The Rule of Ownership – Primary Ideas


breaking down the word

to own is to have something as one’s own; to posses something.

ownership – define



the act, state, or right of possessing something.
possession, right of possession, holding, freehold, proprietorship, proprietary rights, title

To help me begin generating ideas surrounding the concept of ownership and how I can break this rule in relation to freedom/limitations within photography and my own work, I created, with Ben a mind map. On this large sheet of paper, we wrote the word ‘ownership’ in the centre and then drew out different ideas from this about what ownership is and how we could break it using our own photographic methods.

We can up with several ideas, as you can see from the mind map below. We though tit necessary to actually define what ownership was however and so did this first in the bottom right corner of the sheet and produced ideas from this understanding of what ownership means.

From this mood board of several ideas, I hope to be able to develop a  better idea of what I could explore for my own exploration into the activity of using photography to break the rule of ownership.

mind map on ‘ownership’

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