Photo Book Layout

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This is my book cover.  The title “IN THE BEGINNING” is important because these are the very first words that are written in Genesis and the viewer also opens up to Genesis 1:1.  The title is also symbolic as to what I am representing within my book in terms of the story of creationism and how this includes contrasting elements of evolutionist factors.

Throughout the book, I have divided my book into 7 chapters, each relating to the order of how the Earth was created, element by element.  This structure was important to me as it not only is a visual attempt to record spirituality, but also is symbolic as the idea of evolution is continuous change and adaptations and I feel that by as well as documenting pirituality, including these chapters in chronograph  also represents the how succesfully as well – relating to evolution.

I chose this image as a double page spread to start the book off after the Bible quote because for me it shows not only the expanse of the Earth, but retells the story accurately of how all the elements began forming as the Earth was being molded together.

I put these images into 4 squares as a sequence because I like how it shows that order was being installed in each element of the Earth to reflect how it was created for its specific purpose. The sequence shows the haste and speed of creation as well. 

This was part of my second chapter as part of light.  Within the sky, it appears as if there is an explosion with light rays branching out in all directions.  I believe that by having no border reflects how the light is never ending.  This is almost presented as light having no limits and that is a basis for all evolutionist change since.

This is also a double page spread as it shows the after effects of the first big explosion and strongly acts as a metaphor the evolutionism’s very existence to exist.  Contrastingly, we have change occurring from the previous double page spread and my message for this is that evolution is a natural part of God’s plan for the world and evolution also can have spiritual links as well.  

This double page spread depicts how the water was formed from the sky and forms a basis for chapter 3 for water.  I have consistently used the idea of emphasisng infinite power and wonder within my images to reflect the power of change is direct evidence that there was a creator at the beginning of the universe and there is the same creator still creating today.  

I went for a 3/4 page for this underwater image because the image was quite grainy due to the environment in which I shot in.  Although I like the grainyness as it brings out the individual elements, I wanted to ensure a smoother relationship between the two.

This chapter replicates how land and the sea had been separated after the sky and the sea was separated.  I believe up to this point, I have showed gradually the very evolution of the process of creationism as gradually my images in the book have started as showing elements that aren’t Earthly and eventually have started to appear more Earthly as we go further into the book.

This chapter focuses more on the idea of plants and vegetation.  In these images I am focusing more and more on scientific, individual elements to show the very detail, advanced sophistication that creation covers.  I put these images together.  The layout appears almost as if both branches are connected, although they aren’t.  This is symbolic as it shows how everything in nature is so well connected, despite differences in each smaller individual element and larger being , and how everything is in sync which is how ot was created to be.  Thus this allows for change and evolutionary advances to occur.   

These images I put together as they show the individual element that live off the tree from an up close point of view but also to view the tree as a whole, showing how all these scientific elements make up a being that is beautiful and pure 

This image is part of my animals chapter where I look how life is becoming more potent within the world.  I took an image of a bird flying over and within the bottom right corner, a bird is flying through.  I like this because it communicates the idea that change and evolution is happening at a faster rate, however it is driven by spirituality.  

This is part of my chapter of humans.  I put these images together as a sequence because I like how the line of the hands are joined, although they aren’t joined because they are two separate images.  I am trying to communicate here, that when you biologically link up the dots, then you have a wider picture that makes you surprised  and curious of further wonders and mysteries of the Earth.   

Likewise with my plant images, I believe these images appear quite scientific, almost as something microscopic.  Although these are macro shots, I believe they appear strongly spiritual as there is a sense that although they appear human, it is hard to distinguish what they are.  Therefore in a sense towards the end of my book, I have started to go back to depicting strong levels of spirituality within my images.  Although I have done this throughout my book, by going further in taking spiritual shots towards the end of my book is significant because it shows life and change as a cycle, with one of where change and creationism, fueled by spirituality is at the very center.


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