Grosnez Trip

On Tuesday the 20th June 2017 we went on a trip with photographer Tanja Deman to Grosnez and explored around towards L’Etacq.  I was very much influenced by her style on this trip, where she explores space and her environment, which I incorporated into my work taking photographs of long and short backdrops.  This way it gave me a scope to explore and capture how man has impacted the land through the various forms.  For example the long shots, showed how man has impacted on the land from a wider perspective of the surrounding environment, whereas the shorter shoots show how mans inventions have been much more intrusive and invasive as we can reveal the finer areas of the land.  With my work, I hope to create some photo collages relating to a series of work relating to Tanja’s guidance and instructions.  I categorised my work into themes that I explored during the trip.  These included:

I was heavily inspired by Tanja’s work, but strongly from this developed my own particular style.  For example: I wanted to explore the historical side of mans impact on the land, and how it has changed through the years and what the aim or ambitions were of constructing these projects.  For example all buildings generally had a common purpose of defence, but projects like Grosnez castle or Nazi bunkers, the surrounding context around these buildings that impacts the way they were built, I am wishing to explore and shoot.  I want to mention the fact that a lot of these buildings, very brash and dominating, the contrast between the people who ran these projects who were humans with emotions, is very important to link. 


1000 word essay- whose archive is it anyway?

All quotes were taken from text by theorist David BateArchives, Networks and Narratives 

An archive is a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people. They are used to preserve memories and fulfill the human desire of never forgetting the past. However, ‘archive photographs not only record objects and events, they also produce a meta-achieve, with meanings that can be mobilised in other times and new contexts.’ Most state governments, schools, businesses, libraries, and historical societies maintain archives, these are usually public archive. Every day individuals and organisations create and store information about their personal and business activities, which ‘has expanded exponentially since the invention of the internet.’ Photographs are particularly important for providing an insight into past lives, events and forgotten places, however not all photographs accurately represent the truth. In reality the photographs taken are highly influenced by the perspective of the photographer. However, it is more important to ask ‘what does the image do?’ or mean to a person rather than ‘is it true?’ because it could represent a human memory and culture even if it contains biases or misrepresentation.

Societe Jersiaise, which is our local photographic archive includes over 80,000 historical images. The collection provides visual record of the developments of Jersey landscapes and social history dating back to 1840’s to more current images.

In the text by David Bate’s he explains how Museums and Art Museums usually used archives and collections of public and private artefacts for display aiming to ‘serve particular interests, whether personal, cultural, regional, national, international or global.’ Museums can act as ‘repositories of cultural memories’ of the past and they organise historical narratives of culture. This have actually inspired Tanja Demans work, ‘Temples of culture’, which was created in 2014. It is a photo collage series examining different public institutions that collect, preserve and exhibit knowledge and culture such as theatres, libraries, museums, art pavilions and galleries. These are spaces of public education, accessible to all citizens, and function as a cultural mechanism for shaping society.

Photography often performs a ‘double role’ within institutions such as museums, photographs can function as both ‘a collected artefact’ which is put on display and as a way to ‘collect the museum band its artefacts’ since the photograph is a ‘form of archive’ in its own right.

Photographic archives are valuable for contemporary photography and art because of the idea that the most successful art and photography understands the history to predict the future. Many contemporary artists and photographers have used photographic archives as the starting point of their work by re-interpreting the histories and challenging the images by constructing new narratives. In this way archives can become a way to rethink what happened.

David Bate’s mentions Susan Hiller’s collection ‘Dedicated to the Unknown Artists’, which is a collection of 300 postcards. They were all of the coast around Britain. They are all black and white and have been hand-tinted. The photographs are all of ‘waves crashing over different parts of the coastline.’ The pictures became a part of an archival display of ‘how culture sees itself.’ Hiller’s work suggests that these images are ‘worthy of attention’ and she also celebrates the  authors of the postcards as ‘unknown artists’ which raises the question of their status as part of cultural and social memory. Hiller’s work seems to question whether these humble, anonymous   postcard images tell us anything important about a popular concept of the British Isles and the collective ideas they represent. This piece of work has changed how this art work has been viewed as postcards often are places ‘on front of a fridge, propped on a shelf or mantelpiece, stuck on a wall or on a door.’ Now, after this art work was displayed people view this differently.

In present day, the internet and new forms of technology has changed our archiving experience. This is because of the ‘wide availability of mobile phones and camera’ which has begun to transform the speed and quality of ‘visual recordings’, which has increased the quantity. This has led to people taking and storing their photographs digitally and publishing them online on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc. This is a different type of archive as this is seen as your own private and personal archive. Your personal archive will be produced according to the ‘particular interests of those involved.’

