Category Archives: Inspirations



Critical Image Analysis (Matt Eich)

This post will outline a critical image analysis of a chosen photograph from Matt Eich’s diaristic project following the journey of his family through their time a time of distress and grief surrounding his parents divorce. It is entitled ‘I Love You, I’m Leaving’ and is one of two parts of my personal study for my coursework; LaToya Ruby Frazier being the other – whom I have already carried out a critical image analysis of.

Describing – FORM – What is here? What am I looking at?

The image above, which I will be analysing in detail, is taken form Matt Eich’s series entitled ‘I Love You, I’m Leaving’. The insightful project follows the life of Matt Eich and his family as he documents, as a photographer, his relationships, as he serves as a father to his children, a husband to his wife and a son to his just divorced parents. It is a poetic and diaristic expression of love and what attachment and detachment can do to a family. Eich, in his statement for the project, taken form (website) expresses that the series was “created during a time of personal domestic unease. I made this work when my parents separated after 33 years of marriage and my wife, children and I had moved to a new city.”

The photograph in question is a very simple yet well executed and elegant image full of character. The image frames one person – and this subject is actually unknown and the only part of the subject’s body that we can see, informing us that it is a photo of realism, is the subjects feet poking out of the bottom of the silk sheet which falls gracefully, and rather ghostly over the shape of the body underneath. Looking at the feet of the subject it looks like it could be a little boy’s feet due to the size of them and the body underneath the cover.

However, observing Eich’s family which is revealed in the rest of the images in the project, their son only looks very young and the size of the body looks more suited to that of the their daughter’s height.

The little girl huddles lonesomely in the corner of her bed underneath a silk sheet which drapes gracefully over her body contours. There is certain glow and glaze which provides body to the image.

It is an image I really like because it is quite eerie in its ghostly state – with the shadow of the feet casting against the wall and the silk texture of the sheet providing a certain glow and shine to the overall look. Furthermore, the head is completely covered under the sheet and the only evidence of a human body is shown in the the feet which hand out the end. The girl is curled up in a semi-ball shape as though  she is scared of something. Connotations of ghostliness is reiterated in the relationship between the way she is curled up, huddled under a cover, like a child would when scared, as well as the fact that she, in her own form looks ghostly.

Interpreting – MEANING – What is it about?

Interpreting this image beyond its face value and deeper into the psychological meaning of it, it could mean much more relating to the grief the family may be going through. Eich states that the project was made during a time of personal domestic unease; during a time where the unwelcomed separation of his parents came after 33 years of marriage and, as well, at the inconvenient time at which Eich, their son, had began to create his own family and they were ready to move to a new city to begin their lives elsewhere with his own wife, and three children. The fact that one of the children, whom we don’t know, is tucked away under the blanket, with a deliberate hidden identity may signify that they may feel quite isolated from family life at the moment with the relatives she once knew to be happy and cohesive, now broken and full of upset. Eich reiterates this feeling of unease and makes it clear that it was personal unease but this internal feeling, although tempting to keep in and hide from others, often has to be expressed. This may, in-turn affect the whole family.

Although the little girl may only be playing around with her father as she hides under the sheet in a game of hide-and-seek, it is useful to look further into it to infer and interpret another meaning that could also be realistic. The fact that we cannot see the body underneath the sheet may represent a feeling a lost identity in the new life the family leads. Eich, along with his wife has made the joint decision that it would be best to move away to start a new life, to create more memories with their new-found family. The children likely wouldn’t have got s say in this and the move may have been sprung on them at the last minute. Because of this, it likely that the children may begin to feel a sense of lost identity that the home they once lived in and begin their live sin has now been taken away. I am aware of this feeling from personal experience when I moved from house to house to visit my dad wherever he was staying st the time. After moving out of his, once known home, he had to find a place to live which came as a struggle at the time and as his son, I felt quite confused but found ways to make the most of the new surroundings I found myself in when visiting him.

As a child, you look for a certain spots in your home to act as a den-type area – where you can go to be yourself – to be a kid, sit and do nothing – like I used to – I used to make dens out sofa cushions and find nooks in the house that I could fit into and sit for the fun of it because I was young and my mind had the ability to imagine and wonder off. The image above could represent  this same concept – under the sheets on this bed – she may find comfort or enjoyment out of hiding underneath it and it could be her own way of isolating herself from the family to allow herself mental room to imagine, as a kid should.

Evaluating – JUDGEMENT – How good is it?

In my personal opinion, knowing the type of photography I enjoy, I would say that this image is very good and is the exact type of image that attracts me to look at the rest if the series is I was to spot this in an exhibition etc.

Because of it obscurity, I believe that is a very attractive and intriguing image that would draw me in to know more about the photographer as well as the project.

The image would have been taken with a fixed lens in order to get a close to to the subject and the fact that it is black and white adds ot the quality, in my opinion – because it is not heavily reliant on contrasts between heavy blacks and luminant whites and instead focuses on the neutral to provide body to the photograph. Furthermore, there are several leading lines within the photograph; from the feet hanging out the end of the sheet, these lead the audiences eyes along the top of the body, over the legs and to the head which is also under the covers and on centered on a hotspot, if I was to apply the rule of thirds.

As well, I often say this with Eich’s images, each and every one, within this particular project, I believe could work on its own, in solitary from the other images because every one is so powerful and poetic in its expression. This may be why Eich puts only one image to two pages throughout his book because he feels like they would be best appreciated one at a time – as opposed to other photographers who may use two or even three to a page. The size of the images in the small portrait book also reiterate the fact that they are delicate images which hold meaning in more than one way.

Theorizing – CONTEXT – Is it art? How does it relate to the history and theory of photography, art and culture?

Eich’s image capturing this particular moment in time of his daughter’s life at home is an image which works perfectly in his series looking at the fragility of family contrasting its ability to unite a collective of people within the familial circle.

The simplicity that lies within his photography is what makes it so beautiful and captivating because it is the thought behind each and every photo as well as the tones achieved from black and white film – all aspects come together to create meaningful and natural, very organic looking documentary images – and because of this, Eich’s work lends itself to the particular art movement of realism and straight photography because it captures life it most arwwst from – the camera is used as a witness to create memories of intimate moments int time in between the hustle an bustle of daily life – a style of work I enjoy experimenting with in my own projects – the reasons being, for personal reasons and it is the same for any documentary imagery, is that it creates a very truthful and realistic sense of emotion and makes it very easy to tell a story because you are capturing people in their natural forms. Catching people off guard with your lens makes for great results to show a series or a sequence. Eich’s imagery encapsulates the whole meaning of documentary work because it focuses less on post-production and alterations to improve an image an more on the subject and content matte to create a “good” image.

Eich borrows from personal experiences to stimulate his photographic work and his artistic eye – making for a very personal insight into what we, as the audience often tend not to see because it is regarded as personal business to be kept to oneself. The state of acting as a fly-on-the-wall looking in on family life of others, in both Eich and Frazier’s projects is what intrigues the audience, myself included.


