‘Japonais Endormis’ (‘Japanese Asleep’)
JAPAN. Tokyo. Commuter. 1998. JAPAN. Tokyo. Commuter. 1998.
Martin Parr traveled to the Tokyo subway photographing sleeping commuters, many of whom travel for hours every day. Photographed from above, the 24 colour images give the impression that one is standing on a busy commuter train looking down at those lucky enough to get a seat. I have chosen to research this photographer and this particular project of his because it relates well to both my own project idea and the exam title variation and similarity. With my idea to create images using buses as my transportation and location this project gave me some inspiration to think about different ways that i could include variation and similarity within my idea of taking photos from the bus, with this in mind I got the idea to get the variation in my project from photographing a variety of bus routes in different ares, and also at different times of the day, creating the similarity within the photos by always taking the photos from a bus, just like Martin Parr created all these photos on the subway. Whilst looking at Martin Parr’s work I also came across another of his projects which linked well to my project, ‘The Last Resort’, a series of images created between 1983 and 1985 at the seaside in New Brighton.
GB. England. New Brighton. From ‘The Last Resort’. 1983-85. GB. England. New Brighton. From ‘The Last Resort’. 1983-85.
You must improve all your artists references in terms of written elements such as analysis and contextual references. Assessment of your current blog posts is level 1 / limited equal to an E-grade!
You must follow these steps below.
You need to improve the way you do an artists references. Follow these steps
– Produce a mood board with a selection of images.
– Provide analysis of their work and explain why you have chosen them and how it relates to your idea and the exam themes of VARIATION and/or SIMILARITY.
– Select at least 2 key images and analyse in depth, TECHNICAL (lighting, camera), VISUAL (composition, visual elements) (interpretation, subject-matter, what is the photographer trying to communicate), CONTEXTUAL (art historical, political, social, personal), CONCEPTUAL (ideas, meaning, theory of art/ photography/ visual culture, link to other’s work/ideas/concept)
– Incorporate quotes and comments from artist themselves or others (art critics, art historians, curators, writers, journalists etc) using a variety of sources such as Youtube, online articles, reviews, text, books etc.
– Make sure you reference sources and embed links to the above sources in your blog post
– Plan at least 2-3 shoots as a response to the above where you explore your ideas in-depth.
– Edit shoots and show experimentation with different adjustments/ techniques/ processes in Lightroom/ Photoshop
– Reflect and evaluate each shoot afterwards with thoughts on how to refine and modify your ideas i.e. experiment with images in Lightroom/Photoshop, re-visit idea, produce a new shoot, what are you going to do differently next time? How are you going to develop your ideas?
With Martin Parr also look at some of his other work eg. The Last Resort which about seaside Britain. Compare his work to yours.
Maybe use this photobook as research and inspiration for yours
Read other articles on this body of work and reference
Here is a brilliant review of Martin Parr and Tom Wood – use this!
Also do another blog post on Seaside: Photographed exhibition at Turner Contemporary. Write a review