Jasper’s Q&A

After creating my questions to ask each of the characters in my project, I sent each of the eight questions through to them digitally on social media either using Messenger or Instagram to message them with the questions outlining my intentions from them and that I would like them to answer as honestly as possible. In each of these blog posts I will post the questions and answers of each model from what they have sent back to me in reply to my message which included the questions. These questions and answers will be presented throughout each segment for each ‘character’ of the story. I am slotting the magazine up into a section for each of them and this text will be dispersed throughout in between the images. My aim from these questions was to find out more about who the model’s fashion is informed and where they taken inspiration for from it, what they would describe their fashion as and why they dress the way they do. It provides more context to the magazine than just visuals. 

what would you describe your style of fashion as?

Jasper: Personally, I would describe my style of fashion to be rather urban and cultural in the sense that most of the brands I wear have been worn and modelled by influential figures of mine. For an example, a Japanese streetwear brand which goes by the name of ‘Bape’ was famously worn by the one and only ‘Notorious B.I.G’ who in actual fact happens to be one of my main inspirations for the music I produce.

if you could wear one brand for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Jasper: If I could only wear one brand for the rest of my life, I would have to go with the American brand ‘Carhartt’. This is mainly due to my vivid liking for their slick and cartoony designs as well as quality of their clothing. I feel that Carhartt t-shirts are extremely breathable and nicely fitted to my physique.

do you go for comfort over style or style over comfort?

Jasper: In most cases, I will go for comfort over style as I strongly feel that the quality and fit of the clothing item is far more important than the overall design. However, this doesn’t go to say that I completely overlook items that in my eyes can be deemed to be more stylish than comfortable. I guess it just depends on the formality of the outing. For an example, If I was to go out skateboarding with a couple of friends, I would wear something that fits into the culture of that particular activity regardless its comfort. However, if I was chilling at home, I will normally wear comfy joggers and a loose t-shirt or something along those lines.

do you feel as though there is a certain pressure on boys to fit in to a society even though there are the inevitable stresses that come with adolescence?

Jasper: In modern day society, I believe that this is not the case. I feel that us as individuals simply find our likings and areas of fashion with the help of various sites, apps and magazines. For an example, websites, such as ASOS now incorporate a tool which pretty much finds items of your liking and sends them directly to your email.

why do you dress the way you do?

Jasper: I dress the way I do for self-gratification and enjoyment. I find pleasure and excitement when it comes to purchasing apparel as I simply just enjoy it! Besides this, I also purchase clothing which reflects my interests and likings. For an example, as I am a fan of the hip hop world, I dress in clothing that addresses and models certain artists such as the collaboration between ‘The Hundreds’ and the popular rapper ‘MF Doom’.

would you say you take pride in your appearance and make an effort each day to dress well?

Jasper: Yes. I believe that doing so just gives a certain edge of confidence within myself. I don’t know, I don’t deliberately dress to impress but whenever I receive a compliment on a clothing item of mine, it fills me with pleasure and just gives me an extrinsic kick to dress and look after myself!

do you feel like you can express yourself through the clothes you wear? if so, why?

Jasper: I’m not sure, I personally don’t intend on expressing emotions and what not however, as previously stated, I feel that the brands I wear fully express my likings and interests.

does dressing the way you do give you a sense of comfort in your own skin? a means of expression as such…

Jasper: Well in relation to the previous question, I don’t really seem to intentionally address any real signs of expression. However, I the clothing I wear does raise a certain comfort for me as the apparel I dress in gives me a sense of confidence and in some cases, underlines my personality.

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