Photo Book Investigation (Matt Eich – I Love You I’m Leaving) – Deconstructing the Book

For my investigation into a photo book, I will be observing in detail, then discussing the features of Matt Eich’s photo book entitled ‘I Love You I’m Leaving’. I have chosen this book to research because it is the book I will be using in my personal study and Matt Eich is a photographer I have paid close attention to throughout my project thus far. His images are so very poetic and it is a style of documentary photography I am aiming to replicate in my project. The following few blog posts will be dedicated to the research into this photo book and will include discussion surrounding the narrative and features of the book as well as who Matt Eich is and my own options on the book. 

Deconstruction of the physical and narrative features of the book:

Book in hand
The book in hand feels very light and small – it can be handled easily and doesn’t feel too heavy.
The cover has a very smooth texture yet a little rough and feels almost like plastic.
Book is a small portrait format.

Paper and ink
The paper is the same throughout – matte paper with solely black and white images printed throughout.
There is no text / captions in the book
There is a coloured image of photographers grandfather at the beginning and the end as it is dedicated to him.

Format, size and orientation
There are 64 pages and 46 photographs.
The edition is softcover with an exposed spine.
The dimensions are 22 x 17 cm.
It is portrait and features images of all sizes.

Design and layout:
Within the book, there are no captions or texts alongside the images. However, there is a poem at the end next to the image where we the wife on the floor in what seems like a breakdown as she looks very uneased by something with her hands on head. I am not certain on what the poem means or who it was written by but it describes driving away from the one you love on a 10th wedding anniversary and feeling a sense of remorse.
Neither are there any fold-outs or inserts.
Landscape Images: 18
Portrait Images: 14
Full Bleed Images: 11
Tipped In Images: 2
Blank Pages: 5

Rhythm and sequencing:
The book starts and ends with very similar images; the first image of the project is of Eich’s daughter sat at a park bench with the light reflecting on her body and she has her eyes closed as she leans on the table. This image image is again shown as the last image to conclude the book but this time with her eyes open and the shadows reduced.
The second image introduces Eich and his wife in a self-portrait where we see Eich, sat down, learning his head against his wife’s bare abdominal as she stands. This is a very powerful image to introduce the wife and husband.
From this point, it seems as though every juxtaposes one another in the sequence they have been printed. There doesn’t seem to be an order yet that all work in conjunction with one another.
It is as though we physically take a journey through the busyness of family life as the husband and wife spend time with their children and as we are introduced to new characters throughout.

Structure and architecture:
The book, unlike other photo books simply consist of solely images which often don’t seem to have nay relation to one another and so it may, at first be difficult to derive nay meaning from the imagery and decipher the story which is wanting to be represented which is what I experienced at first . However, there seems to be a running theme of finding a balance between emotions, events and feelings. It starts at an equilibrium which seems to gradually crumble and become an imbalance of emotions within all family members and this is presented in the photographs as we people confiding in one another, and more serious facial expressions, if we see any at all because often, faces are covered with hands to hide the sadness. People seem to be less involved in their familial circle and daughters, the wife and Eich’s parents seem to become isolated from what once was an equilibrium.

The story is told from the perspective of Eich himself as a father, son and husband and focuses on all 3 of these elements of family life to tell a narrative of love, connections and detachments. Eich, although at the centre of it all, does not make this clear and instead focuses on the presence of his family members and how this provides a base for he life they all lead. Eich himself states that the book follows his documentation of what he experiences within his own familial circle as he, on regular basis makes connections with his daughters through his love for his wife and this welcomes an interaction between himself and his parents. The narrative can also tell a story of generations and how this is, even though very broad from elderly to youth, can actually connect a family through the relationships that build over this concept of ‘knowing our place in this fragile world’ as Eich states. This is shown in the image which includes the book where we one of Eich’s daughters sat by the coffin of Eich’s grandfather and even though this man is not present in the book’s content through, it reiterates the importance of remaining close because without that knowing of belonging, people can become so easily isolated which I explore in my own project through the main body looking at belonging; it provides an underlying guilt of not being present and instead being contained within yourself, something I have recently become a victim of and I am attempting to include this emotion in my project as I have become much more aware of my own feelings since starting this book. I see my own project as an experiment of truth and showing everything as it is – by not covering anything for the lens or presenting anything false for the camera. My aim and intent is for this to make my project more raw and real by not altering things to make them more “acceptable” because then photography does not become interesting and it removes that ability to connect with imagery once the rawness of what you are capturing has been discarded.

In Eich’s project, he does not attempt to tell a story of sorrow or upset and instead looks to simply present his family and the rawness of their respect and love for each other – this what I get and feel form looking and flicking through his book.

The title is literal but it is also poetic. The title ‘I Love You I’m Leaving’ I imagine was carefully chosen by Eich but once chosen would have been easily imagined because of it’s compete literal meaning. The story follows the split of his mother and father after over 30 years of marriage and how this break-away coincides with the departure if Eich and his newly formed family to a new city. It looks forming a new identify from what Eich used to be – from his mother and father’s careful nurturing to raise Eich to the man he is now has benefitted his ability to build his own relationships, however, occurring at the time of what once was a happy family’s physical and emotional detachment as he moves away, leaving his mother and father suffering on their own, also away from one another. The title, knowing this synopsis of the project, seems very suited and it does work very well. It also connotes the popular phrase of what people say to one another if they are about to leave an event or situation etc. but don’t rally want to and it is not out of their own will – people often say ‘I’ll love you and leave you’ as they say goodbye and this essentially what Eich is doing. It does very intrigue the audience because it opens the door to what is to come. 

Images and text: 

Image result for matt eich i love you i'm leaving

There is one piece of text throughout the hole book, excluding the two texts at the beginning and end which dedicates the book to Eich’s grandfather and this is the pome towards the latter of the book (shown above). It is a poem on a blank page next to a full bleed image of Eich’s wife lying on the floor. There are no captions or anything else apart from this four verse poem. I am not actually fully sure of the meaning of the pome and or what it’s intent on the audience is or who’s perspective it is actually from. However, I am imagining it is either rom Eich’s perspective to his wife or I thin that the most likely option is that it is written by Eich about his father’s divorce from his mother as it follows a story of leaving the said and feeling some sense of remorse but still a sense of love. I also believe the title of the poem is ‘X’ – most likely connoting a kiss in text talk.


Photo Book Investigation (Matt Eich – I Love You I’m Leaving) – Research of Photo Book

For my investigation into a photo book, I will be observing in detail, then discussing the features of Matt Eich’s photo book entitled ‘I Love You I’m Leaving’. I have chosen this book to research because it is the book I will be using in my personal study and Matt Eich is a photographer I have paid close attention to throughout my project thus far. His images are so very poetic and it is a style of documentary photography I am aiming to replicate in my project. The following few blog posts will be dedicated to the research into this photo book and will include discussion surrounding the narrative and features of the book as well as who Matt Eich is and my own options on the book. 
Research of the photo book:

I will be researching, for this task, the photo book produced by Matt Eich highlighting his project entitled ‘I Love you I’m Leaving’. This project outlines his parents split after several years pf marriage as he and his newly formed family transfer themselves form their hometown to a new city to start a new life as his parents are in a phase of vulnerability, grief and need. He feels as if he leaving in the most fragile of times and he documents this through photographing his family’s habits in in their new lease of life.

