Category Archives: Contextual Study



Art Movement

Throughout the history of photography, the style and genre of images produced in particular time periods have often been in correlation to particular art movements which artistically reflect on society and what is both right and wrong with it. It is important to note that, each art movement is not labelled or ‘coined’ until the movement has fundamentally passed and all creative areas or arguably all aspects of life are assessed before the term is distributed. Only in retrospect and careful analysis we are given the ability to deem a certain era with a specific term for a genre of images.

First and foremost, artists began the photographic critiquing of the late 1800s and the early 1900s, in which the movement was recognized as “pictorialism”. The key characteristics that prove as motifs throughout the movement is the conveying of emotion within an image, with the movement spreading internationally. Pictorialism surged as citizen travel was made easier, giving people the opportunity to explore and document images, however, a predicament that faced this movement was the argument of, is the purpose of the images produced for art or for documentation reasons? Although the movement did not follow precise procedures, there were two primary methods. The first being that subjects and compositions were designed to bring a sense of fantasy or visual cohesion separating themselves from the documentation of every day life. Secondly, photographers were beginning to manipulate the chemical process itself much in the way that a painter would control their materials. Gum bichromate was very popular at the time and photographers started applying brush strokes and other manipulations of the process to achieve a painter-like quality to the photographs.

Image result for Robert Demachy

For example, Robert Demachy was a French photographer who took this measure to an extreme, giving himself an individual status. Another instance of a recognizable photographer is Clarence Hudson White who includes females into his romantic black and white landscapes. Overall, the images produced are either very romantic or somber and melancholy, demonstrating that there is a high level of emotion emitted through this movement which christened photography as an art.

Image result for Clarence Hudson White

Photo – realism or straight photography is a genre of art that surged during the twentieth century and was instantly recognizable as it attempted to capture an image as realistic as possible in comparison to the true visual. This art movement formed the foundation for vital photography techniques that still exist within contemporary formats, for example, documentary photography and photojournalism. Famous photographers renown from this era are such as Ansel Adams and Edward Weston, two names who are frequently referred to.
Image result for ansel adams

Image result for ansel adams

The work of these two men are still being studied and referred to today, showing the influence and importance that the realism era accumulates in the modern era. There is a lot of focus upon nature and the natural beauty that Mother Earth provides, giving these photographs an organic and authentic feel about them, which is enhanced further by the black and white colour scheme.

Thirdly, the modernism era loomed between 1910-1950 and gave a sharp focus and an emphasis on formal qualities, exploiting, rather than obscuring, the camera as an essentially mechanical and technological tool. Modernist works frequently take the gritty world of industry as their theme as we discover through the work of Claude Cahun who includes her own personal difficulties within her photographic work, and although her work can often be treated as a direct challenge to realism, as a surrealist, she was producing work under the generic category of modernism. Personally, this was my favourite art movement that I briefly studied as people had the opportunity to challenge and combat the political world as well as their own personal conundrums much like Claude Cahun. In this very reflective era, there was opportunity to create a style for yourself, however, in the modern era, it seems to be a case of how can somebody creatively form a tribute to a previous artist with the original idea.

Image result for claude cahun

Image result for claude cahun

Postmodernism is characterized by self-conscious and deliberate intertextuality. One of the best-known photographers who played with simulacra is Cindy Sherman. Sherman should be termed a performance artist who restages images from mass media. Concentrating on how women were represented by movies, she had herself photographed in a series of small black and white photographs called “Film Stills” during the late 1970s. None of these theatrical re-presentations can be traced back to any actual movie but all remind the viewer of movies they have seen or have heard of and evoke the construction of women in the 1940s and 1950s. Sherman is what can be called a “post-feminist,” or an artist who takes up feminist concerns, not from a political and activist perspective but from a theoretical stance.

Image result for film stills cindy sherman

Image result for film stills cindy sherman

As a photography student looking to create personally and politically impeding images, I ask myself “what art movement am I a part of?”. In a post post-modernism era with the likes of Donald Trump, Theresa May and Kim Jong-Um in positions of high political power, I wonder to myself what fuels the art being produced currently. Perhaps, as I’ve mentioned, due to the amount of art produced in the past, modern artists are “revisionists” due to the hardship of trying to create something original without using an idea or concept already produced.

Postmodernism + Other Movements

Postmodernism is a style of post-1960s art which rejected the traditional values and politically conservative assumptions of its predecessors, in favour of a wider, more entertaining concept of art, using new artistic forms enriched by video and computer-based technology.

There are many principals which define modernist art, including: A rejection of history and conservative values (such as realistic depiction of subjects); innovation and experimentation with form (the shapes, colours and lines that make up the work) with a tendency to abstraction; and an emphasis on materials, techniques and processes. However, postmodernism, was a reaction against modernist art and a rejection of this to challenge it.

Modernist artists experimented with form, technique and processes rather than focusing on subjects. While the modernists championed clarity and simplicity; postmodernism embraced complex and often contradictory layers of meaning. (words taken form Tate).

Postmodernism essentially drove modernism out of the face of art and muscled its way to the forefront as postmodernists believed this view of producing art was the ultimate and best method.

Postmodernists also embrace subject and content as opposed to object and form.

