Her work combines factors of identity, race, culture, history and memory. I think it is evident throughout all of these artists work, there is a defined clarity to their relation to that of similarity and variation. However it is divided into the narratives of peoples, places and an emotional responses to the title. I started off with looking at ‘Simpson’ She uses her work in order to repeat an understanding of peoples lack of attention, and their uncomfortablity within learning and seeing new aspects of people. She claims to create a dynamic which makes people uncomfortable, as it is within the open relationships of artworks and viewers, that they grow and become more susceptible to understanding a narrative, and learning from the piece of art themselves. I Believe her work is work which becomes more interesting once you know and have learnt the understanding to why she has done what she has done. To my mind, her work is slightly repetitive with a lack of change, I would rather she expresses a narrative thought ,rather than a repeated image, however, this was her aim when creating this art form. Her work not only has her own influence of her black identity, and narrative of peoples lack of attention. But it too links to connections of fine art being multitude of creative mannerism, clearly influencing her work.