Jacques Derrida, a French philosopher described ‘archive fever’ as a contradiction at the heart of the idea of conservation. Conservation is ‘driven paradoxically by the possibility of forgetting. Since human memory is limited and  not infinite the retention and registration of impressions within photographs has come to be associated with  the idea of remembering and the desire to return to something beyond the capacity of conscious memory.’ William Henry Fox Talbot anticipated the purpose of photography as an archival practice, ‘useful as a museum in itself.’ Photography is now clearly a highly popular means to ‘register information and to record impressions.’ The human memory is very complex and is not easily ‘reducible to simple binary opposites’ like past and present, true and false, reality and fiction. By consigning memory to  ‘documents, texts, images and objects’ this relieves the human brain of the burden of recording and remembering things accurately.

All in all Archives have various different purposes, I have learnt that it is important to question the images presented infront of you with ideas about the accuracy of the information within the photograph or if it has been influenced by personal experiences or viewpoints. Archives are valuable to contemporary artists as they use pictures from years before as their starting point. I will definitely consider using archival material to help me in my personal study as I like the idea of connecting the past with the present and future.





Whose Archive is it Anyway? (Essay)

Whose Archive is it Anyway?

An archive is something I had only encountered this year – I had never looked or even come across an archive before the start of year twelve, however, I am now fully aware of their purpose and function. I find this crazy that I had never come across the archive that Jersey holds after seventeen years of living on the island, and, with such a rich history, there is such a vast amount to document on the islands history – which archives such as Société Jersiaise and Jersey Archive from Jersey Heritage do so well. I am now very eager to research into the concept more and hopefully use and expand my own archive of my own life to benefit my progress through year twelve. An archive like the Société Jersiaise was founded in 1893 by a number of prominent islanders who were interested in the study of its history, its language and antiques, so set up the program, in order to aid their knowledge – in-turn helping islanders of today understand Jersey in more depth, and I, for one, am thankful for this.

The official definition of an archive, taken from Google, is a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people.’  Synonyms of the word include records, accounts, papers, documents, files and history. In my opinion, history being the most important or one that stands out most – because an archive essentially holds history of a location or of someone. An archive can be a document, a certificate of birth, an image from several centuries ago or an object that holds significance to someone. I really like the idea of an object holding much importance to someone, because, for me, there is something very pleasing about having something physical to touch because all our sense can play a part in remembering specific moments of your life and an object can bring back much nostalgia for someone – I know it does for me anyway! This is perhaps why so many photographers nowadays create a photobook, or in fact several photobooks because it is much more pleasing to have your work physically published for people to look at and then keep.

My mum has kept, since I was a little child, even a baby, a memory box or what we like to call my ‘special box’ as it holds all the things that relate to the special moments in my life and therefore, my mum and dad’s life. This box contains objects such as my first pair of shoes, my birth certificate, pieces of artwork I completed when I was child at nursery and my first strands of hair etc. This takes its place in the loft for whenever I or my family feel like they wish to reminisce about thoughts that bring back happy memories – not away to be forgotten forever – it is in there for security, which I feel is something very important with photos – because touching something physical can give you a warm feeling – in my instance, love. So, we all have our own archives, whether they’re public, social or personal, we all have our own documentation of our life and it can be digitally on our phones or physically but in any instance, it can be used to bring people together as I feel photography is a strong concept that has the potential to act as a cohesion tool between the people we love. Actions are so quick – they happen and then they’re gone but taking a picture of a simple action provides a snap shot that can be kept forever.

I have made a short video to accompany this essay. It consists of me talking to my mum, almost interviewing her and asking a her few questions about my memory box and why she started it in the first place. The video is intended to give you more of an insight into our archive and why it exists. My mum reiterates throughout that she has kept all the photos from my childhood as well as special objects for me to look back at when I’m older – this idea sticks with me strongly and my mum emphasizes it constantly. She also said that “if you have ever had children of your own, you can compare what you looked like when you were a child to what they look like”. This notion that I can carry this idea of documenting my whole life through to when I grow up and have kids of my own is very true and encompasses the whole being of what an archive is – is that it is supposed to provide a place where memories and nostalgia can live long in the memory of people to then compare and contrast different lives from a completely different decade or even centuries. My mum also said that she took the photographs of me when I was child on an old film camera, which is what they had back in those days – they did not have digital DSLR cameras so used disposable ones where you would get the film developed. However, this introduction of digital cameras has sparked interest in photographic practices and it is now becoming more and more sought after to take up as a hobby. Although with the introduction of high quality, expensive, technological cameras, there has been a recent boost in the use of disposable and vintage film cameras again in order to take photos that give a sense of nostalgia through the effect they have on the images you take once developed – this is achieved through the colours and textures of graininess. Sticking to the idea of technological advancement, David Bates’, in his book Art Photography states that the ‘awareness of historical accumulation of photographic archives has expanded expositional since the invention of the internet’. I believe this is very true because with the endless possibilities of the internet, things such as photo sharing is ever so easy and can be argues that it almost too easy but is hugely beneficial.

