Initial Ideas and Research

Idea 1: I was planning on going on a trip to London and during the time in London i am planning on photographing buildings. Exploring the extreme variation between modern and post modern architecture within the city and how it developed and evolved into the city it is today. In addition, i would like to look into future building plans and compare them to recently finished structures and much older structures. When taking the pictures i will take into consideration, the golden ratio (Fibonacci sequence), geometry, symmetry, opposites, dramatic juxtapositions.

Idea 2: For my second idea I looked at size, shape and colour within the streets and natural landscapes. Colour is everywhere in our lives so i wanted to explore the aesthetic. Colours have been assigned to many different signs and and objects over the years; such as, traffic lights, red means stop and green means go. or the blue flashing lights on emergency vehicles, or uniforms. I want to explore the colours we see everyday, artificial and natural, to compare and contrast between them. I will research the origins of colour photography and how it has progressed with modern technologies.

Idea 3: For my third idea i was planning on focusing on similar shapes and sizes of objects and show the variations between them. For this idea i would explore Standardisation. This is when components of parts and or just about everything. It is when things are made so that they can be assembled easily, used with comfort. They take into consideration human orthographic which is the average human dimensions. This shows how everything we have build is designed around the human body so i thought this would be an interesting concept.

To conclude, the idea i would like to use for my variation and similarity project is idea 2. I feel like this will be the most exciting and interesting idea to go ahead with, this is because alot of photographers use black and white. Why take away the natural colours? I want to go in an opposite direction from black and white into vibrant and saturated images that pop with colour.

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