
Everyday: I will record an activity or routine that I do/ repeat on a daily basis to help me develop and broaden my thinking when approaching this exam title of variation and similarity. I want to use video so I can explore motion and a different forms of media, I will also film using my mobile phone, this will allow me to film on the go and will not limit when I can capture the content. When thinking about an activity I do on a daily basis I though of walking, this could open up a large variety of imagery due to the variety of places I would walk in a day whether that is around the house, to the shops or on the beach. I though the perspective of looking down at the ground would be interesting because it would limit what you see in the frame, the view can not see where I am walking  only the ground under my feet which has to make them think more and imagine the rest of the scene. this concept also reminded me of the Forrest Gump running scene where the character famously goes on a continuously runs through through different settings. In the scene we see Forest from various angles some of the camera moving with him, others from a distance, for the film this give the audience a broader idea of what is going on around him however I want to to the opposite and limit what they can see. I will film it from a 1st person perspective as if it is what I can see and I hope to  line up the steps I take in each clip so they flow from one to the other.

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