Using custom “wet ink” paintbrushes that I found online, I created Rorschach Ink Blots. I changed the colour of the background to beige (R:245, G:245, B:220) to resemble that of the original prints. I painted in symmetry mode so that the shapes were the same on both sides.
These are the brushes I used: 1 & 2
Inkblot 1 Inkblot 2 Inkblot 3 Inkblot 4 Inkblot 5 Inkblot 6 Inkblot 7 Inkblot 8 Inkblot 9 Inkblot 10 Inkblot 11 Inkblot 12
After completing the 12 ink blots, I asked a selection of people to respond to what they perceive the shapes as. I received a variety of responses as different people have interpretations, however there was also some common responses.
Popular Responses:
Inkblot 1: Skull, Uterus, Bull, Elephant, Two people looking at each other
Inkblot 2: Clown, Carrot
Inkblot 3: Two people holding two babies
Inkblot 4: Spider, Two cupid angels, Two shaggy dogs
Inkblot 5: Frog under a rainbow, Lake with arch, Angry dog
Inkblot 6: Dog, Gorilla, Tarantula, Muscular person
Inkblot 7: Two women back to back
Inkblot 8: Moth, Diseased lungs
Inkblot 9: Two rabbits
Inkblot 10: Skull, Shouting man, Beetle, Bird, Frog
Inkblot 11: Two people kissing, face, Two statues, Gloves, Two Japanese women
Inkblot 12: Butterfly, Heart