Jeff Koons, ‘Three Ball Total Equilibrium Tank (Two Dr J Silver Series, Spalding NBA Tip-Off)’ 1985
Jeff Koons Three Ball Total Equilibrium Tank (Two Dr J Silver Series, Spalding NBA Tip-Off) 1985

Postmodernism makes references to things outside the art work…e.g. political, cultural, social, historical, psychological issues.

Another aspect of postmodenrist photography is that it often mixes different artistic and popular styles and media. Postmodernist art can also consciously and self-consciously borrow from or ironically comment on a range of styles from the past.

Pop art by Roy Lichenstein is a good example of this; pop artists broke down the separation between fine art and popular culture in their work: Lichtenstein borrows the language of comics for his painting Whaam.

Roy Lichtenstein, Wham


Andy Warhol once said in a famous quite that “anyone can be famous for 15 minutes”. Looking deeper into this, it can essentially mean that with a little bit of creativity and by pushing the boat out and challenging art normalities and conventions, a new look of art can be achieved which stuns the world and from this, the author can become famous for a short period of time – through challenging and not conforming to art rules and producing something perhaps controversial or unseen before – new and innovative.

A term closely related and used in conjunction with postmodernist art due to this idea that postmodernism encapsulates the idea of using many mediums to produce work, ‘bricolage’ also presents this notion.

The definition of ‘bricolage’ in terms of art and literature is: “construction or creation from a diverse range of available things.” Bricolage is a French loanword that means the process of improvisation, or a work created by mixed media. The word is derived from the French verb bricoler (“to tinker”), with the English term DIY (“Do-It-Yourself”).



Time period : 1845 – 1915

Key characteristics : manipulate images with the intent to strip reality from it by adding effects 

Artists associated : Alfred Stieglitz rejected the movement and Ansel Adams didn’t agree with the art form because he thought photography was fine art itself and did not need altering.

Julia Margaret Cameron 

Key works : allegorical paintings and paintings from the Italian Renaissance 

Methods / Techniques / Processes : used darkroom process to add effects – noise, different colours, lights and textures. Would also use Vaseline to make it more unphotographic and more as an art painting.

Realism / Straight Photography

Time period : early 1900s

Key characteristics : opposite to pictorialism and shouldn’t manipulate to show actuality

Create images of world as they see it

Idea that camera doesn’t lie 

Artists associated : Alfred Steiglitz 1907, The Steerage / Pablo Picasso

Image result for alfred stieglitz the steerage

Key works : Avant Garde – new and experimental ideas in art / Cubism – originated in 1907 by Picasso

Image result for picasso demoiselles

Methods / Techniques / Processes :


Time period : 1910 – 1950

Key characteristics : formal qualities – line, shape, shadows, texture

Artists associated : Max Dupain

Image result for max dupain modernism

Key works :

Methods / Techniques / Processes :

Art Movements and Isms

The syllabus state clearly that you have to be aware of some of the methods employed by critics and historians within the history of art and photography.

One of the criteria in the syllabus is for you to:

  • Select artists work, methods and art movements appropriate to your previous coursework work as a suitable basis for your study.

To demonstrate your knowledge and understanding you will have to write a paragraph in your essay providing historical context about your chosen artists/ photographers and how their their work and practice is linked to a specific art movement/ ism or theory.

For this task you need to select an art movement/ ism that is relevant to your Personal Study and make a 5 min presentation in class.

Follow these instructions:

Lesson 1 & 2: Mon 4 Dec / Tue 5 Dec

Choose one of these four isms/movements  – you can choose to work alone in pair up with fellow student:

  • Pictorialism
  • Realism / Straight Photography
  • Modernism
  • Post-modernism

Start by looking at the PPT presentations here which will provide you with an overview.

M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Resources\Personal Study

Find two other sources, article on  internet, text in book, youtube video etc and identify relevant quotes, at least two that you can incorporate into your blog post/ presentation.

Use Art Movements & Isms sheet as a prompt with information that is required in your presentation

Lesson 3: Wed 6 Dec

Make a 5 mins presentation of the above in class

Your presentation must include visual examples of artists making work within that ism/movement.

Homework task – Independent Study: 
Respond to the art movement/ ism that you have researched and make an image or a set of images that represent the methods/ techniques/ processes/ approach/ styles / aesthetics used by artists working within that is ism or movement.

Complete and upload to blog by Mon 11 Dec.


Q1: When technology makes it so easy to manipulate images, how much manipulation is acceptable?

Manipulation is accepted in many different forms and styles of photography. Changing the contrast and brightness are the very basics of manipulating photos, but Photoshop and other digital software there is no limit to what you’re able to achieve. Working with styles such as archival photography and landscape photography, need to either adjust the image is still going to be needed. But when working with the style of documentary photography which Steve McCurry shoots, the need for digital manipulation should not be over used and abused. As his work shows the beauty in Eastern countries, but many of his images is not a realist perspective on those countries. In recent months McCurry has been editing different elements such as a “sign post” in the images, and then wrongly adjusting the images which he has then worked hard to achieve. This one fault has then led to further investigation into Steve McCurry’s work. Yet as an audience we are unaware of the intentions of this sign post, McCurry may have been wanting to makes the yellow in the image brighter, as McCurry’s work has always shown and the need to keep his reputation of showing the Eastern countries and beautiful and rich in colour. But this is not the true, using documentary photography should mean you’re capturing events happening there and then, not having staged images, but the need for having perfect, colourful images highlights that appearance is prioritised over the ethics of the images. So manipulation is acceptable if doing certain images which need the digital manipulation due to the vision of that photographer. But the style of work Steve McCurry the least amount of digital manipulation should be used. As his images should reflect a real representation of the place of the image. Using Photoshop to gain that “perfect” and “aesthetically pleasing” images should come second because the photographer should be wanting to show the beauty of lifestyle, culture and lives of the people in these countries. 


