For this shoot I have chosen to photograph rocks and shells as a way to demonstrate ‘variation and similarity’ because there is the opportunity to photograph a wide range of similar objects but at the same time have them differ to each other so much, therefore being a variation of similar objects, objects found on the beach, within nature, rocks and shells. I photographed the same group of rocks and shells on a white backdrop and on a bed of smaller rocks, this also creates variation and also allows me to experiment with what creates a more successful photograph.

Most successful photographs:

I have chosen this as one of the most successful photographs because of the interesting shell, the hole cut through the middle is an eye-catching aspect that makes the photograph less boring, also the contrast of all the smaller rocks against each other and then contrasting against the white shell as well creates a striking effect. I made the large shell the focal point of the photograph by centering it and placing it on top of the other smaller rocks, this also giving it an interesting backdrop. I took this photograph outside in natural lighting.

I consider this one of my more successful photographs and have chosen this photograph because of the sequence that has been created by paring this shell a white backdrop, a sequence/ pattern of white, black, white, black is created going inwards towards the middle of the photograph, I took this photograph in natural lighting at a birds eye angle to create this effect.