“I Love You, I’m Leaving is my meditation on familial bonds, longing, and memory. The series borrows from personal experience and the visual language of the everyday in order to create a fictional account that mirrors my reality. Made during a time of personal domestic unease, I photographed as my parents separated, and my family moved to a new city.” (

Image result for matt eich i love you im leaving

Throughout the book, Matt Eich sticks strictly with black and white images and focuses harshly on using shadows and light to depict a particular mood – this being quite eerie – there is a certain glow to Eich’s images and his subjects posses a certain importance highlighted through the use of light to illuminate their presence. You see the subjects consisting of his wife, two daughters and older generations through the family wearing mainly white and flaunting their hereditary blonde hair as the light Eich focuses on strictly catches and provides glow to the light colours each subject possesses.

Eich also pays close attention to providing a balanced tone spectrum in each image as you notice the whites being visibly brighter than that of the solid blacks and in between this, greys of all different tones fill the negative space to create a very tonally balanced image.

The genre Eich takes on is that of a documentary approach where he captures the still moments that take their course in between the more hectic, busier moments of life which are also captured on a more subtle level. However, the overall tone the images depict is very atmospheric as if each image is their to tell a story and work as a collective but each individual image also has the ability to stand solitary as a documentation of the fragility of their familial circle. No one image is isolated and they come together, intentionally to create a solid visual narrative of what Eich experiences as a photographer, father, husband and son.

With Eich’s imagery, he pays no attention to attempting  to romanticise life itself and as a documentary photography project, it shows life itself and the rawness and actuality of what, on an everyday basis, his family are familiarised with but as a viewer, we are getting an insight in this and become hooked on what we are shown and begin to attempt to deconstruct this when, really, Eich’s job is to show is what is front of him as he discovers his family just as much as we are when delving through the project. Each photograph has a meaning and makes no effort to depict a false reality and instead focuses on what is there – the tangible – but we are shown a sense of intangibility through the project as we attempt to sympathise and relate with something we only know fragments of. Furthermore, Eich creates this sense of belonging as he brings each and every family member together as a collective and us as the audience feel involved in this poetic representation of what family is and it’s ability, in partnership with attachment and love, to unite yet destruct the once solid family tribe.

Photo Book Investigation (Matt Eich – I Love You I’m Leaving) – Who is Matt Eich?

For my investigation into a photo book, I will be observing in detail, then discussing the features of Matt Eich’s photo book entitled ‘I Love You I’m Leaving’. I have chosen this book to research because it is the book I will be using in my personal study and Matt Eich is a photographer I have paid close attention to throughout my project thus far. His images are so very poetic and it is a style of documentary photography I am aiming to replicate in my project. The following few blog posts will be dedicated to the research into this photo book and will include discussion surrounding the narrative and features of the book as well as who Matt Eich is and my own options on the book. 
Who is the photographer?

Matt Eich (b. 1986) is a portrait photographer and photographic essayist working on long-form projects about the American condition. He is currently a Professional Lecturer of Photography at The George Washington University and continues to accept commissions. Matt resides in Virginia with his family.

Matt holds a BS in Photojournalism from Ohio University and an MFA in Photography from Hartford Art School’s International Limited-Residency Program.

His second book, ‘I Love You, I’m Leaving’ was published in September 2017 by Ceiba Editions and is sold out. He has three forthcoming monographs scheduled between 2018 and 2020.

I Love You, I’m Leaving’ is Eich’s latest photo book. The book was a finalist at the Lucie Photo Book Prize in the Limited Edition category and received a special mention at FoLa Book Awards.

Until I came across Matt Eich, I did not really enjoy looking at black and white imagery because I thought it was traditional and classic and has been too over-used and as a result of this, I felt like I couldn’t be original when using black and white images in projects etc. I also felt like I couldn’t portray the mood and tone I would wish for in black and white because there is no colour and I used to enjoy relying on heavy colours to bring my photos to life but now I feel the complete opposite to this since discovering many modern day photographers who use black and white imagery for full projects. I now find pleasure out of relying on shadows, light and contrast to create dramatic or elegant and poetic black and white photographs.

Although this book would be aimed at a more elder target audience due to its subject matter and use of nudity within, I believe it could be aimed and read with enjoyment and pleasure by a keen photographer of any age because although the subject matter it relatively mature, it is very relatable to people of my age. It looks at the fragility of your place in the world and how this is secured through family life. I have found great enjoyment out of looking at this book because of its pure ability to speak to the reader throughout it’s poetic story-telling style.

Possible Essay Questions

As my personal investigation progresses and i research more into the topic of family and environment i am going to do a small review and reflect on my project so far. After my trip to Africa i collected a vast variety of family, community and environmental images in a documentary and photojournalist style. After editing and refining my choices i picked 6 images to go in the exhibition which was located at the jersey arts center in the ‘Constructed Narratives’ exhibition. Moving on i need to focus on assessment objective 2 which includes further experimentation with my images and further refinements. I want to experiment with my First few shoots i did seeing how i can digitally manipulate them to create a more manipulated and staged story/message. However i also think that i should focus on doing some more shoots on exploring family and environment in jersey and then id be able to do a comparison between the different shoots and look at the similarities and differences between community and family life in Africa and in jersey. Also investigating the different techniques and styles which are used to captures a message in images from different cultures.

Moving on i am going to start to focus on my personal study which is linked to to the theme of family and be specific to the style i am trying to capture. As my personal investigation is specific to capturing third world countries and the community life in areas of poverty and hardship i am going to explore this in my study. i want to come up with a hypothesis which will lead to into exploring realism as a style of photography and how it an be manipulated and not always truthful. By focusing on realism i will be able to explore further photographers such as Steve McCurry and Sebastian Salgado and how they represent third third issues in different styles. I would also like to link into this the ‘Insider VS Outsider’ approach as i think that photographers from an outside perspective looking in on third world countries will never be able to truly capture the sense of community and the harshness of life truthfully, this further links into the topic of objectivity and how photographs may vary due to how subjective photographers may be.

Below is a mind map of initial ideas for the title and focal point of my personal study:

  • ‘How powerful/useful is photography in revealing worldwide issues?’


  • ‘Can an outsider ever really represent third world issues truthfully?’


  • ‘Is it possible for photography to capture moments in time objectively and truthfully?’


  • ‘In what way has photojournalism had an impact on creating awareness of worldwide issues?’


  • ‘How does subjectivity effect the authenticity of photographs representing third world countries?’

These were a few of my initial essay questions which focus on questioning the key areas of photograph which my investigation focuses on. However after producing these ideas for a hypothesis i still wasn’t certain that any of them were worded/included the ideas that i wanted to focus on. Therefore i started to look at influential photographers works at essay writing examples and the type of points that they focused on to give me inspiration. Using books of photographers such as David Bate and Susan Sontag as well as Maey Ellen Mark, i started to gather a greater understanding of the theory of representation and other key theoretical concepts.

Through reading Mary Ellen Mark’s ‘The Photo Essay’, its opened my eyes to different concepts, most noteablely the idea of exploitation. I think that the idea of how society and the community of these third world countries which are capture to make hard hitting message images may be being exploited in the process.

Furthermore ‘The Key Concepts’, written by photographer David  Bate enhanced my knowledge on representation  and the idea of realism. Through reading i have gathered ideas of what i want to focus on and a few key points which really caught my attention which could potentially be included in my Personal Study.

‘Manifesting a desire for reality.’