Q2: With viewers more sophisticated and skeptical than ever before, how can photojournalists and documentary photographers preserve their integrity and maintain trust?

Now with the scandal of one of the best and well established photographers getting criticized for digitally manipulating recent images must have others on edge if they too have edited in such great ways, such as removing a child from and image. Maintaining their reputation, photojournalist and documentary photographers need to stay true to their morals and represent the real world and not a “perfect” world.  Shooting in the Eastern countries such as India, Bangladesh and Thailand all these countries are brutally struck with poverty yet many documentary photographers glamorize those countries which are rich in colour, culture and religion. So by staying true to what they are photographing what their eyes actually see. The risk also of their reputation being at stake can also be a major factor to the change in the way critiques see things. With the need to show genuine documentary images of countries which the Western world is not exposed too, photojournalism and documentary photography can all those to be transported into their world. Yet there is the risk of glamorization of their culture. So maintaining their status as a trusted photographer the ability to present the truth, yet their is always the desire to present this world in colourful light. But realistically it is a beautiful place with different people but their are the real issues which are facing different countries. 

Q3: Who sets the boundaries of what defines photojournalism or documentary ethics?

I think that the founders of documentary photography and photojournalism set the boundaries of what defines ethics or more importantly society and what we consider to be acceptable. i have this belief because they did not have the software that we have today when editing our images and did not have the ability to manipul. Originally if images did not come out perfect photographers would not have had the option to manipulateaspects in that image, due to the software not having the eraser or clone tool. The images were genuine and may of only had the basic adjustments to improve the lighting or to crop the image. Their images would of been able to express the true representation of what is going on in that current event. Documentary is needed to document a event either big or small, so the ability to capture it using the camera, there should be no need to digitally manipulate. 


How is McCurry’s images different compared to Singh in the way that they represent Indian culture? 

Representation is the way in which a particular person or thing is portrayed. therefore in photography the was something is presented is usually down to the artist an how the are capturing the image. Particular subject or focal points in photography are usually seen in different ways as every photographer has a different style and represents what they see it as in their minds eye. Different representations of a person for example can either show them in documentary form where they are being compleatly natural and themselves or can be  fashion photography and the individuals  purpose has now compleately changed as they are being represented in a different light.

India is rich with life, culture and colour. People often think of India as the colourful, scented land of beauty and and wonder and represent it in a positive light, however it can be a place which can be represented quite the opposite if you look past the obvious beauty. Poverty engulfs the country and the rich culture which it once possessed is fading in the fight for survival as the poverty situation does not get any better.  Nonetheless India is  a place of morals in a time of Westernization. A land where humanity presents itself in the most dizzying, creative burst of culture and religions, races and tongues. The oldest civilization, and yet the youngest. The epitome of wisdom and yet modest. A place impossible to not be astonished by. Photographers approaches to the indian culture have varied over the past century. Often showing either the ‘picture perfect’ image of indian vibrancey and traditional ways which make whats seems like the perfect vision or a more realistic style of photojournalism which documents the countries culture in the more naturalistic way. In my opinion there is right or wrong to represent the indian culture unless it is a lie because it depends on what the photographer intends to portray.

Local Indian Photograper Raghubir Singh captures Indian culture as a form of documentation. Singh belongs to a tradition of small-format street photography, pioneered by photographers like Henri Cartier-Bresson he developed a certain sophistication to his work where he was able to represent his home land in its natural form. Through travelling around the world with various photographers spending most of his time capturing the indian culture  he built his own style and aesthetic imprint. His images neither sugarcoated the culture nor showed ever aspect of the reality of the culture. The thoughtful composition of his works create natural fluency throughout the images which make them asthetically pleasing however informative in showing the culture of india. In Raghubir Singh’s represents the culture in a realistic light showing the richness of the culture but not in a way that seem overly staged and dramatized. He seems to focus on the method of the decisive moment which was influenced by his time spent with Henri Cartier-Bresson. This is the moment which occurs when the visual and psychological elements of people in a real life scene spontaneously and briefly come together in perfect resonance to express the essence of that situation. This therefore emphasizes that Singh represents India as he sees it in that very moment, he captures the natural beauty of the community and doesn’t attempt to formalise the situation to be something that it is not.

I Raghubir Singh

Steve McCurry represents indian culture in a very different light. His modern and conceptual style of photography highlights the different representation that he shows the indian culture as. Similarly to Singh, he captures everyday moments of india and documents the essence of what makes the country so beautiful, however it can be considered that he over staged and falsifies his images into a way that they do not represent the truth of indian culture.


