Inspired by Michael Marten I have responded to his work by selecting a location and photographing it at low tide and then returned at high tide to take photos in the same position. I feel as if I have displayed a clear understanding of his work through my responses and there is a strong correlation between the images seen above. Without taking Martens image into consideration it appeared we had a similar composition and framing by using the leading line of a man made structure. I like the sense of urban vs rural within this image and the metaphor that the tide could be suggesting that the urban landscape is invading the rural world. There is also an incorporation of the changing light and how it differs at different times of the day. I like how this change in light and tidal movement is directly compared from the same angle at a different time. Usually these changing matters cannot be seen without a photographic/video evidence of it. This stimulates the ideas about what we cannot see in our reality and has these deeper meanings about our perception. This links to the contextual research i have collated about metaphysical and the several theories suggesting whether things exist in our mind or exist independently. I like how within Martens image he has divided the horizon directly through the middle of the image which is similar to Sugimoto’s sea scapes project. I think when I complete my next shoot in this style i will aim to try and take some photos with this incorporation which will link my two artist studies together.