I conducted this photo shoot using an easel and the same white square mirror I had previously used. The shoot was conducted to further develop the idea of using the mirror as a tool to tell a story like GUILLAUME AMAT.
The use of an easel is to draw attention away from the object holding the mirror as it is irrelevant in the meaning of the image. In my previous set of images I used a model to hold up the mirror which could be interpreted in a way that means they are hiding behind the mirror perhaps to hind their identity or they are scared of the environment around them. The easel is simply an inanimate object will no added value in this context. Although as easel’s are normally used to hold art while the artist is painting, the use of the easel could be interpreted as the mirror is reflecting art or the most important part of the image.
I conducted this shoot around the cliff paths of Jersey which have been scarred by the war.
I am pleased with the success of this shoot as it looks professional as I have captured the the easel in a similar place in each image. I am going to edit the images to improve this.