Work to do by Mon 18 March

Produce an appropriate number of blog posts with good use of images, hyperlinks and written analysis or evaluation of the following:

1. Photo-Assignment: PLAY
- Historical/ contextual references to Marcel Duchamp, origins of conceptualism, John Baldessari, Tom Pope and others mentioned as artists references and creative starting points

- Responses/ experimentation: Upload images from last Wednesday photo-games with a ball and coin toss and produce a number of photographic experiments eg. grids, diptychs/triptychs, stop animation (GIF), montages etc.

2. SPECIFICATION: Write a specification with 2-3 ideas about what you are planning to do; how, who, when, where and why? Use images to illustrate your ideas

3. RESEARCH AND ANALYSE: ARTISTS REFERENCES Research and analyse the work of at least 2-3 (or more) photographers/ artists. Produce at least 2-3 blog posts for each artist reference that illustrate your thinking and understanding using pictures and annotation and make a photographic response to your research into the work of others

- Produce a mood board with a selection of images.
Provide analysis of their work and explain why you have chosen them and how it relates to your idea and the exam themes of VARIATION and/or SIMILARITY.
- Select at least 2 key images and analyse in depth, TECHNICAL (lighting, camera), VISUAL (composition, visual elements) (interpretation, subject-matter, what is the photographer trying to communicate), CONTEXTUAL (art historical, political, social, personal), CONCEPTUAL (ideas, meaning, theory of art/ photography/ visual culture, link to other’s work/ideas/concept)
- Incorporate quotes and comments from artist themselves or others (art critics, art historians, curators, writers, journalists etc) using a variety of sources such as Youtube, online articles, reviews, text, books etc.
- Make sure you reference sources and embed links to the above sources in your blog post

Plan at least 2-3 shoots as a response to artists references where you explore your ideas in-depth.
- Edit shoots and show experimentation with different adjustments/ techniques/ processes in Lightroom/ Photoshop

5. REVIEW AND REFLECT: Evaluate each shoot afterwards with thoughts on how to refine and modify your ideas i.e.  experiment with images in Lightroom/Photoshop, re-visit idea, produce a new shoot, what are you going to do differently next time? How are you going to develop your ideas? Plan a second or third shoot. Explore different photographic techniques and processes. Research and analyse new artists references/ inspirations etc.

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