The screenshots below show the processes I have gone through when creating some primary layout styles of my magazine. I have chosen to keep it very simple and this choice was informed by my observation on OUHS magazine where they also choose very simple and basic font types to create a sleek-looking layout. It is evident that they carefully choose whether to position their text in the centre of page or to the side and how such text may wrap around images and so on. Overall, the look of their magazine is very simple and I have attempted to achieve this but these are of course only primary experiments using the final images I have gathered and imported into BookWright. I am still yet to import all of the characters text that will come from the question and answers. Once I have received all of this, I will have to work the layout of imagery around the way text will be able to fit in the pages. As ell, I do not want to exceed the limit I have allowed myself to present the content for each character. I have given myself 6 pages to fill and do not want to exceed this because it is well ordered suing this amount of pages because it means that a characters name page will not be on a previous page spread to where their photographs begin. This layout is present below, however, only Peter’s full segment has been showed as this is as far as I got at this stage.
The images below show the cover pages, the first page which is taken up by the slogan of my magazine as well as Peter’s 6 pages and a couple of Max’s.
These are the two cover pages, both front and back. The images shown below that take up the cover ages are the final ones – I am hoping I will not have to edit them any further because if I do, they won’t be the best versions because I will be changing the slightest touches will in-turn affect my opinions on the covers as a whole and it is best if I leave them how they are because I feel they are effective.
This is the page that has the slogan of the magazine written on. I have chosen this is my slogan because I felt its the themes I am attempting to cover in my magazine. I came up with it myself based on the message I was trying to get across in the magazine.
I also created another version that was more fun and vibrant and less simple. I used the same text but instead of it being plain black, I added an iridescent pattern on the text to make it more colourful. As well, I also used the liquify tool after rasterizing the text layer to be able to manipulate the look of it. Using the liquify tool at a large brushstroke size, I could distort the position of some of the letters and make it look quite wavy which I think works effectively.
The next three screenshots show the section in the magazine that will be present the images of Peter and his question and answers. I will need to re-arrange the layout of images more once I have imported text because I will need to figure out the best way that the text fits in.
The last screenshot shows the my experimentation with images for the first page of Max’s section. I fits imported this image of him sitting on the bench looking directly at the camera because it is one of my favourites and I think it would look best as full bleed photograph because of theĀ fact it is full body shot and audiences would get the full impact of it if it was presented on a large scale.