For my first shoot I decided to take a double decker bus on the route that goes to the airport and back into town, my idea was that with a double decker I could manage to get some perspectives of things that you can’t get on a normal bus, the height that you are sat on the double decker creates a perspective that you are an onlooker sort of spying on the people around you, rather than a member of the crowd. Below are 20 of what I think are my most successful images from the shoot unedited. On the day that I did this shoot it was raining and therefor it was difficult to achieve a completely clear image out of the bus window, but I do like the effect that the blurry windows and water droplets give to some of the images. For my next shoot though I will try and take into consideration the weather conditions when I do the shoot so that I can get a variety of images with different lighting to create different atmospheres.