Uploading the images to bridge where they can then be transferred to photoshop to be arranged into orderly rows.
- The file containing all the images can then be saved as a JPEG file and be uploaded here on the blog.
White Balance
- White balance is the process that takes place in cameras in which unrealistic colour casts are removed, so objects that appear white in real life are rendered white in the photo.
- When using white balance, cameras have to take into account the ‘colour temperature’ of the light source, so white balance is needed when the light source is warm or cold.
- White balance can be controlled using either the kelvin scale or using preset options. On the kelvin scale, lower results in a colder colour and higher results in a warmer colour as shown below.
Contact Sheets and White Balance
- A Contact Sheet are the image that have been taken during a shoot aligned together so the progression of the shoot can be seen quickly.
- A Contact Sheet is a way of seeing a thumbnail of a large amount of images from a shoot at a glance and being able to make a quick selection of ones which are the best without having to look at one image at a time.
- Contact Sheets are made when the SD card is put into the editing software and the images are saved, then brought over into Photoshop to then be edited.
- White Balance is the ‘Colour Temperature’ of the image which effects the overall colour of the image, some of the settings give off a different colour.
- You need to adjust the white balance during the photo shoot, as it can effect the overall look of the image, it can also effect what way that the photographer is taking the images.
- The image which are above that I have taken show the colour range and how drastically the image can be effected of the colour balance is wrong for the certain type environment of the shoot/ image.
White Balance And Contact Sheets
Contact Sheets Beneath is what is called a contact sheet, in which we can use to present multiple pictures taken in a shoot to easily pick, or present our favorite photos taken. How to make a contact sheet Upload images onto Bridge. Select the images wanted using Ctrl Right Click. Locate the tool drop down box at the top of the screen, and select Photoshop and Contact Sheet II. From there you can customize the presentation of the contact sheet, (How many column/rows) and click OK to confirm your decision.
White Balance White balance is the process of removing what we perceive as 'white', and what is rendered white onto our cameras, into the photo taken (as seen above). We may need to adjust white balance when wanting to take a picture of scenery that we wish to have a warm glow to, or maybe use it to emphasize the blue of ice within it. The white balance button can be located above the navigation buttons on the camera, from which multiple options can be chosen.
white balance
This is a contact sheet, it's used to present multiple photos at once to select and refine the best photosThis contact sheet shows the different white balance settings. White balance changes the colour balance in a photograph - so white objects appear white If lighting and colour is too warm a cooler filter can be used to balance the white - etc There is not a lot of white in these photographs to properly demonstrate the use of white balance making a contact sheet: open bridge and select your chosen photos select tools; Photoshop; contact sheet once Photoshop is opened select the amount of columns and rows