Steve McCurry

In the article “A Too Perfect Picture”  Teju Cole in reference to world known photographer steve McCurrys photographs in a negative light stating that, “The pictures are staged or shot to look as if they were. They are astonishingly boring.” This is a very strong personal opinion, which i myself disagree on, however McCurrys work has been widely criticised for being “too perfect”. Cole highlights that McCurrys iconic images represent Indian culture in a very specific, in almost an exaggerated and falsified manner. He uses bold, vibrant colours with “crisp composition”. Cole goes on to discuss why McCurrys photographs are so popular and he comes to the conclusion that it is due to the fact that his photographs “because they evoke an earlier time in Indian history, as well as old ideas of what photographs of Indians should look like, what the accouterments of their lives should be: umbrellas, looms, sewing machines; not laptops, wireless printers, escalators. ” Cole explores some interesting interpretations of McCurrys work and highlights that the way in which he captures photography may not capture the current culture in India but focus on the old ways of their culture as it produces near to perfect images as they are thoughtfully composed and contain a sense of beauty through the colour and use of wide eyes he captures in his image. His work has been criticized for not portraying the issues of India in the current world and lacking a sense of reality to his imagery.

Nonetheless other articles such as ‘In defense of Steve McCurry‘, argue in defense of his photography, ALLEN MURABAYASHI begins his article with dismissing the accusation that McCurry stages his photographs and goes on to state that he is a talented photography that possess incredible skill in the photographic world to create mesmerizing images which tell true stories. Cole seems to favour Sighn’s photography as he adopts a street photography style documenting everyday life on the street, which to many may seem more natural. However due to McCurrys clever composition and persistence to take around 250,000 images in the course of a 3- month assignment he is able to capture almost perfect images because he spends the time searching for individuals and situations that create beautiful story telling images.

“Cole’s point of view is also a bit of historical criticism with a contemporary lens. McCurry’s Afghan Girl is one of the most iconic and recognizable images of the 20th century. To suggest in the 21st century that it is somehow a vacuous, staged image is spurious. McCurry helped define a style of photojournalistic portraiture that Cole finds objectionable.”

The way a photography may represent a situation, culture, event, individual does not distinguish whether the image is real or has been subject to objectivity. All photographers are evident to some subjectivity as they are placing the camera in a certain position to capture the image they seen in their minds eye. This means that all photographers are going to see subjects in a different manner and therefore are likely to represent them in a different way depending on personal preference. McCurry and Sighn are just two examples of photojournalist who represent indian culture in different ways, neither necessarily fake or untrue but just adopting different styles of photography and exploring different aspects of indian culture.



Standards in photography

Kshitij Nagar’s blog makes it clear to me that the recent criticism of the photographer Steve McCurry is not undeserved; but also it became apparent to me that he has been unfairly singled out due to his platform. Previously people criticised McCurry for displaying his manipulated photographs in the context of photo journalism as many of his photographs were published in The National Geographic magazine. However, further research has made me realise that he is not the only photographer who claims to document the truth and have their images featured on the cover of National Geographic, which have been manipulated. Another example is the cover image from the 1982s where the Pyramids of Giza are edited to appear closer together to fit the portrait orientation of the publication. It is believed that the editors of the magazine are often the ones who conduct most of the editing to the images that feature on the cover, as many photos provided by photojournalists do not conform to the exact composition of the cover. This raises questions with the authenticity of the images and perhaps even stories featured in the National Geographic, if the editors and producers are only concerned with providing the public with beautiful images and stories of the world today.

I think the line between documentary photography and photojournalism is often blurred, Steve McCurry was often considered a photojournalist as his work was featured in non-fiction publications. I believe this is why there was so much controversy when his unedited photos were presented to the public online. In an interview with Time, McCurry claimed that he is a “visual story teller, not a photojournalist” which would make more sense if what he is doing is making beautiful images that tell a story of foreign lands rather than accurately documenting life in other countries, which is what he previously stated to do. In a Ted Talks interview, McCurry talks in detail about the context and rawness of each photo and claims to document things as they are. A direct quote being ” I believe that the picture should reflect exactly what you saw and experienced when you took the picture.” It is hard to form a for or against opinion on McCurry’s work and the man as a photographer, despite his seemingly contradicting public statements; because there is no right or wrong way to be a photojournalist or a photographic story teller and there is no one who decides who is and who isn’t either of these things.

Ethics in Photography

Now looking at ethics in photography, another important issue to address when looking at imagery which had had a impact on how photography is produced in the current day, I will still be focusing ion the work of Steve McCurry and looking at how he his work over the years of his success has received both praise for its braveness in capturing something so alien from what we know in our society, as well as criticism for its untruthful representation of the other cultures he chooses to photograph. I have previously looked at his work in relation to the representation of other cultures in our world and how this may be an inaccurate representation due his outsider’s POV when immersing himself into the lifestyle and living of places like India and Afghanistan. Now I will look at ethics and whether his imagery is accepted by the public based on its perceptions of being right or wrong in relation to morales of how we should treat and respect other cultures – often, McCurry is criticised being offensive in his work because what he shows is glamorised and romanticised for the camera and the people of their culture would prefer to be shown in their true colours – how they live life everyday – which, for most of the people in deprived countries, is a lot worse of than us and this representation is often looked at as being inappropriate (cultural appropriation) because it goes against the view that everything should be true and we should not lie – sparking arguments  about the ethical value of McCurry’s imagery.

As McCurry’s imagery was looked into further and more thoroughly, it was discovered that there were questions surrounding the methods of production of his photographs and that it went against the ethics and standards of photojournalism.

