Historical references of black and white photography

Black and white images are authentic, they help us trace mans history step by step to his modern state. Its classical feel holds its true beauty. The first camera photography were invented in the 1820s, before that time, people relied heavily on traditional media for capturing images, for example, paintings, sketches, and drawings. However, when it emerged, it seemed to vividly capture more information or detail about an object than the traditional media.The first successful black and white image was taken by Joseph Nicephore Niepce a French developer. However, it got destroyed as the attempted to make copies of it. He was again successful in 1825, where he managed to produce a black and white image of a window

Printing is an ancient art, and colour printing has been possible in some ways from the time coloured inks were produced. In the modern era, for financial and other practical reasons, black-and-white printing has been very common through the 20th century. However, with the technology of the 21st century, home colour printers, which can produce colour photographs, are common and relatively inexpensive, a technology relatively unimaginable in the mid-20th century.Most American newspapers were black-and-white until the early 1980’s remained in black-and-white until the 1990s. Some claim that USA Today was the major impetus for the change to colour. In the UK, colour was only slowly introduced from the mid-1980s. Even today, many newspapers restrict colour photographs to the front and other prominent pages since mass-producing photographs in black-and-white is considerably less expensive than colour.

image analysis: I chose this image fo a multitude of reasons, both the composition is of a structured straight build, however, the angle of the lens creates a circular notion of growth and furthers the ideologies of a growing stark area of space. Although you are able to see the detail within the lines and the sense of narratology within the structuralism. despite there not being a choice within the fact of using colour of using black and white, It is clear this image is the most effective within the black and white tonal colours.

Black-and-white images are not usually starkly contrasted black and white. They combine black and white in a continuum producing a range of shades of gray. Further, many monochrome prints in still photography, especially those produced earlier in its development, were in sepia (mainly for archival stability), which yielded richer, subtler shading than reproductions in plain black-and-white. Despite colour being the primary conversion of photos, black-and-white photography has continued to be a popular medium for art photography, as shown in the picture by the well-known photographer Ansel Adams. This can take the form of black-and-white film or digital conversion to grayscale, with optional digital image editing manipulation to enhance the results. For amateur use certain companies such as Kodak manufactured black-and-white disposable cameras until 2009. Also, certain films are produced today which give black-and-white images using the ubiquitous C41 colour process. Colour can be a distraction; it can be dull and lifeless. One of the tasks of photographers is to simplify an image, distilling a scene down to its essence. Sometimes, that essence is colourless. Ansel Adams, discussing the differences between the two types of photography, said, “I can get a far greater sense of ‘colour’ through a well-planned and executed black and white image than I have ever achieved with colour photography.” When researching black and white photography, it is said to be something more then just a filter, as explained here ‘ There are seven essential elements of top-notch black and white photographs, which you’ll see shortly. First, though, is the most important thing to remember: You need to have a reason for shooting in black and white.Not every subject works well in monochrome. So, always ask yourself: Why are you eliminating colour from a particular photo? What makes it so important to shoot your subject that way?’ After considering this, I wondered what effect my images had upon the effect of the image itself. I decided all of the images I had edited to be in black and white were all for a purpose, and the direct effect of the colours created a more interesting effect to the final image itself, and a successful final composition.

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