Exam Progress Log 21.03.18

Early last week, I uploaded a blog post outlining my intentions for my first two photoshoots and mentioned that I would be carrying out both of these shoots of that week (beginning Monday 12th). As well as this, I produced a blog post covering my plans for both of the shoots.

On Wednesday 14th, I did manage to carry out my first shoot of the project (excluding my practise shoot) and this was with Peter Le Gal. I have collated contact sheets from this shoot and have completed my edits of my best images also. Looking back on the photoshoot, it was very successful but it was the first stage at which I realised that my intentions may be more difficult to follow through than I first forecasted because doing this shoot made me realise that working with people I wasn’t very close with would be more difficult that I first anticipated because of the difficulties in communication we may have but I will become more comfortable and use to shooting and directing my models as I progress through the shoot. Apart from this, the shoot was successful and I retrieved many positive outcomes from it which I will present soon in another blog post.

However, I was also supposed to do another shoot on Thursday 15th – the day after but because of the weather, I had to cancel the shoot for that day that I was supposed to do with Max Feighan, as planned and postpone it until the week after (thus week beginning Monday 19th). The weather was looking very rainy and grey and this was not what I wanted to shoot in as it would make it very difficult to get a goof handful of successful outcomes from it and as it will be my first time shooting with Max, I wanted it to be the right conditions in all aspects. I have contacted Max again and ask ed if he is available to shoot on Saturday 24th instead which he said he was and is our shoot that was supposed to go ahead last week is now going ahead this Saturday. However, I have told him that this may change again depending on the weather. We will be basing the photoshoot in Les Quennevais Precinct as I feel this will be a very effective location for an urban look and feelĀ  Therefore, the post outlining this second shoot will not be published as soon as I thought and I have had ot re-arrange how I structure my work because of this unforeseen and external circumstance that cannot be controlled. However, this will still be my second shoot if it goes ahead for the 24th and I have also arranged my third shoot on Monday 26th with another confirmed model, Emanuel Nobrega and I will be uploading my planning process for this in the latter of this week.

My plan for the remainder of this week is to upload all relevant evidence of my shoot with Peter form last week including any contact sheets, edits and evaluation/analysis of the photoshoot as well as showing evidence of my recce report of the location we shot in which I carried out before the shoot on Wednesday. As well,m I will still be carrying out any relevant planning/research I need to in the background and this will be uploaded when a piece is completed thoroughly. I will also be staying in contact with models in the background as I have been so far to maintain a relationship and keep them in the loop of what is going on.

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