I wish to make the most of my personal archive and look through it as much as I can in order to get a better sense of my own life and the life of people surrounding me. I am aware that also my grandparents have left their own photobooks from when they were younger documenting their life and as they grew older to become fathers and mothers to my mum etc. It is evident that archival imagery can be passed through many generations of family members and the all link us together to create a cohesion – like I mentioned before. However, an idea I am really keen to pursue over the course of this next year relates to how my life on Jersey for seventeen years differs to that of my younger sister, of four years. I am lucky enough to have a sibling and even luckier, in my opinion, that she is thirteen years younger than I am. I think this is amazing and I think it would create a perfect project for me to carry out for my personal study by looking at archives from when I was younger in comparison to what my sister has experienced. This is how I will look at archival imagery to enhance and enrich my experience throughout the A2 course. I have no intention of focusing heavily on public archives of Jersey because this won’t relate to what I want to study – being a personal archive between myself and my family. I think there is something mesmerizing about old photos from when I was a child to see what I actually got up to if I can’t remember certain things. I think it will be interesting to see how her life as a child differs from mine – even more so because we have been raised by different mothers because my sister is on my dad’s side after my mum and dad divorced and my dad found another partner. What I have also noticed whenever I go to see my sister, is that she obsessed with Snapchat on my pone and the filters it offers – she is fascinated by them and looking though photos of me and what I get up to. I believe this will make the project a lot more interesting.

All in all, however, every archive in the world functions in the same way – in that it intends to provide a rich documentation of the history of someone or something whether it be place or a person. In my opinion, I find personal archive, carried on throughout many generations much more interesting than public ones’ due to the fact that they are so much more intimate and mean so much more when you look at them.

What I have earned from archives is that they are such a useful tool for anyone who wants to discover more about themselves and they can essentially work as a family tree. Archives provide an open door for endless possibilities to re-create and re-live memories you may have partially forgotten about and the nostalgia that comes with archives, more so for the older generation of Jersey due to how influential Jersey was in the 20th century, can spark new emptions they may not have experienced in a long time.

To answer the question Whose Archive Is It Anyway? – I don’t know, you decide. Maybe it’s all of our archives because each and every one may lead back to the same place or have a link in some way. My archive holds much food for thought and I know that I will be utilizing it fully and my memory box is my archive but the wonderful thing, I want to share it with people – archives can be shared, and therefore instantly becomes a personal archive to other people.


Whose archive is it anyway?

The awareness of historical accumulations over photographic archives has widened dramatically since the invention of digital photography and the internet. An archive is usually known to be a collection of historical documents or records that provide information about a place, institution or group of people. However there is variation between the meanings of archives because I think that there can be both public and private archives. Public archives are usually in the form of museums, photographic archives, or digital online websites which anyone can access allowing them to research their own future or different places. I also think that archives can be private and an individual store of memories. Many people keep photo albums storing old images but in the new age where technology is constantly developing the awareness of different methods of private archives is ever growing. For example people may store personal images on their phone in their albums or they may have them transferred onto the computer for later use. However in my opinion the most modern form of archival is social media. Snapchat now has a feature called memories where you can save only photographs or 10 second video clips which have been created on snapchat. This creates a very specific and individual type of archive which you are able to access easily on your mobile phone and always have with you.

However one question which is commonly asked and usually found as a challenge to answer by people is ‘why do we have private archives?’. Public archives generally have to purpose of historical content and giving information of places and people from the past, whereas people are less certain on why they keep personal and private archives and an even more difficult question is why they prefer either a physical photo album or a digital archive on either a phone or laptop. I asked a group of people including family, friends and teachers on why they keep a private archive. One response from a yr. 12 student was “I look to look back through the memories I’ve had and be reminded of the fun and exciting things I have endured over the last year”. This was a widely acknowledged response given by many that questioned the topic on. For the vast majority of our generation phones can be seen as historical archives which provides with our own personal resource which allows us to answer the question “what happened?”.

Although we have this easy access to our own person archives, public archives are still extremely necessary to give us understanding of our background and past events.  Societe Jersiaise is Jerseys local photographic archive where there is up to 80,000 which date all the way back from the mid 1840’s to the present day. Jersey has rich history of photographic practice as it is located in a geographical position between Britain and France which are two nations which were essential in the development of photography. The archive holds examples of work by important nineteenth century photographers such as William Collie, Charles Hugo, Thomas Sutton and Henry Mullins. The collection incorporates late nineteenth century studio collections of negatives by Jersey based photographers such as Ernest Baudoux, Albert Smith and Clarence Ouless. All these photographers are key to understanding jerseys historical context and allow members of the public as well as historians to investigate further into the history of jersey.

Archives can be seen as inherited items and photographs and when you think about the heritage of archives they are historical information which is passed through family members over decades. These inherited artefacts can be seen as story tellers as they tell us a lot history and defiantly in terms of inherited archives they tell us stories of our past family members and give us an insight into the lives that they lived. The well-known quote “a picture tells a thousand words” is relevant to inherited archives as they really are visual storytelling, from archival images of family members from the 1950’s that we may never have known with one photo we have a detailed description of maybe what they looked like and where they lived and what they used to do for a living. When you put together a selection of these inherited images and make maybe an album the visual story grows to create a story which gives great detail about your family or jerseys past and I think that’s what makes archives so special, they can be very personal to you and in this context the archives belong to us. The archives belong to who is in position of the artefacts.