Photojournalism is defined as ‘the practice of communicating news by photographs, especially in magazines.’ Photojournalism relies on the sequencing of images to tell a story – a narrative and essentially a news story – the images should be strong enough to get a message across to an audience without the need for a caption or any text to accompany it. This is what McCurry has achieved, to immense extents in his career with several of his images being published in the National Geographic magazines and as well on the covers of a few magazines – this shows that his images are extremely powerful – powerful enough to portray a story to his audience. Photojournalism is intended to be very narrative driven bit also, there obviously has to be a underlying notion of truth and what is shown in the imagery produced by a photojournalist should be both truthful and relevant to current news stories as well as being ethically right in its content and methods. A photojournalist should not put anyone in an uncomfortable position in the process of taking their images nor should their methods be unethical.

Furthermore, ethics are defined as ‘moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity.’ Therefore, looking at photojournalism and ethics combined, it would make sense that photojournalism, is all about being ethical and ‘right’ so that society is not harmed buy anything produced. If ethics are moral principals, then this should be evident in the imagery produced for journalism purposes where everything shown is truthful and not altered in order to show a picture or a story which is more ‘accepted’ or an image which shows things to be ‘correct’ which is what Steve McCurry has been accused of not doing in his work where people have begun to unpick his work and reveal the ugly which was not shown to us in the first place – McCurry has been heavily criticised for Photoshopping or ‘touching up’ certain elements of his images so that they look better and nicer to look at, whether this be through removing people or objects to make the images look less cluttered or romanticising a scene which is not glamorous in real life.

During Steve McCurry’s career as a photojournalist for National Geographic, India was his most visited country evident in his work and was a place which he said was very special yo him – he expressed his love for the country and it was the location which made up most of portfolio as a backdrop for captivating images capturing Indian culture and Indian people. On the blog post written by Kshitij Nagar on PetaPixel focussing the examination into is work, the writer states that India to some was regarded as his ‘Karma Bhoomi'(the land where one works)’. It is in the next paragraph that the either then goes on to talk about McCurry’s depiction of India which sparks the most controversy both internally and internationally due its ‘certain stereotypical, exotic, almost “Slumdog Millionaire-ish” version of India’. I have already discussed this when looking sat the comments made by Teju Cole of The New York Times in which he makes no efforts to hold back in his rant at McCurry and has no regard for his status in the photography due to the fact that he, in his eyes, as an Indian, disrespects their culture by showing it in the light McCurry does. This is re-iterated by Nagar.

(Words from PetaPixel’s publication on ‘The Botched Print’) ‘A travel photography giant, his vibrant images have inspired millions, but he’s recently come under fire over Photoshop use after a botched print at a show in Italy was found to have a serious issue.’ And this is quite right – McCurry is a documentary photography giant and he is expected, due to this big status and big name to follow the rules and to not offend people of the cultures he is photographing so heavily which also in the public eye so much now he is this world-renowned artist. Hover, he has been found out to potentially be a user of Photoshop to improve images beyond there rawness and actuality of life itself to a point where the story is distorted.


This image, has been, understandably removed from McCurry’s website now as he has been under fire for using Photoshop to alter his images but has made a ‘botch up’ of it to the point where it is very obvious due to the unrealism of it – the bottom of the road sign pole has been dislocated form the actual sign post and it is floating in mid air where it does not look real – this has caused much rage over audiences and it is now questioned ‘how far has McCurry’s imagery been altered?’ This, as well, has generated more controversy over other images of his which has also been commented on in the article.

The two images below are also digitally manipulated images of McCurry’s and were both found on his website. In the first image, you can see, in the background, a hazed and blurred second cart to the left as well as a pole sticking out from this bit in the image below, these two objects have been removed from the frame by McCurry and Sharma writes that he is ‘not at all surprised’ of this digital manipulation done by McCurry because all he wishes to do is to create the ‘perfect frame’ and eh would go any lengths to do this, but the result is an untruthful representation of the real life events which occurred at the time; in turn, abusing the notion of ethical methods.



“I am not at all surprised at the digital manipulation (done by him) to create the perfect frame.
I have watched him rig (stage) his pictures. (He) Arranged the subjects (back then) because chromes (slide film) could not be that easily manipulated.”

Another image produced by McCurry has been revealed to be very staged and this seem to be a recurring theme of his imagery production methods and we can begin to lose our hope of such a renowned photographer which has much success with his work because of this critical examination int his work and the reveal of these unethical methods. Do all photographers carry out false methods of production to create this ‘perfect frame’ or are there artists who embrace the idea of a candid portrait? Sharma also says that McCurry’s imagery are ‘staged candid portraits’ – this oxymoron presents a juxtaposition that doesn’t work as a ‘candid portrait’ is a photograph taken of a moment in time – without the subjects aware of the cameras presence – it is natural but a ‘staged portrait’ is a method where the subjects are positioned purposely to show a mood. The image below has been staged and Sharma comments on this:


“This apparently off the cuff moment was arranged too. The lady is the wife of a photographer friend and the suitcases the coolie (porter) is carrying are empty. They had to be because the shot took time and lots of patient posing. McCurry’s pictures have been called STAGED CANDID MOMENTS by Avinash Pasricha, a photographer friend who knows how he works because he helped him with the pictures like the one above. The lady is his sister-in-law.”

When technology makes it so easy to manipulate images, how much manipulation is acceptable?

With the easy accessibility of software such as Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, as well as Instagram an other image editing applications, and using software such as the examples listed above being sop vital for photographers in the current day, image manipulation is more or less inevitable in this ever-growing age where technology is taking over the human generation. Everyday, we rely on technology to get us through the day and everyday 52,000,000 images are uploaded to Instagram on average. This shows the pure depth of how image editing is so important to even non-photographers.

