shoot plan // body

During this week I plan to organise and carry out a shoot or a few shoots to capture the spiritual aspects of the human body. I aim to fragment the body and form to capture it in unique ways. I want the shoot to be simple and something that enables me create bright pure images. I don’t want to have images of just one person, I want to explore the differences between people. I plan to capture images of females and males, old people and young people and also people of different ethnics. I aim to explore the spirituality  within the human form.

The word Wabi-Sabi is also about the natural cycle of growth and decay. I want to explore this process in people and how the body changes over time. This would be represented by capturing images of old and young people. Since I am capturing spiritual elements and the imperfect beauty, I want to try and focus on the smaller insignificant details such as wrinkles and folds. I also want to capture images of the body doing things such as holding objects or talking. I aim to capture the movement as well. 

The first shoot I plan to do is a shoot using myself. I wanted to start with me because I wanted to capture simple images fragmenting the body. I want a simple background because the main focus is the body itself. The background will be blurred anyway. I want to be capturing important aspects of the body such as the eyes and the mouth. I also want to capture images of the fingers and toes because they symbolize the beginning and end of the body which links to my concept of growth and decay.

After the first photoshoot, I want to start looking more at expressions and the finer details of the body, such as the creases by the mouth and the wrinkles by the eye. I want to start looking at these through different ages and different types of people. I want to try get a wide representation of people.

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