This shoot was inspired by both Baldessaris video of what is art, and then subsequently a response to throwing and lining up balls in the air. Although I believed I have mimicked the same or similar composition, and a real raw reflection of motion and a sense of reality within the images themselves. I have edited the images above to be in black and white, much like the video itself, I believe this also brings more of a directed narrative to the central character of the girl herself, and her emotional expressions of her own artistic voice. I believe I could further these images of the girl, with small aspects of coloured dots, possibly on her, to enforce more of his more pop culture concerned themes. I wanted too to capture images showing movement of her running, as this shows a more realistic approach of herself. My favourite image is the one on the bottom right, when she is running yet has direct eye contact at her camera, This demonstrates a breaking of the third dimension and relationship to which she is addressing and almost questioning the viewer on her actions.

Analysis: For this shoot it is evident that I was inspired by the artists own work of capturing ‘ a line of three tennis balls’, however, evidently I decided to focus on one larger ball, and have not successfully achieved a line of all three. Although, I belive using just one ball too creates an interesting more centered composition to the piece itself. I could however, edit the image and create an illusion of three balls, despite The fact that I could, I do not think this is the approach Baldessari would use. I believe if I was to repeat the shoot with a larger multitude of time and shots, much like the artists himself, the odds would be much greater.

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