Archival photographs can have many purposes such as for advertising, news, documentary, fine art, identity and anthropology.  In this text called ‘Archives, Networks and Narratives’ and discusses photographs in terms of its purpose within museums and how photographs can function as both a collected artefact that might be put on display and as a way to collect museums and artefacts, since the photograph is a form of archive in its own right. However it can also be argued that archives can be seen as ‘the return of meaning’. In ‘Camera Lucida’, Roland bathes last book on photography. He focuses on the meaning of archives and photographs being about its social messages via cultural codes as well as images portraying a highly personal which is private and purely individual which relates back to what i previously said about new technology and photographs now being able to be kept private and completely personal and individual.

This arguments links back to the question of ‘Whose archive is it anyway?’, do the public have a choice of what goes into public archives or is there someone in charge of museums and archives who then become in charge of these historical and meaningful artefacts which may in fact be very personal and not wanted to be shared. There is also the question to be asked of is everything piece of photographic evidence shown in the archives is some rejected, could we be missing important piece of history which 50 years ago weren’t considered important by the owners of the archive and were ignored and thrown away. Therefore are they really everyone’s archives if specific content is shown or do the archives really belong to the owners.

In conclusion I think that archives have many different purposes such as to look back on historical artefacts and to gather information from the past which is more a public and educational purpose but then they also have more personal purposes like memories. In the age of ever enhancing technology we are becoming more reliant on our digital dives as personal and public archives but I think it is important to remember the photographic archives and museums as they contain rich information on our history and should be considered as highly valuable resources. I am going to use the jersey archives to enrich my personal study as I am interested in looking into the coast line of jersey and looking at how it has change over the past decade. I am also inspired by the archives to investigate during my personal study my family history and personal background linking photos I might found with private archives such as family albums.

Artist Research – Image Analysis – Ernest Baudoux

Research at least two photographers from the list below in the photo-archive and choose a few photographs that illustrates the themes of Family or Environment from each

Ernest Baudoux

Ernest Baudoux (1828-1897), born in France, was a prominent and prolific photographer in Jersey from 1869 to 1887. He made his living as a portraitist, and taking pictures of islanders’ houses. He also took a large number of pictures documenting outdoor Jersey in the 1870-80s.

 In 1885 he was joined in business by his son, but two years later they sold out to John Stroud, a young photographer from London, who in turn sold his business, including many of Baudoux’s glass-plate negatives, to Albert Smith.

(John Stroud) J R G Stroud bought the photography business of Baudoux and Sons, of 59 New Street, in 1888, but was only in business there for four years before he, in turn, sold out to Albert Smith, which is why such a large number of Baudoux’s photographs became part of Smith’s collection.

The Photographic Archive of La Société Jersiaise have a project under way to attempt to correctly identify who took each of the 3000-plus images in their collection attributed to Smith.

There are 1385 photographs by Baudoux available from the Société’s archive. They are mainly portraits, which was the Baudoux’s specialty. One of his portraits was retouched to hide facial blemishes and wrinkles. Baudoux also undertook photographic commissions of clients’ houses and, working with his sons, he photographed views of the island.

Baudoux was highly skilled with the wet collodion negative and carbon print processes, both of which were difficult to master but offered rewards of great quality.

The collodion process requires the photographic material to be coated, sensitized, exposed and developed within the span of about fifteen minutes. The use of the dry form was therefore mostly confined to landscape photography and other special applications where minutes-long exposure times were tolerable.

Baudoux’s images are very collectable, and frequently appear for sale on auction sites. In addition to the Societe Collection, there are two large collections of Jersey photographs and postcards in South Africa and the United States.

Baudoux’s work was of the highest quality, and many of the surviving images are in superb collection. The portraits are supreme examples of the Victorian art of photographic portraiture. They convey the fashions of the time, both in clothing and hairstyles.

Usually the subjects wore their best clothes for the portrait sessions. For the ladies in the 1870s and 80s, this meant long black dresses. The fashion for white dresses, which would be almost universally worn in public later on, did not emerge until much closer to the end of the century.

It was also common for children, and sometimes adults, to be photographed wearing fancy dress. Sailor suits were particulaly popular for boys.

Image Analysis

Image Analysis

This is an image by Ernest Baudoux entitled ‘Vibert Sisters’. It is the typical asset up of a portrait taken at the time – a setting created with a family or group of relatives positioned in front of the setting dressed up in appropriate clothing and looking at the camera. It is all very set-up and structured in comparison to Tom Pope’s very relaxed and informal photographs where you can see him flying in mid-air with blur to the photos and a very candid approach. However, this sort of art is accepted nowadays but if shown in the 18/1900’s it would be frowned upon and seen as very out of the blue – it definitely would not fit in. This sort of portraiture was very accepted in society and it was a comfortable style that everyone felt comfortable engaging in – it was safe, unlike the art today which challenges what people are used to in order for art to progress, however, Baudoux’s work was also still very pioneering at the time for future portraits and it looks as though it essentially kick-started the way studio photography began.