The use of Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom is a second nature to most photographers in the modern day of technology driven lives. Most photographers may feel like the editing of imagery is the way forward and it is essential in order for audiences to enjoy your work and this is why artists strive to create the ‘perfect frame’ through manipulation of the original image to take it beyond it’s raw form where audiences struggle to connect with it as the truth has been removed. I enjoy looking at contemporary and delicate imagery where the only editing done is subtle adjustments of contrast, exposure or brightness etc.

The extent to which manipulation is acceptable is very debate-able and different people would argue different things but I believe that if the message of the image becomes distorted or the truth becomes hazed due to the extent to which an artist has altered their image, the this is hard to accept as an image which can have an impact on our society – this is an image which is has no powerful meaning to impact the audiences thoughts. However, there is also the argument that heavy image manipulation is essential when creating a photo collage for example, and this is understandably. If an artist’s work is based in the fine art industry where surrealism is wanted to be achieved from each image, then I can understand how the may need to go to further extents to produce something for its purpose than want a more contemporary style artists who focuses on the more technical elements such as composition and framing may do.

Therefore, there is a whole issue surrounding the idea of manipulation of images which needs to be straightened out in order for audiences to understand an artists intentions but looking at McCurry’s imagery, his efforts to create the perfect frame goes to far, especially when looking at such a touchy subject such as poverty in deprived countries – almost taboo, this needs to be appearance every carefully but he holds no regard for the views of the subjects he photographs and this has come out in recent years to put him under scrutiny.

With viewers more sophisticated and skeptical than ever before, how can photojournalists and documentary photographers preserve their integrity and maintain trust?

Like I said before, due to this whole saga surrounding Steve McCurry’s work and his intentions from producing his work, with it also being revealed tat he is not as trustworthy and professional as originally thought, it is difficult for us viewers and consumers of these products to understand where the boundaries are – are all photojounrasists showing us flase information? Photojournalists are ‘supposed’ to be putting truthful and accurate information on the cover of our media for us to understand and absorb so we are not being fed false facts.

Although photographers, Steve McCurry being a great example, believe they can alter their images beyond the point of actuality without their audience realising because we weren’t present at the time, often, their unethical methods are revealed, much like what happened with Steve McCurry and not only does it not play well with us, but it also ruins his reputation that he has built up over several years – his status, being part of the huge firm, National Geographic – he has allowed us to put our trust in him to provide with direct information about the places he visits but this reputation and status becomes less and less over the years as more and more information about the way he manipulates is put in the public eye and the view he had maintained and the dignity he had obtained from his much loved work gradually decreases and his fans trust in him disappears.

Audiences of any media are much more opinionated in this current day and it can often come back to haunt the producers of the media especially if it has been hidden that they have been unethical in how it was produced or morally incorrect. In photography, methods of editing is often hidden and this can be very hurtful to audiences if they are loyal fans and suddenly realise the artist they follow has not shown them the full picture and it can be argued that hidden truths were kept secret for many years regarding the Weinstein scandal in the news still after a month with more and more women coming out about the sexual harassment put on them by Weinstein – this is an example of reputations and integrity vanishing in a second due to one mistake and audiences become very opinionated once news like this comes out and although less severe with photography, people still wish to voice their views and may lash out on the subject.

Photojournalists should make their intentions clear from the get go when releasing a series of works etc. so that their audiences know exactly what is occurring and how each image has been produced. If releasing two versions of an image, make this clear and make the alterations made clear also so there is no misunderstanding – communicate with your audiences.

Who sets the boundaries of what defines photojournalism or documentary ethics?

Like in photography in general, there are no boundaries as such – everything in photography is free – everybody is free with their creativity to produce what they want and I believe this is the same in photojournalism and any other aspect of photography as an art form but there is the notion of producing something within reason; like I said, nothing that offends, or pits anyone in unconformable situation and in photojournalism, it goes against the purpose of using imagery to show a visual story for news reasons by removing objects in the mage or heavily altering the way the  image looks because it is about the meaning behind it – the message. Photojournalism does not adopt the same purposes as contemporary photography where it is about showing a photograph which shows aspects aesthetics through careful composition etc. Photojournalism is also this but its main function is to show a story and relate to texts which take power in the news at that current time – you want to focus on creating a meaning and this requires careful thought into the framing and content of the frame but I believe that editing should be very minimal to get the full effect of immersing yourself into the news story without worrying about the story being distorted in any way.

Therefore, I believe there  are no boundaries as such because photography is a creative outlet which people engage themselves in to be free in their ways of showing something – a message but, linking back to the idea of ethics, standards and representation, these should all be considered when taking an image.


Your task here is to question photography’s ability to be ‘truthful’. You are required to write at least 1000 words as response to issues in representation, ethics and standards  in documentary photography and photojournalism. Use questions below to prompt your answers and illustrate your essay with images.

CASE STUDY: Steve McCurry

The images of renowned photographer Steve McCurry, who made the famous and iconic image of an Afghan girl for a front cover of National Geography has recently been criticized for making ‘too perfect pictures’ which not only are boring but reinforces a particular idea or stereotype of the exotic other.


Read this article by Teju Cole in the New York Times Magazine which compares McCurry’s representation of India with a native photographer, Raghubir Singh who worked from the late ’60s until his untimely death in 1999, traveling all over India to create a series of powerful books about his homeland.