‘Documentary photography construct representations of reality according to someone’s view, their desire to see.’

The above quotes can be seen as relation to the concept of subjectivity Vs Objectivity and the idea that all photographers have a viewpoint and however objective they try to be to capture the reality of a specific event, their mind eye is always going to have some kind of input making them possess a subjective viewpoint which may effect the truthfulness of the images and the way that they represent third world countries.

Possible Investigations for Personal Study (Essay Question)

I have chosen to study the work of  Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier to help me generate a response to the one of the questions below for my personal study. I have previously observed and researched the work of both artists but intend to do more through observations into their work and thought processes.

Here are some possible questions I may use to answer for my personal study. They relate to the photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier and compares and contrasts their work to relate to my own project exploring similar themes, representations and contexts.

How do photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier show familial relationships to be cohesive yet destructive?

How do photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier construct their images to tell a story of their own family?

How do photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier collaborate with their subjects to show their internal family community and to make it a more personal exploration into the fragility of families?

This was my favourite question from the list I created, however, I thought it could do with some tweaks to make it better and to make it read better for both myself and the audience to understand more clearly what I will be writing about.

How have the themes of attachment, detachment, family and love been represented in the photobooks of photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier?

This is the altered and better worded version of the question which I will be using:

How have the photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier explored themes of attachment and detachment in their own family through the medium of photobooks?

All my questions relate to the theme of family and relationships in particular and this is represented in both Matt Eich’s work and LaToya Ruby Fraizer. I took inspiration for my possible questions to respond to from that of previous questions answered by previous students for their own personal study. However, these are only potential studies at the moment and my photographs which I will be observing may change, as well as the context of the question but the examples above are useful to generate some ideas.


My Inspirations + Linking to my Project

Below are all my inspirations I have taken for my ongoing project based around the theme of relationship within my life and how the prominent event being my mum and dad’s divorce when I was 4 years old has shaped my life.

The artists and their projects shown below have attracted me and encouraged me to take inspiration from them because the images themselves are very poetic and conceptual and I they follow a style of imagery I wish to create. As well, the contexts of some of the images from the artists projects relate to that of my own – for example, Alec Soth’s project ‘Looking For Love’ looks at the search for love through the eye and the heart. All of the images below, in some way, encapsulate the idea of relationships and attachment or detachment love causes – Yoshikatsu Fujii’s project ‘Red String’ looks at his mother and fathers divorce and tells a narrative from two perspectives. As well, projects like ‘Josephine’ and ‘The Notion of Family’ looks at relationships between family members and how cohesive or damaging this may be.

I will also be using the research constructed from this task to help me produce the starting points for my personal study. From the research carried out on the artists below, I will be able to use this to generate more observations on their work, in particular , two artists of my choice rot help me begin my study inn which I will have to choose a question to answer based on the comparison of two photographers. I will most likely choose Matt Eich and Yohsikatsu Fujii or Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier.

Matt Eich - 'I Love You, I'm Leaving'


“I Love You, I’m Leaving is my meditation on familial bonds, longing, and memory. The series borrows from personal experience and the visual language of the everyday in order to create a fictional account that mirrors my reality. Made during a time of personal domestic unease, I photographed as my parents separated, and my family moved to a new city.”

– Matt Eich

When I first encountered this project by Matt Eich which encapsulates the difficult and uneasing event of his parents after 33 years of marriage, separating and whilst this is occurring, he captures the process of his own family moving into a new city and leaving his parents suffer the grief of a separation lonesomely. The images themselves attracted me due to their pure poetic nature., They are very delicate and speak through the composition and framing of each subject. Every image is set-up perfectly and presented in such a way that a story as well as emotions can easily be derived from the visuals included in the project.

Each image is taken in black and white and this is something that although can be quite difficult due to the heavy focus on lighting, tones and shadows to create atmosphere and mood, Eich has pulled off very well and the primary focus on greys and neutral tones over the heavy contrasts makes for very visually stunning images. They look as if they have a glow and they look very heavily in a way that we can understand the relationships Eich wants to show and how in the most of his parents’ divorce, he can find a sense of happiness and togetherness in his own family bonds of his wife and kids as they begin a new life in a new location.

Eich plays with close-ups of still life and nature to provide a different view from the portraits and candid moments he captures of life ta home with his family. Below is an image of, what looks like his wife, cutting his hair in the garden as his children play and pose for the camera. The side profiles of both Eich and his wife play very important roles in showing their important within this family circle. In opposition to this, from the children’s role in the image, we can see that they are playful and are looking to have fun on this summer’s day as they find ways to interact with the camera in between their moments of play. Furthermore, the image is very well composed and framed,m like I said. All the family is included in the mage, amazing it very difficult to capture but Eich has created a perfect image to lead the audiences eyes through each subject one by one as a curve from the heights of each subject is framed from the bottom left corner of the image to the far right of the image.

Without using Eich an inspiration, I create a very similar image in my photoshoot completed with my mum and girlfriend in which my girlfriend is cutting my mum’s hair. It was a few weeks ago that I did this as my girlfriend was asked by my mum to cut her hair as she is a training hairdresser and I thought this would perfect to show my own familial bonds and relationship as well as cohesion in my fmaily. The images I will be using from this shoot is an image I created using a reflection of a glass door and the aftermath of my mum’s hair being cut – a partly blurred image of the hair on the kitchen door. This rpresnsts the idea of a detachment from something you have created an attachment with. My mum has lost her hair and can be seen as a metaphor for losing something more real and much more influential on her life – the divorce. It is, in a way, showing the removal of an identity that my mum has built over many years as she has grown her hair but at some point, has to lose.

Image result for matt eich i love you i'm leaving

As well, Eich attempts to enhance through his photography by photographing his closest loved ones in their most intriguing forms, but as well, he photographs then in their most rawest beings to show life’s actuality and although it is an enhancement of family life in some way as it presented in a frame to look very aesthetically  pleasing, the subjects are documented very informally yet poetically. Eich uses all his family and the relationship he has with these family members in his imagery to create a narrative but also uses environments as a way to respond to family life. I will be doing this throughout my own project where I photograph my closet to me to show, from the centralised view of myself, the relationship I have and how they may look and differ to that of my parents when they were younger and believed they would be with each other an eternity. I will be using, like Eich, metaphors of reality through, what many seem like an irrelevant image at face value.

Eich says that he wishes to show the fragility of memory but how it is paramount for collectives, as a unity to “wrestle these into a permanent state” in order for you as the collective to understand your place in this world because, according to Eich, it is “tenuous” This can insinuate that the world being very fast-moving and with its ability to be hurtful in its unfiltered system, families need to work together to create a safe and comfortable to place to remain in order acknowledge your important presence as this state you may find yourself in is very fragile and can be easily broken. I can connect with this statement very well and believe it will resonate in my own work.

Yoshikatsu Fujii - 'Red String'


“I received a text message. “Today, our divorce was finalized.” The message from my mother was written simply, even though she usually sends me messages with many pictures and symbols. 
I remember that I didn’t feel any particular emotion, except that the time had come. 
Because my parents continued to live apart in the same house for a long time, their relationship gently came to an end over the years. It was no wonder that a draft blowing between the two could completely break the family at any time.