What is actually in the photo?

Within the photo is a group of sisters, evident form the name of the photo – something Baudoux did consistently in his work – where he would inscribe the name of the subjects onto the backs of each photo – something that made his work quite unique and almost professional – perhaps why he was so popular and why he created so many images throughout his career.

Personally, I am not drawn to this photography or this type of photography, or even archival images because I feel like they don’t encourage me to express my emotions of how I feel about them and so it hard for me to talk about this type of work. To put in bluntly, what is in this photo is a group of sisters who have positioned themselves in this way in order for Baudoux to photograph them. However, I do understand there is a message behind these images and why they are taken and how much of an impact they have on life in Jersey now. The photo is very rigid and doesn’t look relaxed whatsoever which I feel makes it rather uncomfortable to actually look – the complete opposite to Pope’s work. The clothes they wear may be worn to show their status within society and wealth because the clothes they are wearing are quite flashy. They have clearly had their hair done up for the shoot – which is what still happens nowadays – that you wish to look acceptable when having your photo taken because there is this myth that you should look at your best when you are getting your photo taken and if you don’t look reasonable, the photo will be put aside and not payed attention to – this till happens now but is a myth that I believe should be scrapped – posing is essentially unnatural and to achieve a successful photo, sometimes you have to take it when the subject is least expecting it. I understand this concept from my wedding photography.

What could it be about?

The photo doesn’t hold much meaning behind it in comparison to Tom Pope’s work because it is serves the purpose to provide a memory for the family and create an archive for them. It is not conceptual art or art that wished to break norms because artists didn’t wish to do this in the 18/1900s due to the worry of seeming disrespectful to traditional photography.

Perhaps why a couple of the women are staring away from the camera is due to the long period of time they had to hold their position for due to the time-consuming process of collodion photo processing – also why they may not be smiling in the image. With the progression of technology, we can capture clear and crisp, high quality images within a second, as well as edit them within a second and produce (print) them in a second.

Judging the photo

In terms of how good the photo is, I don’t think it is good, for how I see it and the style of photography I like to look at. I am aware that it would have been seen as a great photo at the time because of its significance and popularity to photograph in this way. However, I do not see it important to like these images from the 18/1900s because they do not save the same purpose as art in this modern day. They were there to produce a documentation of Jersey life – not to encourage others to question why the artists had photographed it and why he photographed it in a particular way.

Theorising the photo

The photo has much relevance to the history of photography due to when it was taken. Baudoux’s work was the pioneering examples of how photography has developed. He used very difficult methods of processing his images but succeeded in his work and this is why he was so successful.

Artist Research – Image Analysis – Tom Pope

Research at least two photographers from the list below in the photo-archive and choose a few photographs that illustrates the themes of Family or Environment from each

Tom Pope

Tom Pope has been short-listed for the Saatchi online art graduates Channel 4 New Sensations Prize and has been artist in residence at the Swansea Metropolitan University and in Jersey back in 2015. I really like Pope’s unusual work, challenging normalities of photography. Tom Pope is a young artist with a promising future.

Tom’s interest in photography lies in its recording qualities and in particular how it can visually document his performances. Clearly attracted to the absurd, he sources his background landscape with great care, but then leaves everything else to chance and possibility. Unable to know what the picture looks like as he takes it, he leaves room for the viewer to bring their own narrative to the photograph. He does not conform to conventions of photography as he takes self-portraits using a shutter release cable, leaving the wire in the image, not photoshopping it out.


Troika Editions Contemporary Photography website asked Pope a few questions in an interview, here are the ones that stuck out most to me:

When are you at your happiest?

While embracing the effects of gravity.

What is your most treasured possession?

My mind.

What really winds you up?


What do you do when not working?

I try to escape from my head by travelling to a city or country I have never been to before. It has the added bonus of offering a new experience and inspiration to my work when I get back home.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Books, films, music, cultures, history, science, mirrors, people, everything, nothing,

How you would you like to be remembered?

The suit-wearing absurdist that made art fun.

Severn Bridge by photographer Tom Pope

Little Solsbury Hill by photographer Tom Pope

Born in Bristol, UK, 1986 Tom Pope’s artistic practice is primarily based within performed photography. Pope’s playful approach rein-acts situations and performed gestures of social interaction. Many of Pope’s works combine performance, photography and moving image.

The most-part of his may seem improvised and taken in a rather relaxed way to seem as though he has just clicked the shutter button. He rarely expands on his work min post-production. The images depict the excitement and often absurdity that develops through his connections with members of the public who have been active participants within the making process.

Before completing his series of work in Jersey, Pope stated: ‘The work I intend to carry out in Jersey will explore notions of play and how we conduct ourselves in public. Gathering inspiration from the Société Jersiaise Photo Archive and collaborating with the Jersey community, performances and situations will be initiated where the act of taking and making photographs becomes a social event.’