Taj Mahal and train in Agra, 1983. Credit Steve McCurry
Subhas Chandra Bose statue, Kolkata, 1987. Raghubir Singh

Reference to Coldplay’s new video also highlight the idea of cultural appropriation that harks back to Britain’s colonial rule and exploitation of the Orient.

As a counter-argument, read this article on Petapixel in In defense of Steve McCurry’s images

Question : How is McCurry’s images different compared to Singh in the way that they represent Indian culture? Back it up with references to articles read and include quotes for or against your own view.

As this debate about Steve McCurry was raging others began to look more closely at his work and a number of more serious and urgent questions were raised which in the end became a full blown scandal revealing methods used by McCurry in constructing his iconic images that goes against standards and ethics in documentary photography and photojournalism.

After the initial bit of articles were published in publications and blogs online, Indian photographer Satish Sharma made the following comments on his blog: Read his article in full: Eyes of the Afghan Girl: A Critical Take on the ‘Steve McCurry Scandal’  which has hyperlinks to most of the articles written in relation to McCurry’s recent controversial work and practice as a photojournalist.

Try and answer the following set of questions:

Q1: When technology makes it so easy to manipulate images, how much manipulation is acceptable?
Q2: With viewers more sophisticated and skeptical than ever before, how can photojournalists and documentary photographers preserve their integrity and maintain trust?
Q3: Who sets the boundaries of what defines photojournalism or documentary ethics?

Here are some of the key issues raised in the article:

Photoshopped manipulation of iconic images, by removing unwanted details or adding new material not originally in the photograph.

The controversy began with a so-called “botched print” as PetaPixel reported it citing photographer Paolo Vigilione who went to an exhibition of McCurry’s work in Italy and posted about what he had seen on his blog. While he “had no intention to attack McCurry” he certainly got the ball rolling on what has now snowballed into a full-blown controversy.

The images have since been removed from McCurry’s website as well as by Vigilione from his blog. These images were taken from the PetaPixel article:



A further cursory exploration into his work lead to the following few images that PetaPixel too published in its article. These images too have been removed from McCurry’s website, in fact the entire blog seems to have been removed.



Staging the shoot by arranging models and props, creating a scene (Tableaux) that fits in with a certain construction and representation of a certain stereotype and ‘exotic’ version of India.

Satish Sharma: I am not at all surprised at the digital manipulation (done by him) to create the perfect frame.

I have watched him rig (stage) his pictures. (He) Arranged the subjects (back then) because chromes (slide film) could not be that easily manipulated.

Sharma goes onto cite an important and iconic image, that of the railway engine in front of the Taj.


Regarding this image Sharma says:

This famous cover picture of his National Geographic story on the Railways was a special case that I remember. He actually had to reshoot it and got the railways to take the engine back again, because the first shoot was not sharp enough.

Further elaborating, Sharma writes:

For a shot of the kitchen in ‘The Great Indian Rover’ he actually had the railing around the work bench removed. I know because I was there. The last time I saw him he was arranging a picture in Delhi’s Lodi Garden directing a waiter where to stand.

Perhaps, most perturbing of Sharma’s claims is the following image, which also appeared in the same NatGeo issue of 1984 on traveling across India by rail:


Regarding this Sharma writes:

This apparently off the cuff moment was arranged too. The lady is the wife of a photographer friend and the suitcases the coolie (porter) is carrying are empty. They had to be because the shot took time and lots of patient posing. McCurry’s pictures have been called STAGED CANDID MOMENTS by Avinash Pasricha, a photographer friend who knows how he works because he helped him with the pictures like the one above. The lady is his sister-in-law

In a bid to investigate and ratify Sharma’s claims, a call was made to Avinash Pasricha, veteran photographer living in Delhi. He had the following to say:

Yes, from what I can recall, Steve used to stage quite a few shots back then. He needed help whenever he came to India and people obliged. Since my house was and still is centrally located in the city he would come here often. He was always passionate and longing to go out and shoot again. On one occasion that he had come, he told me of a particular shot that he wanted to take on how people travel in India. He requested my sister in law Vanita to accompany him to New Delhi Railway station.

On asking him about the suitcases on the porter’s head, he confirms that they are indeed empty.

A little bit of searching lead me to the lady in the above image, Ms. Vanita Pasricha, who briefly told me the following regarding the image:

This image is from about 32 years ago. He was a very polite man, a thorough gentleman who wanted a picture on how people travel in India. I went with him to New Delhi Railway Station in the morning for a few quick pictures. Those suitcases are my suitcases and that is my son Mithil that I am holding, who is now in fact 38 years old now. I only met him a couple of times, I did not even know whether the photo was published or not. It is only when my brother called from the states did I get to know that it was published in National Geographic.

The image was indeed published in the June issues of 1984 of NatGeo in the following form, according to this archived copy.


It was published with the following misleading caption:

Consider his  argument, that by categorizing himself now as  visual storyteller, rather than a photojournalist absolve McCurry of accepting responsibility for following simple documentary practice i.e recording tings as they are, something he claims to always strive to according to this TED talk from just a few years ago.

Question: Compare McCurry’s practice to World Press Photo’s – the most respected organisation that represents photojournalism –  Code of Ethics. In what way has he violated its rules?

