As I start to develop my ideas for the variation and similarity project I will experiment with some quick ideas that might help give me inspiration or starting points for my own idea. On the theme of repetition I will be researching and creating own GIFs.
A GIF is a file format which supports both still images and animations, it is a condensed file taking up less space than a video but working in a similar way. GIFs have been used for year in advertising but in 2015 Facebook begum to support them on their site and they grew in popularity on social media and creative outlets. They generally show cartoons, graphic designs or stop animations from photographs.

To create my own GIFs I started by choosing a topic or theme, I then took a variety of pictures of the shoes. I made sure to line up each shoe in the centre of the frame to make the GIF as smooth as possible. I then dragged each image into photoshop and onto a timeline where I set the duration to 0.1 seconds so it flicked through the images relatively fast. Using the same background with slightly different subjects it shows the variations and similarities between each photo.