Here are some of the works from his commissioned work in Jersey, entitled ‘I am not Tom Pope, You Are All Tom Pope’:

files/gimgs/iamnottompopeyouarealltompope/website edit.jpg

files/gimgs/iamnottompopeyouarealltompope/website edit.jpg

Image Analysis

Image result for tom pope photography

This is an image made my Tom Pope and is an excellent example of his spontaneity when taking an image. He breaks the norms of self-portrait by including motion and blur in his photos – most of the time seen to be a determiner of how bad a photo is, he does not look directly at the camera and includes the shutter release wire in each photo of himself to contextualise his work. It is obscure and very abstract – it requires some thought but this is what I like about his work. I have also had the pleasure of working Pope when he was over in Jersey for the artist in residence scheme. He held a workshop and made it as fun as he could and left options open for freedom in how we took out images.

What is actually in the photo?

This is a photo that follows the norms of Pope’s other works, in which he positions himself, most of the time, in the air, as though he is levitating in mid-air – however, as we know, he has jumped and used a quick shutter speed to capture his movement sharply. He has photographed himself in a public location to encourage the interaction of public within his images and this adds a certain novelty and humour to the image as we see an old man look at Pope in confusion as he makes his way back down to ground. Also, it is difficult to tell whether Pope adds any after effects to his images due to the quite bland and often soft colours. There is no vibrancy to the colours and no sharpness to the backgrounds – encouraging the thought that he leaves his images in their raw form. I admire this because it adds to the effect that his images are very spontaneous and he essentially hopes for the best most of the time, considering he can’t actually see what he is photographing – therefore preparation and set up in the first instance on site is vital. This idea that he leaves all hs images in their raw form with very little post prediction reduces the need to put aside the images that may have turned out as you didn’t want and prioritise the more successful images to add effects to. It is more likely that all his images will be of worth to him, especially due to the heavy focus he has on breaking conventions – so over exposure or cropping of his head when taking the photo could actually result in a more interesting outcome.

What could it be about?

It is difficult to derive meaning from Pope’s work due to its such obscure nature. Pope’s meanings behind his photography and what he wishes to achieve from his own work is the interaction between himself and his environment – whether that be a landscape admired by the nation, such as the River Severn or whether it be the interaction between himself and the people around him.

Perhaps he is trying to draw the attention to his surroundings when he photographs himself immersed in them – the landscapes and countryside and the people he includes in his images. Perhaps he wishes for them to be acknowledged as more than just strangers and people who actually influence others’ lives just through a split second nor snap shot – because that is essentially what a photo is – a snap shot and being able to photograph this unknowingly pointless things creates a documentation of something that becomes of much more worth as it has been captured digitally – to live in history. There may not ever be a bad image – they may all be good but you just have to look at it a little deeper to realise the worth – something Tom Pope seems very keen in advocating due to his inclusion of his surroundings.

Judging the photo

Whether the photo is good, is always difficult to tell because someone’s deception of something ‘good’ or whether its ‘brilliant’ can be completely different to someone else’s view. I find it very hard to judge a photo because I feel like no photo can be judged without the chance of misinterpreting the message the artist wishes to get across. I personally really like this photo send all of Pope’s work because of is complete weirdness – it is very out of the ordinary but that is what you need to so in order to make a name for yourself, essentially. I like art and photography that can make me question what it is or what it means etc. I don’t want the answer to be right in front of my face or for the actual content of the photo to be explicitly directed to the audience. It is vital for you to look at it in different perspectives in order to build a range of thoughts about a photo. This is what I believe Pope’s photography does – therefore, in my eyes making it a good photo because it provokes the thoughts of viewers and doesn’t provide you the answer – therefore making it boring. The obscurity of Pope’s work makes it interesting. This adds to the idea that no image is bad or should be hidden away due to worry that it may get the wrong reaction from audiences because all images have scope for the thoughts of the audience to complete what the photographer may not actually know himself.

Theorising the photo

All photography is an art form and possesses its own intended message shown through different features. I would say that Pope’s work shows more of straight photography or contemporary photography more so than any other theories. This is due to the message it intends to get across as the artist wishes to get his audience to view the world in a new way from new perspective – that is why he has chosen to photograph himself in this weird and wonderful. In straight photography, these photographers strove to make pictures that were ‘photographic’ rather than ‘painterly’, they did not want to treat photography as a kind of monochrome painting. I believe Pope wishes to show photography as a new medium and make people see it as a way to show life and how people react to different things that on around them – becoming contemporary due to this message. It’s a thought that doesn’t really have any relevance, but, for example, if Tom Pope put his work into an archive that holds photos that relate to the history of the place it is located, people would probably turn their noses up at it as something that breaks boundaries according to what photography should be where the subject is looking at the camera or the environment is the focal point of the image.

Independent study- Photo-archive

These artists/photographers work has been published in the Jersey Archive from many years ago and can still be seen in present day.

