How well have ideas developed?
originally i was interested mass density areas and buildings. I wanted to explore the life within a city. whilst looking at Siegfried Hansen I became inspired by colour. From here my idea developed into exploring colours shapes and tones. I am happy with the current status of my project and would like to develop my images further through editing and displaying them in a colourful way.
Are ideas explored and selective appropriate to intentions?
I explored and researched each of my initial ideas until i narrowed it down to my current idea. Through careful selection i chose the theme i felt was most suitable for my project ‘variation and similarity’
How many responses/ shoots?
Overall i made 4 shoots in total, all of which i believe to be strong shoots that gave a direct response to my artist references.
How do they relate to artists references?
My images show inspiration from my three artist references as they are all linked in my project through minor and major details varying from image to image. They all relate due to composition, colour, use of shape and patterns.
How do the interpret exam theme?
They interpret the exam theme as It shows the variation of colours we have available to use and explore on this planet. I also explored shapes and size to give the images a bigger illusion and give them depth.