G I F  E X P E R I M E N T A T I O N

In order to experiment with moving image, a concept I would like to use during my Variation and Similarity project, I have experimented making a gif. A gif is: “a lossless format for image files that supports both animated and static images“. I have taken 5 photos of bottles, as a category of typology. Typologies, which I will furthermore research as a form of ‘similarity’  is the study of types, and a photographic typology is a suite of images or related forms, shot in a consistent, repetitive manner. Using Photoshop, I combined my images together into a timeframe motion, giving the photos movement. I used bottles as a basic experimentation though I will not be focusing on this item throughout my project. Gifs are a unique way of photo presentation, enabling photographs to come to life and show a sense of movement and variety.

  1. Open Adobe Photoshop, go to File> Scripts> Load files into stack
  2. Select images for the gif.
  3. Select Timeline under the Window tab.
  4. Select Create Frame Animation from the drop down in the timeline.
  5. Go to the menu button on the timeline and select Make Frames From Layers.
  6. Edit the image delay time.
  7. To export,  File> Export > Save For Web

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