Morel Phillip Laurens

Morel Phillip Laurens was born in Jersey in 1869, the only son of Philip de Caen Morel and Mary. His mother died when Philip was two and he went to Australia with his father and sister. Fifteen years later they returned and in 1890 Philp took over the family stationers and bookshop in Halkett Place. He married in 1907. He took 56 photographs, which can be viewed online.

These are some of his images:



This image fits the theme of environment as he has clearly captured a photo of the environment around him on his travels. In this image there is a long path that runs through the middle of the image, it almost looks like it never ends, as if it is continuous. The path is sheltered by trees and plants, which almost makes an arch or root above the path. The photograph is presented in black and white and the photo looks old and vintage. To me this image is showing a person following the path and that there is only one route or option that can be taken, this could be  a decision a person needs to make. The trees act as walls so they don’t stray from the path they should be taking, which is the decision which is best for them. The path is white to symbolise peace and good and the trees and sky contrast this, empathising the white within the path. This photo is slightly blurred, this may be due to the photograph being old as the technology was not developed around the time this photo would have been taken. I personally like the effect the photograph has as it almost looks like a drawing or painting instead of a piece of photography, which I like as It made me question what it was. I also like how the image has contrasting shades of white and black, which create an almost eery feel to the path as there is a lot of dark areas above the path making it seem enclosed.

Martin Parr 

He was born on the 23rd of May 1952 and is a British documentary photographer, photojournalist and photobook collector. He came over to the island of Jersey in 2013 to document Jerseys liberation day, where we celebrate each year on 9 May, to mark the end of the occupation by Nazi Germany during World War II. It is celebrated as Guernsey and Jersey’s national day.

These are some of his photographs:

GB. Jersey. St Helier. Liberation Day Tea. 2013.
GB. Jersey. Liberation Day. 2013.
GB. Jersey. Liberation Day. 2013.
GB. Jersey. Liberation Day. 2013.
GB. Jersey. St Helier. Liberation Day. Wreath laying ceremony at the crematorium for forced workers. 2013.



This photograph fits the theme of family. In this photograph there is an elderly lady shaking a man’s hand, who has clearly served in the army when the war was on. This is them celebrating liberation day, which was when we were freed from the war and the soldiers no longer had to fight. They are inside a hall, which has the english flags hung from the ceiling, celebrating being english and showing there respect to the english soldiers. This image shows a lady showing her respect by shaking a  mans hand who has fought for her country, she looks emotional and grateful for his service. She may have known this man before he went away to fight as he looks shocked to see her, which could be taken  one of two ways that he is overwhelmed by the love and appreciation he is being shown or that he is being reminded of his bad experiences within the war. This image is very warming and a happy image as it’s looking back to Jersey’s past and seeing how the people and the place have developed from the war. The image is very clear and the brightness is high although it is using natural lighting from the hall. The photo contains bright colours from their clothing and this is contrasted with the white and brown background. This empathises the bright clothing at the front of the image. I like how the background is slightly blurred as the two people are the main focus and this exaggerates that, making them the primary focus.

Grosnez to L’etacq walk with Tanja

On Tuesday the 20th of June, Tanja came into Hautlieu to talk to us about her own individual work and the type of things that inspired her ideas, which later resulted in her final pieces.

She is a fan of using the archive to help her explore her work and develop ideas relating to the themes that she portrays in her own work.  It also helped her to avoid being somewhat ignorant the island of  Croatia as the archive has helped by allowing her to have a insight into the islands best resources when shooting, basing her work on past works.  She explained to us how she likes collaging elements of ancient drawings an cutting pieces of the body and juxtaposing them against other things. She admitted that each of her photos would take up to a month to create and there would be hundreds photos combined.

After this talk and presentation with Tanja, we got the bus to Grosnez castle, where we all took photographs of the scenery around us that we could later cut and paste several of these photos to make a final image.  We walked from Grosnez to L’etacq where we too photographs of what we seen and what inspired us. We had to keep in mind how we would use these photographs to juxtapose images later on. I think that creating our own images will be extremely fun as it’s different to what we usually do, so I am looking forward to seeing the outcome.

Some of the photographs I took on my journey:


I particularly like this photo because the building on the edge of the hill almost looks like it shouldn’t be there and it has been digitally manipulated. The colours are all light and bright, which makes the image a radiant photograph. The rocky hill, which contains various colours and shades, contrasts with the clear blue sky.