In Japan, legend has it that a man and woman who are predestined to meet have been tied at the little finger by an invisible red string since the time they were born. 
Unfortunately, the red string tying my parents undone, broke, or perhaps was never even tied to begin with. But if the two had never met, I would never have been born into this world. If anything, you might say that there is an unbreakable red string of fate between parent and child.”

– Yoshikatsu Fujii

My observations into Yoshikatsu Fujii’s work will help me carry out a more accurate and detailed, as well as cohesive and creative study into my parents divorce as a starting point for my project. I camera cross this artists when I became set on using the divorce of parents when I was younger as a starting point to allow me generate more ideas in terms of relationships within my life. The book that Fujii has produced looking at the life his parents once lead in comparison to now is amazing and I took an instant attraction to its form because of the handmade nature of it – because it was handmade with such care, it is much more original and authentic. The pages are much more than just paper with digital photos printed don them. Within the book, there are manually glued images onto old photo paper as well the use of red tape and red string to hold other aspects of what was inside the book together – this also has a relation to the meaning of the title – Red String – being this notion that a man and a women from birth are predestined to meet some day down the line of their life and an invisible red string would tie them together for an eternity.

In his project looking at a very uneasy subject to cover, Fujii uses both black and white imagery as well colour and photo montage as shown below. The most-part of his book is made of archival imagery taken from when his mother and father were together and from times when they would go out on day outs as a whole including Fujii as a child. He has centered the project around himself so that all products link back to him and how it has affected him but also telling a story about both of his parents and the different experiences he may have had with them separately – something I would like to present in my study – due to the break up being when I much younger – at 4 years of age – I have grown up, for 13 years with my parents being part from each other from the 4 years they were together when I was in the family also, I only remember every little details of this time and the majority of my upbringing has been nurtured form two different perspectives – when I was with my um during the week, I would follow her house rules and do activities with her and when I was at my dad’s on a Wednesday evening and a Saturday night/Sunday morning, I would have a different experience with him and do other activities, such as playing footie at the park with him. It is important for me to reminisce on these two different experiences.

Fujii captures still image of several documents culture together scattered across a table – these could perhaps be the divorce papers or papers from the process of the divorce occurring.

He also uses archival imagery from old photo albums to show a true representation of what their tight-knit community used to look like when together as a family. It shows them having fun and enjoying houselife but perhaps behind this, a deeper meaning lurks – in the two images below we see Fujii and his two other siblings as well as his mother and father in the frame on both occasions. Each fmaily member expresses the fun they are having through smiling or pulling funny faces for the camera but in the background of each image, the dad lurks, often unaware of the camera – he looks quite dislocated form the family as he stands behind, awkwardly resting on the chair as if he doesn’t want to be there. As well, he is the only one who does not smile in either of the photographs. Could this have been the time where moments in the house were at their  worst but everyone else tried to disguise this through laughter?

In this fragmented picture of both Fujji’s mother and father on what seems to be their wedding day, he has contrasted this image with another, more modern and current image of his mother on the beach and it used to complete the image. Something interesting about the image is that the photo of them both dressed up  was taken in a studio by the looks of things and this was a common method and a style of wedding portraiture in the nineteenth century – where couples would go to a professional portrait studio to be photographed before their wedding in order to document the marriage. In the current day, wedding imagery has become much more informal and encapsulates moments in time achieved through candid images due to the more advanced camera technology.

Alec Soth - 'Looking For Love'


“Love makes people do strange things. The history of mankind is rife with love producing illogical and oddball behavior. When it comes to photography, falling in love with the medium is hardly an exception. For example, someone painfully shy might find themselves impulsively photographing strangers without asking for permission. Or, they instinctively photograph something without any ability to later explain why. Alec Soth’s newest book Looking for Love, 1996 is, in its way, about both—the search for love guided by the heart and the search of love guided by the eye.”

– Time Magazine on ‘Looking For Love’

Alec Soth’s work has had a huge influence on other like-minded artists in the industry due to it’s ability to speak out about real-life events in such detail a depict both people and environments in their most true form – again, his style of work is very elegant and poetical – a theme and approach I am focusing on heavily in my selection of artists to take inspiration from as I wish for my own project to look like a visual poem which represent a journey through my life.

In particular, I will be looking briefly at Alec Soth’s project ‘Looking For Love’ whilst focusing my thoughts more so on similar artist like Matt Eich.

Soth, a Minnesota native, came to national attention in 2004 after his project Sleeping by the Mississippi was featured at the Whitney museum during its Biennial exhibition and consequently released in book form by the prestigious German publisher Steidl to critical acclaim. ‘Looking for Love’ was released in 1996 and he writes of imagining one day “a stranger would fall in love with me.”

The first photographs of couples we encounter in ‘Looking for Love’ cling possessively to their partners and gaze intensely at Soth’s camera as if to ask, “this is mine, where is yours?”. This photographic exploration reveals to us in hi journey, the outside landscape and various social gatherings—a particular bar; a convention hall that seems to bridge religion, spirituality and dating under one roof; poker games; singles parties; high school proms – all in which, we discover an element of love and attachment whether that be romantically and verging erotic as we see an image in which a high-school cheerleader leans in for a kiss with another of her same gender or whether this be on the basis of friendship as we see various shots in bars and clubs in which two characters are sat side by side, without interaction, yet still possessing some element of the ‘search for love’. We as the audience encounter moments of joy and laughter – that whether young or old, the ability to enjoy yourself and “let-go” and be free is still possible and all it takes is ‘love’ – it is a strong yet odd being and rules many lives. Love has the ability to pull people together as a community yet distance people from the ones they love the most. It is complicated but most importantly, the participants within feeling loved are happy because the intimacy and knowledge of having love surrounding you can define a person’s mood and life which in its own rights can be a positive thing as well as a negative thing.

Images like the above are what I wish to take inspiration from for my project looking at my relationship with my girlfriend. In these intimate and personal photographs I will be including myself. I hope to show the pure rawness of a relationship by being direct in how an image is composed – whether that be an image of us both sat on the bed looking int camera or an mage of us hugging intensely as the camera documents this. Images like these will be staged and will most likely be in black and white but then I also hope to create images that are more documentary style where I am capturing a moment in time of both of us being natural and these may be in colour and most likely taken on a 35mm film camera.

Soth has attempted to capture the aspect of being in groups or in two’s and this very much reiterates the idea of a community being a strong cohesive form. He captures groups of friends in their moments of obliviousness where they do not acknowledge the camera is documenting them and this makes for a “fly-on-the-wall” affect where the audience feel as though they are getting an insight into the lives of people in love – as though they shouldn’t be because it is such a personal thing that is best experienced within the participants. Myself and Lucy do show public affection but not often and limit this to hugging/holding hands/kissing on the cheek etc. and so I will attempt to show the more intimate and playful relationship we lead at home in a more natural environment where feel comfortable so the true representation of our relationship is presented. I will attempt to present a contrast of mine and Lucy’s playful and fun-filled, quite childish relationship against that of my mum and dad’s divorce but there will also be elements of similarities because I have come across old images of my mum and dad together in my dad’s room where they are on the bed taking photos of one another with my dad’s surfing poster’s in the background on his walls. However, because a relationship is meant to to be a quite secretive and internal thing within the participants, this is when the subjects involved feel most comfortable when they are with juts their partner where they feel they can open up about anything and can talk about anything – to just be themselves – and this is how both Lucy and I feel and at moments, we may both feel vulnerable in the relationship we are in because we put our trust in their being. There is definitely a sense of feeling fragile and sensitive at times and this will be important to also show – which is why I want to include myself in the images to present this sense of fragility and vulnerability – especially in myself because I know that I am a sensitive person and can get easily upset and annoyed – something that I can admit and men tend to wish to not say or reveal about themselves bit feel comfortable doing this in my relationship so feel it important to show it.

