Once I had decided what it was that I wanted to follow through with for my exam project, this being fashion and streetwear photography of young people in Jersey, I felt it necessary to begin thinking of the types of models and different people I want to represent the face of my project so began collating names; a shortlist as such and then from this, I approaches a couple of people privately via a direct message on Facebook Messenger. I did this before I had distributed an advertisement for models to come forward if they are up for helping me. I approached, primary, two teen guys that I definitely knew I wanted in my project; these were Emanuel Nobrega and Max Feighan.
I first approached Emanuel through Messenger – a social media site that allows users to chat directly. I explained to him my intentions and what I wanted from the shoot an told him it would be my first shoot and would act as a practice/experimentation for e to understand what I want to achieve from the shoots to follow. We were chatting on this app and we were getting closer to arranging a date when we came across some difficulties – he wasn’t free for the next week and half because of other commitments. I knew this was going to be a problem when I began approaching people to be a model for my photoshoots because it heavily relies on when other people are free. However, I have to work around this and this is what myself and Emanuel did. I was looking to carry out a practiced shoot this week to get myself underway as soon as I could but I knew this was going to be difficult when I was advertising for models very last minute. However, myself and Emanuel have arrange for us to shoot on the week beginning the 19th March when we are both free and I believe we will be shooting on that Monday 19th after school at 4pm. The positive to take from our chat however is that Emanuel is up for helping me out and this is great.
After chatting with Emanuel and discovering that he wasn’t free for the next couple weeks, I approached my another mate I was keen on including in the project – Max Feighan. I knew I wanted Max to be a part of this project from the start but asked Emanuel if he would be my first model because of more friendly relationship with him – I have never really crossed oaths with Max but I was aware that I was going to have to work with people I had never really interacted with before.
I began talking to Max on Messenger as this is a very easy and accessible way to talk and it is quick – people respond quickly and there is the ability to, on the app, create plans for the participants to state whether they are attending or not. After explaining to Max my intentions and asking him politely if he would be willing to help, I got a very positive response from him as he said he would be very keen for this prospect. This then kick-started our further discussion where we began to arrange dates and times. Max told me he would be free during the middle of the week next week and once I was aware that I was also free, we put in a day and time and after talking with each for some time we had a plan arranged and this is set in place for next week. We will be shooting on Thursday 15th next week at 4pm and I am yet to organise a location to meet to shoot. I told Max I would be in touch with him closer to the time to arrange a location – something I need to plan more thoroughly before my other shoots.
With regards to location, I want to shoot in an urban setting. I have told myself that the “street” will be my studio as do not intend to enter the studio at any point because this is not what my project encompasses – it encompasses the teens of Jersey and where they spend their time most – where they show off their style – on the streets of Jersey, late at night – in town where Kings Street is filled with teens in groups being rowdy and showing off. I will be using these settings to base my photoshoots.

This was my method of advertising for models to come forward; I wrote up a note on my phone explaining what I was doing for my project and for models to come forward if they are willing to help and fit my vision which was briefly explained in this not also. I told them to private message me on Instagram but also said that I will be approaching people myself – which is what I ended up doing for most of my confirmed models and knew this was going to be the most efficient way to confirm people. I attempted to make the note/advertisement informal so that it didn’t seem too serious and too make myself look more appealing for people to be willing to help me. I then shared this screenshot onto my Instagram story where the photo would stay for 24 hours and then be removed. However, I may re-upload this closer to a time where I need more models but for now, I have a solid variety and number of people who have confirmed they are willing to be part of the project. I also followed up this photo with another bunch of text where I advertised my need to compete a shoot this week so if anyone can fir in a 30 minute to 1 hour shoot in their week, to come forward.
From this advertisement, as I stated above, I did not get many people come forward independently and tell me they were willing to help – which I was aware may happen when I shared it to my Instagram. This is why I explicitly approached people I definitely wanted to be models for different shoots over the next few weeks. However, from my persistence in asking people and persuading them to help, there was a positive turnout and response of people who wanted help. I privately messaged around 10 people on Instagram and fro this, they were all willing to help after I told them my intentions and showed them the type of work I wanted to replicate. So, from my first distribution of advertisement, the models confirmed for my project looking at fashion and streetwear among teenagers in Jersey are: Emanuel Nobrega, Max Feighan, Harrison Cummins, Peter Le Gal, Jai Petrovic, Alex Rogerson, Charlie McBride, Alex Amy, Jasper Crocker-Kilic, Peter Jones and Lucy Rountree will be model for my very first practice shoot where I experiment using my camera equipment and types of shots I want to achieve. I will be shooting with Lucy on Saturday or Sunday of this week and this will be a very informal and relaxed shoot because I am comfortable with her and have done several other photoshoots with her before for previous projects and the success form these has filled me with confidence that I can achieve positive results from this practice shoot. As well, Emanuel has told me that his group of mates would be willing to do a group shoot at some point also and so this is also confirmed. All models will be shot on a individual shoot apart from Charlie and Alex who have said they would do a shoot together after my suggestion for this. This is the same for Jai and Alex.
Next week, for my first couple of shoots I will be photographing Petr Le Gal and Max Feighan and these will be separate shoots in separate locations. I am shooting with Max on the date and time stated above and will be shooting my mate, Peter Le Gal on the day before my shot with Max, on Wednesday 14th at 4pm.
I decided to send to this advertisement as early as I have before I have really done any thorough artist research and references/analysis on my blog because I knew it was vital to get models confirmed so that I can be filled with confidence that I have a good array of models confirmed and can arrange dates/times/locations at a alter time when I actually need them after I have carried out through research and planning as well as a couple of practice shoots. I have also disclosed this information to them and they have all told me this is fine.
Furthermore, as you can tell from my lost of models above, they are all male apart from Lucy who will act as my practice shoot and may not be included in the final product. I have chosen to recruit all male models because I am unsure yet whether I want to focus my project solely on teenage boys and their behaviour/look/style/personas or whether I want to bring in a couple of female models. I am unsure on this yet but I am leaving more towards focusing it solely on boys so have confirmed all male guys. However, later on the project, if I feel I want to introduce the presence of females, I may do this and have some people in mind of who I could use. I also think another concept that could be effective would be if I was to produce ‘couples’ shoots where I photograph a guy and girl who are in a relationship. This could be effective and have retrieved inspiration for this from a couple of Vicky Grouts shots.