My Wedding Photographs – Family – Starting Point

I have done previous work which relates to family and could be a starting point for my personal study surrounding the area; recently I have had the privilege of photographing of a family relatives wedding. This is not my first family but is still relatable to the topic.This was my first ever attempt at weeding photography and it took place at Corbiere Phare at the beginning of June. I am also photographing another family member’s wedding next month which I am very keen for after my first responsibility for such a big event in someone’s life; essentially a milestone that they will treasure for the rest of their life. I felt very privileged to be assigned to documenting tat life event, as well as a weight on my shoulders, it was a good experience and I thought it would be useful to use the images as a starting point for my journey as well as sending them off to the bride and groom for when I may not ever look at them again – therefore I am going to make the most of them and show you my journey from the first wedding to the next one. I hoe this type of photography will encourage me to think I a new way about photographing certain topics to tell a story or narrative through what I do as I really like this idea. I also thieve off the fact that these photos will be historical in the eyes of the people they are intended for and I love recording the history for my own images to then be remembered in years to come. It wasn’t until now that I realised the photos would be a great example of documenting something that will essentially live in an archive of someone else’s life – the main focus for the fist part of my A2 study for photography – it links perfectly to family and how time can influence the events of someone’s life. Here are some of the images from the very beginnings of the day, within the first couple hours. I took over 500 throughout the day. I will show some more as the project continues.

Here are also some collage edits I produced as a side project for myself to let me experiment with my graphic design side along with the photography.


Tanja Deman

Tanja Deman is Archisle International Photographer and she is currently working on a commission of new work in Jersey from the start of April and will continue this until September. Her work will join the Archisle collection at the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive for future public enjoyment. She obtained her BFA and MFA from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Her work has been exhibited widely including: Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb / Kunstmuseum Bonn / 15th Venice Biennial of Architecture, 2016 / The Central House of Artists, Moscow / Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka.

Tanja was born in Split, Croatia but has been to various places to conduct her work. In Tanja Deman’s art is inspired by her interest in physical and emotional perceptions of specific spaces, architectures, geological formations and sites. She incorporates photography, collage, video and public art, as well as sociological research. Deman’s images reflect upon the ‘dynamics hidden beneath the surface of built’ and natural environments. In 2015 Deman was commissioned to produce a monumental photographic public art project titled ‘Sommerfreuden’ which presented a wrapping of the Ringturm Tower on the bank of the River Danube in the city of Vienna.

"Saltwater (2015 - ongoing) portrays the underwater landscapes of the middle Adriatic. This photo series represents a physical and emotional connection to the place, and my relationship to this environment, silent yet under constant fluctuation. The series observes morphological formations, the mountains that penetrate the sea depths, the dynamic nature of the water, the transmission and refraction of light and sometimes a swimmer."

"The work documents urban gardens as organic micro areas food productions, green niches inside of the city structure and spaces for pause, contemplation and relaxation.
The photographs are capturing my long walks in Linz, Austria on Pöstlingberg and Freinberg, wondering moments in Bauernberpark and Schlosspark, being lost in the curiosity cabinet of plants and faraway places in the Botanischer Garten, intriguing conversations in Hafengarten and patient labor and attention on organic food growing in Demeter Garden Leisenhof in Linz."

Some of her other works:


I was drawn to this photograph because of many components. Firstly, I find the different tones and shade of black contrasting with the white elements of the photograph, where the light is hitting the water very fascinating and almost peaceful to look at. This is empathised by increasing the contrast levels and maybe decreasing the lighting slightly to give the photograph more of a dark and dusty look.  I specifically like how the photograph also includes the waters surface and it almost acts like a roof to the photograph that gives a sense of strength and stability to the water and also gives it a sense of compression . I also like how you can see the textures of the rocks and the water and how these almost clash. The water creates a soft and elegant line within the photo  contrasting with the strong and harsh patterns created by the rocks. This clearly shows the relationship between Tanja and her environment as she is clearly aware of space, using this to create a sense of eeriness, however she also creates a sense of awe and serenity, it describes the relationship between Tanja and the environment in the sense that despite the world we live in, there is beauty to be found everywhere we look.

Tanja has clearly been inspired by other artists/photographers in her work and has given her new and creative ideas to work with and produce new works such as Robert Adams and Thomas Struth.

Robert Adam:

Robert is an American photographer who has focused on the changing landscape of the American west and he is particularly interested in New Topographic and participated in an exhibition of man-altered landscapes. His photographs are a kind of testimony: evidence of what has been lost and what remains.But they also ask us fundamental questions about how we live amid the contradictions and compromises of progress.  His photographs are of urban sites and he often works in black and white.

This is similar to how Tanja works as her photographs are also of urban environments and she took sometimes uses black and white in a similar to how Robert uses it and could say you can see an element of New Topographics and also is interested in man-altered buildings and nature and how they are linked.

Thomas Struth:

He is a German photographer who is best known for his Museum Photographs, family portraits and 1970s black and white photographs of the streets of Dusseldorf and New York.  He too has taken and shows an interest in urban and ‘ugly’ buildings and capturing the ugly as well as the beauty. These early works largely consisted of black-and-white shots of streets. Skyscrapers were another feature of his work, with many of his photographs attempting to show the relationship people have with their modern-day environment. He never manipulates his photographs and they are never staged.

Although Tanja does manipulate and stage her photographs the key concept of recording the beauty and ugly in an environment is similar. She also works in black and white a lot of the time and she too tries to show the difference between years and how people’s relationships change with this.