After creating my questions to ask each of the characters in my project, I sent each of the eight questions through to them digitally on social media either using Messenger or Instagram to message them with the questions outlining my intentions from them and that I would like them to answer as honestly as possible. In each of these blog posts I will post the questions and answers of each model from what they have sent back to me in reply to my message which included the questions. These questions and answers will be presented throughout each segment for each ‘character’ of the story. I am slotting the magazine up into a section for each of them and this text will be dispersed throughout in between the images. My aim from these questions was to find out more about who the model’s fashion is informed and where they taken inspiration for from it, what they would describe their fashion as and why they dress the way they do. It provides more context to the magazine than just visuals.
what would you describe your style of fashion as?
Lucy: comfy, classic and maybe a little random. I love a good jean and top combo. Something that is quite neutral so I can combine a bold lipstick with it. I don’t think I’m trendy, I just like to keep things simple.
if you could wear one brand for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Lucy: Lazy oaf. Their clothes are just so cute and fun. This is the type of clothing that really stands out to me as all their clothes are oversized and comfy. I love the way they advertise and collaborate with other brands.
do you go for comfort over style or style over comfort?
Lucy: 100% comfort over style – even on a night out I would definitely prefer to wear my pyjamas over a dress. I’m on my feet all day so comfort is my priority. I try to incorporate trendiness into my comfort.
do you feel as though there is a certain pressure on boys to fit in to a society even though there are the inevitable stresses that come with adolescence?
Lucy: Yes, I do. Like girls, everyone wants to look better than other people, to look ‘cool’. To have better, more expensive clothes.
why do you dress the way you do?
Lucy: It just suits me and make me feel confident. I don’t particularly like standing out from the crowd. I often use make-up to inform my fashion choices and may base an outfit around the type of makeup I’m wearing.
would you say you take pride in your appearance and make an effort each day to dress well?
Lucy: Yes, as a hairdresser image is so important. My make-up is the most important because if I have nice make-up I feel as though you can get away with unwashed hair in a messy bun! I have key items in my wardrobe, so I tend to just mix and match. Take each day as it comes.
do you feel like you can express yourself through the clothes you wear? if so, why?
Lucy: Definitely, it’s your first impression to a client. You should aim to give a person so many ideas of you as soon as they see you through what you’re wearing.
does dressing the way you do give you a sense of comfort in your own skin? a means of expression as such…
Lucy: Yes, otherwise I wouldn’t wear it. I wouldn’t put myself into something that doesn’t make me comfortable or confident. It makes your day rubbish.