Over the course of the ‘variation and similarity’ I have taken inspiration from many different photographers and sources which I think has helped me to produce one of my best works. At first I was looking looking a variety in weather locations and different times of the day. However I didn’t feel as if the topic was push my photographic ability enough. So I felt my choosing a topic that delved into the realms of the sublime was the right choice for my final project as this was a project that I had never looked at before.

Looking back at my project I feel I have presented an interesting alternative insight of the elements/ nature. And how well they work with one another and the sublime beauty of them which would would miss if we didn’t take the time to stop and really look at what is in front of us. But I also feel that this book represents a sense of a journey and a sense of growth, I feel that all of the images are small passing events that one moment are there and the next are not which conveys a sense of movement, which I reflects the work of Rinko who I have been looking at for most of the project.

To conclude I think that my project reflects the topic of ‘variation and similarity’ as I have taken abstract stance of photographing the the elements and presented everyday landscapes in a way that conveys a sense of beauty and life and is a variation of the way that we normally look at the elements. And I have been able to find a similar link between the four elements and convey a sense of unity.

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I have decided to present these images separately from the the others as I think that they work well best together as a three rather than be placed with the others, this is because these images are very different from the others and visually don’t work that well together.
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In this final display of my project I have chosen three water images, three earth images and two fire images and visually I thought that they worked well and connected together. I wanted this to be the main product of the project as well as the book. I feel as if the book is more of an in-depth view to the elements, where as this poster of the images is a summary and the smoke images are supporting the project. Looking at the images now I see that subconsciously I have picked the image that feature the colour blue very predominantly. I feel that the images work well as a group together due to the cool contrasting tones of the blue which flows throughout all of the image and in a sense connects them all together. All of them are different shapes and textures that work well juxtaposing each other are as well as complementing the other. I printed off the images at a range of different sizes as I thought that it would bring attention to the images which I wanted the onlooker to look at first and then they would get closer and see the small details in the images. In the central and smallest images, there is a bee pollinating a flower, I wanted this to be the center of all of the images, as I feel as if animals are the 5th element of the planet and I felt that it was a nice way to bring the project together

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