manipulation shoot // images and edits


I did the shoot for the manipulation task on 27th February after school. The lighting was difficult because I needed it to be sunny to be able to capture the different shadows and shapes I wanted to use to manipulate, however, the the cloud kept covering the sun so It made it a lot harder. I decided to do the shoot in my garden because I wanted to see what different abstract images I could take in a place that was familiar to me. Before doing the shoot, I knew what types of angles and images I wanted to create. I wanted to get some reflections, some sky images with the clouds and a lot of images of branches and leaves. Also a lot of shadows and unusual shapes. I am happy with the quality and type and amount of images I managed to take. Since I managed to capture a lot of different perspectives it meant I could create a lot of different  edits. 


When editing the original images from the shoot, I used Laura El Tantawy a lot for inspiration. She used a lot of natural pastel colours which I also wanted to include in my final edits. I wanted most of the images to not look to manipulated and to look natural as much as possible. I uses a lot of images of reflections to use in the double exposure edits because layering a shadow over this could look like a natural non manipulated image.

I used Photoshop to edit all my images using the double exposure settings. I edited the colour and exposure of most of the images to suit the style I wanted to get. The images are very soft and bright because the nature suited this theme.

I am very happy with my final edits and I have managed to achieve a wide variation of different angles and edits. I believe I want to carry on with this concept and style for the rest of my project, experimenting with shadow, light and shapes.

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