LaToya Ruby Frazier - 'The Notion Of Family'


“The Notion of Family, offers an incisive exploration of the legacy of racism and economic decline in America’s small towns, as embodied by her hometown of Braddock, Pennsylvania. The work also considers the impact of that decline on the community and on her family, creating a statement both personal and truly political— an intervention in the histories and narratives of the region. Frazier has compellingly set her story of three generations—her Grandma Ruby, her mother, and herself”

– Aperture on ‘The Notion Of Family’ 

LaToya Ruby Frazier exploration into the town she lives in and its culture and the people within this tight-knit community, especially her family, is a project that is very powerful and addressees a range of issues for the audience to get a very incisive insight into the community of Braddock and America’s legacy of racism and the decline in economy.

Out of all my other chosen artists, I would say that Frazier’s work is the most well composed as a whole – it is the most powerful due to the subject matter and this is aided by how Frazier has the ability to construct an image so thoughtfully and artistically to produce a product that has had such an impact on the people of the location focused on in the series.

The image below frames both Frazier as a teenager in 2008 with her mother. It shows her mother from a side profile and Frazier in the background, yet in focus. Behind her mother as they are both sat on the edge of a bed, Frazier looks deeply at her mum’s face as the mother looks down at the floor. It is an image which can be interpreted in so many different ways – a wonderful aspect of this project, however, most images provide a direct explanation for the audience to unpick. The image below, however, is more difficult to decode because we do not know the context of the image and we are not aware of the relationship between Frazier and her mother – whether it is stable or hampered  by the racist merry-go-round which makes it way round the town they live in, haunting the people of black origins. The emotion shown below is very serious and we can get a sense that something does not sit well within this household.

It is as though Frazier is gazing deeply at her mother to attempt to get her attention, however, her mother, the older, more prominent figure in the household fails to acknowledged this cry for possible help that Frazier is calling for in both of the times of need. They both seem very vulnerable and this is displayed both in their body posture and facial expressions – slouched and a blank face – as though there is an empty space within their relationship.

The way the image is composed, like I mentioned before is what makes this photograph so strong because there is clear thought that has gone into composing and framing the image. Frazier’s face, which we only see half of, completes the other half of her mother’s face – the side profile of he mother’s face presents her as more powerful however, yet the ability to see, front-on, Frazier’s facial expressions allows us to understand her silent cry for help as she looks deeply at her mother but fails to catch the attention of her.

Image result for latoya ruby frazier the notion of family

Another aspect of Frazier’s work is that it is captured mostly within her household to show the breakdown of her family from the inside. The house may be where the abuse and discomfort within their community originates from because this is where their family are held together and the home could be metaphorically shown as a place of unrest – where you are trapped and can’t escape, particularly in Frazier’s case.

The image below is also another of Frazier’s strongest images as it shows a clear division between herself and what looks like her other’s new partner, as I believe Frazier lacks  father figure in her life and her other has in fact moved on begun new life with a new man – of which Frazier did not approve of. This is shown quite clearly how the image below is composed. On the left we see this masculine figure lying on the bed in his room, and on the right is Frazier, sat rather awkwardly on the edge of bed, again, slouched and in her lounger. The two are divided by a wall which separates their two rooms and the doors that are both open is what frames the two sides. The dislike Frazier shows for this man is shown clearly, again in her posture. She has her back to the man and he as well has his back to her. I would imagine that Frazier found her step-dad lying lie this coincidentally and decided she would frame herself in the image also to show her dislike for him.

The man is also wearing a vest which reads “THE SMOOTH EDGE” on the back and we get a sense that this may be an oxymoron or rather ironic because he most likely does not act like what we would envisage “the smooth edge” to. He seems as though he may the division between Frazier ad his mother; in that he causes a certain friction within the house that presents him more so as a “rough edge” – not the intermediary figure of the house. This is quite ironic but then again, this juts me making assumptions and decoding the image how I see fit.

Image result for latoya ruby frazier the notion of family

Image result for latoya ruby frazier the notion of family

Frazier, as well as Fujii, uses passages of text in her photo-book to accompany her images and the images shown above is accompanied by a poem written by Frazier. The concept of using short passages of text, even a sentence, constructed by myself attempting to express what is shown visually or taken from a statement made by one of subjects of the book, is something I would really like to incorporate into my photo-book because it adds another function to the book and adds another aspect of depth and character to enhance the impact the book can have. Fujii uses short sentences transcribed from messages his mum and dad sent when their divorce was finalized and the impact is very powerful because it allows the audience to relate and engage themselves within the concept more.

Image result for latoya ruby frazier the notion of family

Arno Brignon - 'Josephine'


“July 1, 2009, birth of Josephine. Doubt and fear mingle with joy and pride. Having a child can be the simplest thing in the world. For us it was long, improbable, unique. At the maternity ward, they call it a “precious pregnancy.” It is also an announced imbalance to our life as a couple, a love story to two to rebuild three.

Josephine is 6 years old today and doubts have dissipated. Love is obvious. The fear of death is another. I live with both. The family cocoon crumbles with entry to school. I take back the device. I photograph Josephine, in a fight that seems lost in advance, so that it does not escape too quickly, so that the sweet and loving fusion of this microcosm of three continues. I found my place. Time passes and I can finally say that nothing is opposed to the night, nothing justifies … and I have everything to dare.”

– Arno Brignon

Arno Brignon is a French photographer and in her series ‘Josephine’ she looks at the fragility of the family cocoon and how this can be broke by the introduction of a newborn – your child. In Brignon’s case, this was very abrupt and she did not know how to deal with it and the responsibility that weighed ion her shoulders. Therefore, she began to documentary this transformation and adaption she has had to  make and the result is a very warm and vibrant, yet dark and meaningful series of works that encapsulates her child – Josephine and how she has become the center point of her life. Brignon is the artist I will taking inspiration from for the point at which I begin o collaborate with my 4 year old sister to produce work for my project looking at my relationship with her, which over the last year, has become more complicated and upsetting for myself as I now no longer see her very much due to the split of my dad and his partner (Minnie’s mother) who will not be included in the project because I do not feel the need.

Brignon’s differ form the other artist work also shown in this post in that they much more vibrant in their colour yet feature much more darkness from the contrasts of shadows. It looks like they have been taken using a 35/50 mm film camera due to the clear grain which you can see in the images as well as the quite washed out and hazed colours which are provided with film.

