Structure-initial ideas
Mood board/Brainstorming
After reading the exam booklet, I have decided to focus my theme on natural structure because I personally want to explore how natural structure is often perceived as something unclear and slightly random but still very beautiful, but plays a significant role in the strong structure it holds within an object. By exploring this topic I aim to highlight the beauty of natural structures to show how it appears for when we focus in close, and far, presenting the structure to be quite abstract and random, but yet elegant too. The official meaning behind the structure to us is unclear however, we can see its strong significance and influence on the object itself. This can be expressed through working with water and its affiliating objects such as shells and rocks for example. My aims are to explore a range of natural structures that are presented as exceptionally beautiful and highlighting the idea of natural structure being completely uninfluenced by man, and unconstrained in where and what it becomes but with a powerful and strong stance on the structure of the object. This mood board explains visually where I believe I want to go with this topic of structure. This can be explored using a range of techniques such as: macro settings to show the intricate detail of the structure linking in with my view of natural structure appearing complex and explainable, black and white to separate the structure of the object with other surrounding details, lighting (artificial and natural), environment and with this explore the purpose and role of what structure plays in these photographs.
My ideas include:
Pine cones/ Nuts
Foot Prints
Sand/Mud textures
Lakes/Streams/Rock pools
Spider Webs
1.the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.“the two sentences have equivalent structures”
synonyms: construction, form, formation, shape, composition, fabric, anatomy, make-up, constitution; More
1.construct or arrange according to a plan; give a pattern or organization to.“services must be structured so as to avoid pitfalls”
Link to AS Coursework
Primary Research : Ill-Studio Moodboard
Here is my moodboard for what I plan to progressively expand my research into and what I want to study further to experiment with the term ‘structures’. They are called Ill-Studio and are based in Paris, specialising in design.
My Inspiration: