I’ve decided, moving forward in terms of conceptual ideas and how I can form a successful narrative book from my concept of beauty , I would further research into not just seeing beauty within the world, but the minds philosophy. The way beauty relates to visceral and opulence. It is known for my last project I focused on The sublime, And I believe my knowledge on this topic will too benefit this project. The sublime is something which is beautiful yet also painful, it takes control over any emotion competence to show the powerful emotions someone has within themselves. To be visceral is the relation you yourself have to a deep inward feeling, rather than to just be intelligent. What this means is, being moved by your emotions, in a heartfelt motion, without knowing a reason as to why, with lack of thought involved. Opulence is similar within the fact it is a sense of wealth, greatness and luxuriousness. It gives the of feeling visceral but for the love of richness and Grande. I believe it wold be fascinating If I was to only look at objects and scenarios which I do not known why they are so powerful, but to create a set of images, that combine diamonds and lights in order to recreate these colours of fine art influenced work.
I have spoken previously about combining an emotional response to what I belive is beautiful in my daily life, But perhaps I could not only further this response to what I find visceral, by what items I believe are important to myself in my life, that create opulence for myself. This now is not only a vulnerable exposure of my emotions and my appearance but it is too a look inside as what I value as a person for appearance of myself an others, and material wise. Similarly to the sublime, opulence and visceral are two things which too are very subjective. Because of this there abstract thoughts and personal narrative is very much dependant on my own thinking and resemblance I feel to a object. Not only focusing this project on myself, I could further ask others what they belive is the most beautiful and opulent thing they have ever seen, I could expand on their response by taking a picture of them, and then a side by side comparison of what they believe to be perfection.This not only highlight the subjectivity of our minds, but also the difference of the mind in which people view the world separately. An artist who experimented with this is Sophie Calle – where she makes a portrait of a blind person and ask them to describe beauty. She exhibits the text too and then makes a photograph based on that description. These opposing concept of beauty and imperfections is not only something we see within ourselves, but what others see in themselves too. Not only could this project be about seeing their beauty in the world, an exposure of our own insecurities and emotions, and lastly showing objects which become abstract et beautiful within their luminance. They all have the common denominator of showing how all of these imperfections are still beautiful and part of everyones daily lives.
Once again, this project is dependent on the subjectivity of every piece. The emotion of what someone values or sees as beautiful is very different to that of so one else. The independent initiative, explores ways which different people see love, others and themselves. I believe it would be an interesting experiment to ask others what and who the deem as beautiful, take a portrait of them and display next to them what they value within their life, or even what they value about themselves. Many artists have interpreted hat they fine to be beautiful such as Laura El Tantawy etc. Living on Jersey, An island known for being beautiful through its seascapes and landscapes and artistic fluidity of farms and brightens, many people would say everything over here could be art. I could focus much of my project about peoples favourite placed in jersey, or capturing the natural beauty within jersey. However, I have decided in order to show more abstract themes, I want to use items such as CD’s , discs and mirrors in order to create not only an over-exaggeration of beauty, but also to allow a more abstract colour and luminance to the images. All of these objects when moulded with light create rainbows and more varied coloured explorations, which could be tied to the narrative of finding the beautiful and wonderful within the would. The variation of the capabilities of science and performance. Sir, has also pointed out a past students work who made a fantastic project, focusing on an element called ‘Wabi Sab’ developing films and prints as a response to Kawauchi. This work was a philosophy created to show how simplicity and beauty can be down to the small beauties constantly surrounding us.
I was too shown film in order to show a cinematic experience, it is a film by Terrence Malick: Tree of Life. The film chronicles the origins and meaning of life by way of a middle-aged man’s childhood memories of his family living in 1950s Texas, interspersed with imagery of the origins of the known universe and the inception of life on Earth.As you can see evidently from the trailer linked below, there is such a strong concentration of finding the light and beauty within everyones life, when growing up and the world surrounding themselves. There is a clear fascination with the natural elements of the world used throughout, And I believe My aim for my film should be inspired by this trailer. My film should be a short film where i respond to beauty. Another inspiration could be Rina Abramovich , who creates artistic music and does so in order to form the beautiful.
performance art/ video
I think you should consider also what beauty means to you and maybe also do some peer research and ask friends the same question.
I would also like to research and think about beauty much deeper within philosophy and aesthetic theory. Due to already having an understanding of the Sublime which is a kind of beauty that is also terrifying, it already allows a basis to this project. Beauty within this project is so far about expressing the physicality’s of how everything around all of us is beautiful. Doing so I am capturing everything which is beautiful using different concepts of light and colour. However, I was wondering If it were possible to show the beauty within someone from the outside. I want to try and express and emotional state of happiness and love form the outter side of someone, almost a more direct observational portraiture, to relate to a feeling and not just a being of happiness and beauty. I will start off by doing some market research as what it is considered to make people most happy and what people think is most beautiful about themselves, And ways in which i could evoke these emotions and objects through my own work. I will do so by asking many people where I live and my friends, and possibly too looking into past research across the globe, and if what we see as beautiful is dependent on our culture and how much money and wealth we grew up with. This could also be 5 questions in relation to beauty and happiness. These questions will be, How would you describe beauty? What or who is the most beautiful person of thing you have ever seen? What brings you happiness? Where is the one place across the world that brings you the most joy and why? what are you most grateful for? This is not only an insight to the subjectivity once again of the fine art of beauty, but the imagination of each individual mind.