After going through the exam paper and gaining understanding of what variation and similarities can mean i have generated a few ideas i could pursue to show ‘variation and similarities’.
Front doors – Front doors are the entrance to peoples homes which would explain a lot about the house and the type of person who lives in the house.
Bag belongings – The belongings of peoples bags will show what they carry around, without knowing a person a lot can be told about the kind of person they are.
Car boot sale – A car boot sale is a large collection of peoples belongings, by visiting one you can photograph each stall which can tell you about a person through the belongings they have brought to sell
Wardrobes – A wardrobe holds peoples cloths and other belongings, which can be used to tell what kind of person they are, as people are judged by their appearance often.
Key sets- Key sets hold keys and key rings that people have collected, and use. They show what kind of person they are as the have many different keys to doors and key rings, which can tell a story about a person as they are always with them.
The title for our exam is ‘variation and similarity’. In this blog post I will be exploring and breaking down the title, to discover what it will mean and how I can explore different ideas for this project.
In my point of view the word variation means the slight changes and differences between things. Variation as defined by the dictionary is ‘a change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level, typically within certain limits’. The word variation comes form the Latin wordvariātiōn which stemmed from the word variātiō.
Some synonyms of this word are:
In my point of view the word similarity means something to be like something else, or the same with a few ‘differences’. Similarity is actually defined as ‘the state or fact of being similar’ and ‘a similar feature or aspect’. This word comes from the old French similaire which comes from theLatin similis.
Some synonyms of this word are:
Binary opposites
Variation and similarities is an example of binary opposites. Other examples of binary opposites are:
My initial thoughts for variation and similarity are in relation to the everyday mundane activities such as travel. For example a set of images of people traveling to work, by bus, car, walking, cycling and then another set of images of people traveling home after work, by bus, car walking, cycling. Or perhaps to use these forms of travel as a way to observe people, something that I have done for many years is getting the bus, for around 6 years the bus was my main mode of transport, using it to travel to and from school everyday and then to go out on the weekends with my friends and then later on as my transport to work on the weekends. Throughout these years I began to have an interest in observing the world outside and on the bus from a sort of distance, there is many things that you notice and observe whilst travelling on the bus without being noticed, in a way the bus can make you invisible. With there being 24 bus routes that cover the island my idea is to take as many possible routes on the bus for example 10 routes that go in different directions which would cover the majority of the island linking to the title similarity, and to include the title variation into the images my idea was to to pick 4 different times of the day for example 7:00, 11:00, 16:00 and 20:00 to get a variation of atmosphere with lighting and hopefully a variation of the activities that are going on outside the bus.
Everyday: I will record an activity or routine that I do/ repeat on a daily basis to help me develop and broaden my thinking when approaching this exam title of variation and similarity. I want to use video so I can explore motion and a different forms of media, I will also film using my mobile phone, this will allow me to film on the go and will not limit when I can capture the content. When thinking about an activity I do on a daily basis I though of walking, this could open up a large variety of imagery due to the variety of places I would walk in a day whether that is around the house, to the shops or on the beach. I though the perspective of looking down at the ground would be interesting because it would limit what you see in the frame, the view can not see where I am walking only the ground under my feet which has to make them think more and imagine the rest of the scene. this concept also reminded me of the Forrest Gump running scene where the character famously goes on a continuously runs through through different settings. In the scene we see Forest from various angles some of the camera moving with him, others from a distance, for the film this give the audience a broader idea of what is going on around him however I want to to the opposite and limit what they can see. I will film it from a 1st person perspective as if it is what I can see and I hope to line up the steps I take in each clip so they flow from one to the other.
6. Evaluate your process, and critique your outcomes
Photographs that I directly worked from:
Bernd and Hilla Becher
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Inspired by Bernd and Hilla BecherInspired by Bernd and Hilla Becher and Hiroshi Sugimoto
Evaluation: I feel that the photographs I have taken and the way I have edited them resemble the artists that I was inspired by and it is clear that I have taken inspiration from them, I feel like this shoot was successful because of the fact that my photographs are clear and executed what i planned in the plan and specification that I previously made.
