Experimenting with GIFs

Whilst in Bristol I saw an opportunity to continue to experimentation with GIF’s, along most streets, outside each house were a collection of recycling boxes. The pavements seemed to be covered in these boxes, presumably because it was collection day however it did ruin the overall look of the area. There were a mix of green and black boxes containing various packagings to be recycled, for example Glass, plastic bottles and cardboard. I decided to take pictures of these boxes from a birds eye angle framing the rectangle shape in the centre. I was interested in the variety of thing in the bins and how they differed from house to house and how they reflected the lifestyle of the people living in each house. I cropped all these photos to the same size and orientation so that they all followed the same shape conventions. I then proceeded to bring them into photoshop and turn them into a GIF, each frame lasting 0.1 of a second. The final GIF flicks through the photos showing the variation and similarity between each recycling bin.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Gbins.gif

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