Further Photo-montages

Since reflecting on my initial work, I have continued with the photo-montage process whilst gathering further visual material and taking more photographs to use. I believe that following a similar process to that in my two editing process posts has helped me to consistently produce successful outcomes which I am very satisfied with. This post is simply a display of the work I have produced since reflecting, I will go on to describe and explain my outcomes in further posts where I begin to select those which are most successful. So here just some of the outcomes which I have since made…

Keld Helmer-Petersen: 122 colour photographs

Keld Helmer-Petersen’s 1948 publication of 122 Colour Photographs stands as an extraordinary accomplishment. Inspired by the realism of the Neue Sachlichkeit movement, Helmer-Petersen concentrated on the mundane and the everyday, creating geometric abstractions out of curved doorknobs, crates of tomatoes,

Book in hand: how does it feel? Smell, sniff the paper.

Paper and ink:

The front cover has a hardcover with dust jacket in a publisher cardboard slipcase.

Format, size and orientation: portraiture/ landscape/ square/ A5, A4, A3 / number of pages.

Design and layout: image size on pages/ single page, double-spread/ images/ grid, fold- outs/ inserts.

Rhythm and sequencing: flow of images/ juxtaposition of photographs/ editing process.

Structure and architecture: how design/ repeating motifs/ or specific features develops a concept or construct a narrative.

Narrative: what is the story/ subject-matter

Title: literal or poetic / relevant or intriguing.

Images and text: are they linked/ introduction/ essay/ statement by artists/ use of captions (if any.)

Consumerism Shoot- Contact Sheets

For this Shoot I set up a booth to photograph these object using a large white sheet to reflect the sunlight and so the background would be clean. Unfortunately this cast heavy shadows but they were easily removed when editing in photoshop to clean the background.

The Screenshots bellow show my selection process that I have done reducing the images to the most successful ones which have a white flag and the ones that didn’t work as well with a black crossed flag. The Images in green are the images that I selected as they worked best and edited them.