The image below is from the series of 45 images produced by Brignon, and, in my opinion is one of the best because it is a very meaningful. It shows two horses back-back-back grazing on the ground of the field they are seen in which is in the background of the image. The foreground consist of a well-kept prim and proper garden filled with greenery and bushes and features vibrant colours. As you move your yes further through the mage towards the back, you come across much more neutral, less vibrant colours of dull and washed out pinks and beiges as well as greys – it is almost like a dusky pink and the two colours from the image look like they are from images taken at two different times. In the centre of the image, well placed in between two bushes are two horses stood back bac to back grazing at the grass of the field. The two animals are the obvious focal pint of the image and have been used by Brignon, presumably to represent a metaphorical representation of her other half in her family – her boyfriend/husband. From the birth of their child, an event and milestone in a couples life that should provide happiness for an eternity, may have broken the couple apart and it could have tested their relationship to their breaking points, which, as well, it what a birth of a child can do to a relationship which was once stable. The introduction of a child requires each parents to give up son much of what they once had in order tot look after this new responsibility and to can sometimes be too much for them both to take – forcing the break u if their relationship and the separation of the family. I have experienced this when I was younger when my parents decided to split and so has my sister unfortunately at the same age as when it happened to me. It is sometimes inevitable and although this may not have happened in Brignon’s case, these two horses may represent the gradual distancing they have experienced with one another through trying to juggle work and home life. Although they are to an extent, separated emotionally and may encounter more stress and friction, they still love each other and this often the case with most break-ups – although the split as occurred, both halves still stay strong for the child’s sake but this image can represent the hardship a family can got through when dedicating so much of you time to care for your newborn copie_v2.jpg

Images like the one below could be seen as happy accident because Brignon may have not intended for the blur to be a part of the image and perhaps was desperately attempting to get each feature of the image in focus and crisp as possible and the blur may have been accidental but the outcome has turned out to be very successful and effective and perhaps Brignon took a liking to it an chose to use it in her project. The image shows Josephine kissing another girl who looks to be her age – maybe a school friend as she looks into the camera which is a very nice touch as it shows the sense of naughtiness of childhood din that sometimes they may be doing something they’re not supposed to and often look to the aren’t for a say so as to whether it is okay or not. There is something quite cheeky about the image and this is what I love, yet the soft focus make sit seem quite dreamy and heavenly, much like the other images sin the series like the one below. The common theme and atmosphere is dreaminess and a haze as children often get caught up in the fun of things that they forget what is going on but as well, due to the dark contrasts and shadows of the imagery, there is also a quite sinister and eerie sense to the series – as if something does not seem right and this in-turn makes the viewer feel quite on-edge.

Brignon photographs the very intimate moments that she finds in and around her family and home life on a day-today basis and she also includes herself with her daughter within the images. There is  sense of intimacy and connection between the mother and daughter bit there is little evidence of the father within the project and it is shown as though the mother and daughter have formed a close bond and the dad is a lost identity within the system. Images of Brignon with Josephine in the bath and the two of them present in the image together is what shows the sense of family and love and connection in times of hardship – where you have to keep striding on. copie.jpg

Rita Puig-Serra Costa - 'Where Mimosa Bloom'


“Dealing with the grief that the photographer suffered following the death of her mother, Where Mimosa Bloom by Rita Puig Serra Costa takes the form of an extended farewell letter; with photography skillfully used to present a visual eulogy or panegyric. This grief memoir about the loss of her mother is part meditative photo essay, part family biography and part personal message to her mother. These elements combine to form a fascinating and intriguing  discourse on love, loss and sorrow.”

– Editions Du Lic on ‘Where Mimosa Bloom’

This particular artist is whom I originally got my inspiration from to produce the shoot I completed which resulted in my series looking at childhood memories of my family members. This was one of the best series I have created during my time as an amateur photographer because of the poetical nature of it and the narrative it told of how one moment in time can have an affect on our futures and how we lead out lives butt his one recollection of  a past time can often be forgotten about, however, the memory still has meaning and substance to generate an emotion from the subject it is linked with.

Rita Puig-Serra Costa, in her series ‘Where Mimosa Bloom’, uses archival imagery and objects from her family archive to create a story and emphasise the essence of past times in order to tell a story of her dead mother and the life she lead and the impact she had on people around her. Using archives from each person my ‘Childhood Memories’ series was also essential allowed me to tell a ore poetical story because I was showing the physical object which had such meaning to the owner of it.

I would love to again use archival imagery from my own archive as well as delving into my family members archive to find some interesting memoirs hat can be the driving force of my project to send it in a direction which would make for an interesting story. I have already begun to look into the archive of my dad to discover memories he has kept of his time with my mum and this has already opened up my eyes to what their life was like when they were together, nurturing me and caring for me with all their love – as a cohesive family and intend to use these discoveries in my project.

However, a concept I would like to explore in my project is the creation of family tree – in the style that Rita Puig Serra Costa presented in her book. One page after another, as you turned through the beginning of the book, a new family embers portrait was revealed – what looked like a passport photo or a photo taken in a photo booth. This reveled a careful and thoughtful set up of a sequence of portraits next to, and underneath each other as each page was turned. On the last page of the sequence, the last family member was revealed and it resulted in a very effective family tree set-up (show below) – something I would be interested in producing for my own project as this would show the relationship which have been grown and then, sometimes, broken off in my own family and would set up the story to come.

The image below is from a segment of the book which looks at the concept of paring a still-life object-image with a portrait to show the relationship between the person and the object. This is what I adapted in my own series to suit that of my own family members and and tell a story of their own reminiscences from when they were younger.

I will be using the same concept of photographing a meaningful object in the story of the relationship of my mum dad against a black background as this is the only way of researching into their relationship and from this research I will conduct, it will allow me understand what their life, as well as mine was like when I was younger and oblivious to everything around me. From this, I can also conduct small interviews with my parents to understand the best and worst memories from when I was a child – I will also ask myself this.

Image result for rita puig serra costa


My Step-Brother

In 2010, my mother entered a relationship with another man despite my birthday wishes since I can remember consisting of the reunification of my biological parents. The new man in not only my mum’s life but mine also, was David; an accountant who I had previously met due to my mum and dad’s mutual friends. He was a reasonably calm and stable guy which was a factor that was cherished in my household as we were usually quite nomadic due to moving houses on several occasions.

When the introduction of my new father figure had settled, my mother broke the news we would be moving in as a family, which as a ten year old boy upset me as I still had hoped for my parents to come together. Although I detested the idea in theory, the practice of this new family image in the home was  beneficial for everybody. However, moving house again and having a new man in the house was not the only surprise which David had brought with him as me, as an only-child had to share all my belongings and frequently my space with two of David’s children from a previous relationship. Noah and Lukah would stay for the weekend every fortnight which cause havoc for my mother and David as having three hyperactive boys was tricky, especially as two of which suffered from A.D.H.D. Another difficulty was the fact we were also separate ages for I was ten/ eleven, Noah was three/four and Lukah was two so finding an activity to occupy us all was an awkward task. I recollect playing Mario Kart numerous times over the 2010 Christmas period as it was difficult to find a suitable activity for all of us, however, keeping me and Noah inside together was catastrophic for the household.

