After reviewing all of the best image that I had taken over the course of this project I realised that I needed more for the element of Fire. I gean to think about that different ways in which you are able to photograph fire so the image don’t become repetitive. So I had the idea of photographing the sun as this is the biggest source of fire know to man. For this shoot I wanted to photograph the sun it creates the most interesting light which is at sunrise and sunset, as I have already done many shoots focusing on the sunset I decided to photograph the sunrise to see if the light produced was any different to that at sunset. For this this shoot I woke up at 4:45 and drove to st Catharines break water for 5;15as the sun was supposed to rise at 5:30 an I wanted to photograph the change in the light. Overall I think that this shoot went very well, I did get some image that are similar to others that I have taken, but in the images the light is very unique and different from any other image that I have taken.