Reviewing and Reflecting

How well have ideas developed? – I feel as if my work has developed into a sustainable idea that is consistent with its approach and has a clear focus. The focus within my work is the lifestyle of a skateboard/ s and the reality of something they do everyday. I wanted to capture the things that aren’t always seen and to focus more on them rather than the sport itself.

How many responses/ shoots? –
I have completed 5 photographic responses to my ideas associated around skateboarding lifestyle. The first shoot consisted heavily of the sport and movement however, when progressing through I found focusing on the skateboarders themselves I was able to capture more interesting photographs. the second and third shoot where heavily focused on lifestyle not so much on the skateboarding. I found by having variation between my shoots would allow for me to have stronger outcomes and a larger variety of ideas and also images. The fourth and fifth shoot I decided to heavily focus on the skateboarders lifestyle as I found I wanted to combine the sport and the lifestyle together as I wanted to create strong documentary style images which I wanted to conclude this project on. I used film for both these shoots as I believe it would create that more raw feeling to each image which I found when working with the developed images I was able to really show that.

Command of camera skills/ photographic techniques and processes –
I have clearly demonstrated my use of camera skills and my ability to adapt the settings to meet the particular requirements of the location and lighting. I also experiment with different cameras using both film and digital throughout. When focusing on the skateboard I was able to focus on the right setting as I wanted to capture the skateboarders movement in the best quality when moving quickly.

Understanding of composition/ considering quality of light. What are the overall quality of the images?
– I think my images are strong in the way they have been composed and framed. With the absence of any digital manipulation. I have strongly captured my ideas within my photographs and have clearly displayed them within my final pieces. I have made sure that my images are aesthetically pleasing and draw the viewer in. I feel as if there are potential areas for improvement to get a little more creative with my images however I believe that the overall outcomes of my images are strong and are to the best quality.

How do they respond to research and artists references?
 – My photographic images were inspired and therefore respond to the research I have completed on Larry Clark, Craig Stecyk and Theo Gosselin. I feel I have clearly responded to the artists I have studied however I have also put my own twist to each and every image by integrating skills I have previously learnt. I believe that this has resulted in stronger outcomes as I have gained inspiration from strong artists however with my own skills incorporated with it.

How do they interpret exam theme? –
The variation of people I focused on within my 5 shoots all from different backgrounds and classes has allowed me to capture different lifestyles however, the similarity being that they are all part of that same community with that hobby. These people I have focused on would probably not have associated with one another however, this lifestyle has bought this variation of people together. This shows that there are a variation of people within this community and lifestyle however, they all have that one similarity due to the fact that they are all interested in the same thing being skateboarding.

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