As I started secondary school, my A.D.H.D began to level out somehow. I’m often curious over how it did so with puberty being my only reasonable solution, but either way I was grateful as I was able to focus more without the aid of my medication, I no longer felt different to those who didn’t have to take any pills to alter their behaviour, although A.D.H.D. was never a socially limiting factor for me. With the start of secondary school, I also founded my new sense of independence which combined with my birth of my little sister meant I was rarely home. Reaching twelve years old before I had a sibling came as a bit of surprise as I had always been my mother’s one and only and I liked it that way, however, now I had to share her and although Noah and Lukah were around before, I always knew and felt like the boss. As my social life consumed more of my time along with my increasing independence, I spent less and less time at home until I got a serious girlfriend at sixteen. We often go to each other’s house which would mean half of the time I would have to host, exposing her to the three other children in the household and the busy regime the children have my parents on.

By spending more time at home, I redeveloped and reconciled a relationship with Noah, who despite his disorder, wanted to play more mature games that adults played. So on the weekends he and Lukah were over, Noah would play board and card games with us and we’d often team up as the young guns against the parents, bringing us closer. However, it is important to mention my parents really struggle amusing and catering for Noah in terms of his disorder which frequently means the incorporation of me in order to find solutions to amuse him as I obviously have a first-hand account of what it is like to be in his ten year-old situation. I’ve instructed my parents to enroll Noah into something mentally stimulating and physically tiring, whilst also developing the crucial social skills that helped me overcome my disorder.

In this edit, I wanted to brighten the face of Noah in order to exploit this angelic expression to demonstrate how despite his disorder, he is an innocent and misunderstood boy. The chains which surround Noah is a representation of how his A.D.H.D. is trapping him, which combined with the tall tower implies his identity is overpowered by his disorder.

For my piece within the exhibition, I wish to show my display like so.

Going forward, I look to photograph and capture moments in which Noah is hyperactive as well as our solutions of amusing him. Another factor to consider is how demanding Noah reacts when he doesn’t get what he wants and the other children do so that’ll also be interesting to capture.


After completing my review and reflection of the projects i completed in September looking at both documentary photography and tableaux images, i have decided that i really enjoyed the documenting side of photography and would like to continue this type of photography in my personal investigation. I have been inspired by charity work and a project i will be taking part in africa on an aid trip. The images below are just a few of the images which i found inspired me too want to take similar images over there, however i am going to link it to a wider story and make it specific to the locals and community where i am going.

There are a variety of styles of images below and i would like to keep my options open in this project to capture a variety of images and look at how documentary photography can come in lots of different styles. One of my biggest inspirations is photojournalist Steve McCurry, as i love the intense vibrant coloured portraits that he captures. Although i think it’d be a challenge i definitely want to attempt to capture these story telling portraits.

My personal investigation is going to be based around environmental photography as well as photojournalism. On 27th-13th of November i am taking part in an Africa aid trip to Burkina Faso with a non government charitable organisation, linked with freedom church. The community over there is lively and energetic even though it is in the top five poorest countries in the world. In my photography i want to document the local communities lives focusing on third world countries issues, focusing on truthful portraits and environmental images of the communities daily life, jobs, family etc. Therefore the main focus of the story i am trying to tell through my photographs will be the community, linking into family and looking at similar family styled photographers and how community to them is much closer in their rural villages then it is in our big cities in the modern world where people tend to stick to the blood related families. I would also  like to link into it the story of whether chariable organisation really help these communities or if they just disrupt their local way and try to modernise what shouldn’t be because it has a negative impact.

Burkina Faso Project Info

The Burkina Faso charity project started back in 1999 when Pasteur of Freedom church jersey, met Samuel the Pastor of Temple Elim, Burkina Faso at bible college. The friendship that grew between these individuals has been long lasting and in 2007 the project which linked jersey with Burkina Faso was started. A team has gone out to Africa every year since building toilet blocks, primary school classrooms, a pharmacy and a playground. The impact that this small based charity has made is incredible and nearly 500 of the local children attend primary school. This year the team return to Burkina Faso and i am extremely excited to be one of the twelve members which will be going out there this year to build a nursery. I’m extremely excited to help reduce poverty and illness in the area as well as experience their way of life but also document the community and share some of the locals stories of their past and what family and community really means to them.

Linking to previous work i have done envolving family and looking at family archives and how they tell a story of the past. i have spoken to previous team members who have gathered images of the project in Burkina over the past 8 years. These can now be seen as archival images and i think it is important to know the background of where am going and what to expect to be photographing. Therefore i have also done background research on the country to get a general knowledge of the location and areas history.

Inspiration//Carolle Benitah//Matthew Knapman//Planning

Carolle Benitah

Initially Carolle Benitah work for ten years as a fashion designer she then moved on from this to photography and some would say she incorporated this in her photography. The French Moroccan photographer focused on themes around family, memories and the passage of time. Her work is very metaphorical and focus’ on manipulating old images using embroidery, beading and ink drawings. I like this idea of physically editing the photo to create a new meaning or give a photo meaning. This is something I would be interested in using in my project as I have done similar things in the past and would like to further explore it.

Image result for Carolle Benitah

My favorite photo by Carolle Benitah is the one above. I like this photo as just like other photos she has manipulated this one in a particular way, that has a real haunting quality to it. This is most probably due to it being a photo of children with their mouths sown shut. The photos show violence as to sow a mouth shut is very violent. This what gives it this haunting, shocking quality. The only boy in the photo has his face covered by what seems to be pills, this could symbolize that he has been blinded by drugs, however this is just a guess. Yet again these  pills are red. The use of red throughout of all her photos is very clever and makes her photos distinctive. There is a use of red throughout her work often shown with red thread in this case it has been used to sow the mouths shut. Benitah explains the significance of the red in the statement below.

“I use a red thread, which is my connecting thread. It leads me through the maze of my past. Red is the color of violent emotions, the color of blood, of bad blood, it is also a color of sexuality. The beads chosen for their shininess and their delicacy accentuate the decorative element and create a discontinuity. I reintroduce the gestures of handiwork in this series and renew my connection with my previous work as a clothing designer.”

Embroidery in these photos where used out of protest as it was commonly seen for women to do this sort of thing waiting for the man to come back from work. She wants to denounce this and show it did not turn her into the “perfect wife” she was expected to be. She is using it to protest these sexist ideologies. There is phrase she uses that I really like when taking about putting the needle through the paper; “To embroider my photograph, I make holes in the paper. With each stitch, I stick the needle through the paper. Each hole is a putting to death of my demons. It is like an exorcism. I stab the paper until I don’t hurt anymore.” This is a powerful statement and one I will remember throughout my project as I have discovered in the past this kind of work can be very therapeutic, setting free any built up emotion.  It allows you to deal with things may not be able to deal with in the “real world”.

Another artist I taken inspiration from is also actually an ex Student. Matthew Knapman created a book all about his mothers life. His mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014 that then spread to the rest of the body. This must have been a very difficult subject to do his project on. This has inspired me to cover a subject that is very difficult for me to cover. He also took inspiration from the artist above (Carolle Benitah). This is shown clearly throughout his book as he has changed these photos physically by burning, cutting and drawing over these photos. Again this is also something I’d like to continue from my exam project as I find this much more interesting and effective when conveying a meaning. When creating my book I want it to be full of emotion really showing the affect its had on my family and myself. I don’t want my work or photos to be shallow and have no meaning. If i come to the end of my project and I have no emotional connection with book and photos I have created, no matter what grade I achieved I have personally failed. I need this to have more meaning than achieving some grade and if I achieve a good grade that would be a plus yet that is not my primary goal.