Review and Reflect

So far, I am happy with the progress I have made in photographing light and in doing this translating spiritual experience into my images.  My first shoot I took images of the sky and more specifically the sun as the main source of natural light.  This links to the story of Genesis and of creationism as I am tracing back to the origins of nature and also symbolically light outshines the dark as new replaces old.  I believe these key concepts have successfully outlined the meaning of freedom through philosophically exploring the spiritual freedoms that exist within and beyond nature.  My second shoot I believe reflects this mentality whereby I took images of light through a church glass window with blurred focus and using blue filter which represents the idea of spirituality because both these elements link back to purity and how nature is pure because it is created by an intelligent creator for a specific purpose.  Alexander Mourant’s work heavily inspired me in these two shoots where he takes photographs that are based on an experience which was similarly what I dad as well.  Because of my religious environment as expressed in my previous project, my photos were also taken with a religious/spiritual experience that it was based on.  In order to help explore creationism and the characteristics of nature, I believe that by doing this, this has effectively helped me explore the metaphysical in natural processes as well as the physical.  Therefore in these images I have taken so far up to this point,  I believe I am conveying my own spiritual connection with the world and because of that, using that as a basis as to why change occurs in nature.


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