Evaluation – Photobook

To introduce my book I wanted to make it clear to the audience this sense of lifestyle which is the ongoing theme within my book. This set of images on the opening page show these ideas of variation through the outfits worn to the locations being visited by these individuals. Another main focus within my book was to highlight the lifestyles seen throughout and to focus on the individuals through the skateboarding lifestyle but within the sport itself. Throughout the book I used multiple different layouts as I believe it created a strong variation throughout which has kept the book Interesting and consistent. Furthermore, Within the book I focused heavily on documentary photography as I found the photographers I looked at, their work fell heavily into the documentary style which I believed would create an interesting concept throughout. In addition, these photos were taken on film in both black and white and colour and are pretty much untouched when being edited. I wanted my book to have a raw feeling to it as I found that these photos told the story of each individual without having been altered or manipulated in anyway. I believe by having done this it has created a documentary style theme throughout the book emphasising each individual image. The name of the book comes from a very well known film which I thought would be an interesting title for this book as I was focusing on the lifestyle of these boys. The actual meaning of choose life was to promote an anti drug movement, within this lifestyle drugs play a large part within these subjects lives. By having choose life as the title of this book I believe it represents this lifestyle as a whole ranging from the highs and the lows. To finish the book I implemented the image of the two boys turned away from the camera, I used this image in particular to close the book as I believe it has connotations of them turning away from all the problems and accidents that this lifestyle has had within their lives and allowing for them to focus and enjoy on the positives that this lifestyle holds.

Choose Life

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