Inspired by Hiroshi Sugimoto, the Bechers’ and typologies, for this shoot I plan to take simple seascapes, similar to Hiroshi Sugimoto and to incorporate the idea of typologies, I plan on taking the same/similar photographs of seascapes in multiply locations, also like the Bechers’, I will present my photographs clearly and in black and white, comparing and contrasting all the different locations when presenting the final images, presented like Bernd and Hiller Bechers’ photographs.
Bernd and Hiller Becher
Typology: A classification according to general type, especially in archaeology, psychology, or the social sciences. Study or analysis using a classification according to a general type.
Hiroshi Sugimoto
The Dusseldorf School of Photography refers to a group of photographers who studied at the Kunstakademie Dusseldorf in the mid 1970’s under the influential photographers Bernd and Hiller Becher.
Tyhe Reading is a professional photographer and graphic designer located in Melbourne, Victoria. With a focus on sustainability, Tyhe captures his subjects in a way that is truly representative of the experience. He first started taking images at aged 14 but really found his passion for the subject and deiced to peruse it as a full-time career when he was 17. His photography works stems from his childhood of growing up on the Coast, admiring the natural environment in ways that had to be captured with a camera. This crosses over into his design work as he tries to incorporate his love for the natural environment and geometric structures into his designs.
This image was taken during golden hour using natural lighting to capture the image. You can tell this because the light that is being reflected of the sea and the mist in the background of the image had a golden tint to it which would only happen during golden hour which is either sunset or sunrise. The shutter speed would have been around 1/40 1/100 to make sure that the waves are in focus and sharp. The main focus of the image is the triangle in the center which has then been cut up using different parts of the image to create a geometric effect. There isn’t much texture in this image as the waves in the foreground are very smooth and sleek, however a bit of texture can bee seen in the background of the image with the rocks but mainly only the silhouette can be seen. Overall the image is very light the only dark tones in the the high raise of the wave and the outline of the rocks in the background
Video art is an art form that relies on using visual technology as a way of creating a visual and/or audio medium. Video art emerged during the late 1960s as new consumer video technology such as tape recorders became available outside corporate broadcasting. Video art can take many forms: recordings that are broadcast; installations viewed in galleries or museums; works streamed online, distributed as video tapes, or DVDs.
Nam June Paik, a Korean-American artist who studied in Germany, is widely regarded as a pioneer in video art. Video art is often said to have begun when Paik used his new Sony Portapak to shoot footage of Pope Paul VI’s procession through New York City in the autumn of 1965 Later that same day, across town in a Greenwhich Village cafe, Paik played the tapes and video art was born.
Andy Warhol worked across a wide range of media—painting, photography, drawing, and sculpture. In addition, he was a highly prolific filmmaker. Between 1963 and 1968, he made more than 650 films. His style of films included hundreds of silent Screen Tests, or portrait films, and dozens of full-length movies, in styles ranging from minimalist avant-garde to commercial “sexploitation.” The films Warhol made in the are among the most significant works in the career of this prolific and mercurial American artist. Warhol’s films have been highly regarded for their radical explorations beyond the frontiers of conventional cinema. In the early 1970s, most of the films directed by Warhol were pulled out of circulation by Warhol and the people around him who ran his business. After Warhol’s death, the films were slowly restored by the Whitney Museum and are occasionally projected at museums and film festivals. Few of the Warhol-directed films are available on video or DVD.
Task – Record an activity or routine that you do/ repeat on a daily basis, e.g. brushing teeth, putting on clothes, applying make-up, comb your hair, eating, feeding your dog, walk to school/work, sleeping, scree time on social media, talking, selfies
My plan – Using a Go-Pro I will capture myself getting toast for breakfast; the process of walking up to the toaster, getting the toast out, cooking it, buttering it and then eating it. A simple task which i do everyday and usually don’t think twice about.
Similarity– The state or fact of being similar/ A similar feature or aspect.
Variation– A change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level, typically within certain limits/ A different or distinct form or version of something.