For further context read A New Vision by its Managing Director, Lars Boering following last year’s controversy in relation to Giovanni Trioli who was forced to hand back his prize at the World Press Photo contest for his 10-photo series images “The Dark Heart of Europe,” about gritty town Charleroi in Belgium. Read this article in the New York Times for more information.

Two photographs that was part of a winning package at the World Press Photo awards. The image, of an intimate scene in Charleroi, Belgium, came under scrutiny over whether it broke contest rules. Credit Giovanni Troil
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As interesting antidote to the critique of McCurry’s images comes from Robert Dannin,  Magnum Editorial Director from 1985-90 during those years when these images were made. His repsonse raises more questions rather than answers — about Magnum Photos and its members, about National Geographic, and about the picture-agency business and its relationship to periodicals, book publishers, and other licensees. Read here on the blog: Photocritic International

Here are two brilliant articles by writers, academics and photographers. On his blog, Conscientious Photography Magazine, Jörg M. Colberg takes a reflective view on the McCurry scandal and asks:

“And what does it tell us about ourselves? What does it tell us about how we like to get the world presented? This is where each and every discussion of some “manipulation” scandals has completely and utterly failed to do anything meaningful: sure, you can pretend that photojournalists are those independent voices that solely determine both what’s in the pictures and what those pictures look like. But seriously, that’s as infantilizing as it is insulting — both to the photographers in question and to us as the larger audience.”

On his blog  Dispothic, Lewis Bush questions the burden of truth that has come to define much photojournalism since the invention of photography, as Bush puts it, “The technology of photography was born in a century fixated on empiricism and on the belief that witnessing was the path to knowledge.” Bush concludes that the only way forward for documentary photography is to

“It is a burden of truth which rather than enabling important work often seems often to paralyze photojournalism’s most zealous adherents, leaving them unable to respond to many of the major problems which face the world today. As I wrote recently about the World Press Photo, journalists can no longer believe in the idea of objective photographic vision in an age when so many things that they need to reveal are constructed exactly to exploit or defy exactly such ways of thinking and seeing. Instead they need to embrace alternative forms of seeing and storytelling, ones where the potential for revelation lies in partly a readiness to embrace difference, subjectivity and in a rejection of simple ethical binaries and moral black and whites.”

Question: Consider if the notion of photographic truth is still relevant in a world where camera phones and digital technology allows everyone to be a photographer and  to record daily life and human interaction?

Representation of photographs

Representation in photography is how a photograph can portray a place or person in a certain way by the way or how that photograph is taken. In  photography presentation should always be questioned as to whether or not it is accurate. Photographs can be staged or photographers can capture moments that are accidents, uncommon occurrences cropped or edited in a way that creates a different situation within the frame making it different to how it was actually seen by the photographer.

This sort of idea and belief about photographers misrepresenting their photographs has arisen concerning the work of Steve McCurry; some critics have been dismissing his work as too beautiful, making the photographs look romanticised, he is particularly famous for his his portrait of an Afghan girl with vivid green eyes, printed on the cover of National Geographic in June 1985, is one of the iconic images of the 20th century. His images have been released displaying evidence that McCurry alters his photos quite considerable in the editing process. There is also criticism that he only documents the beautiful parts of India that satisfy the cultural stereotypes that the western has towards exotic countries such as India. This is to eventually sell his images to get money, not thinking about how the people from India would have felt to be portrayed in this way. McCurry’s work has also been criticised to be a form of cultural appropriation because he is essentially borrowing the most beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and exotic looking people and places  to the western eye. I feel that there is nothing wrong with borrowing elements from different cultures is said culture is presented accurately and treated with respect. Steve McCurry does seem to treat foreign culture with respect but he is not representing them accurately and also produces these images to make money.

Photo by Steve McCurry 

Teju Cole wrote about Steve McCurry in the New York Times Magazine describing Steve McCurry’s work in a somewhat condescending way, suggesting that McCurry’s photographs simply reinforce  “old ideas of what photographs of Indians should look like” to the western world as previously stated. Cole also claims that one can identify a McCurry photograph almost immediately due to their predictable nature of his portraits In McCurry’s portraits, supposedly the typical McCurry formal is that “the subject looks directly at the camera, wide-eyed and usually marked by some peculiar­ity, like pale irises, face paint or a snake around the neck.” and for the most part I would have to agree with Cole. However, he goes onto to say that his images are “staged or shot to look as if they were. They are astonishingly boring.” I can justify the opinion that photographs appear to be somewhat manipulated by the end products are in no way boring. Although McCurry’s work does not show an accurate representation of life in India he does capture beautiful rarities that are genuinely found, and this should not go unsaid. Steve McCurry is an incredibly talented photographer who travels to foreign lands and selects a “highlight reel” or magnificent, rare and beautiful things that are simply not found elsewhere. What McCurry chooses to document may not be typical Indian life but then not everybody in England lives like the cast of “Made in Chelsea” or David Attenborough which are what the rest of the world are exposed to as what life in Britain in like.

This is completely different to his perspective of Raghubir Singh, who is seen to show India as it is and how the locals would perspective their home as it is a more real side of India that we do not see in Steve McCurry’s work. He also thinks it is a “relief” that we can move on from McCurry’s images to photographers such as  Raghubir Singh who bring “not only beautiful experiences or painful scenes but also those in-between moments of drift that make up most of our days”. This is more true. Steve makes India look like an enlightening place to visit, shown through colour and laughter, this contrasts with Raghubir Singh’s photography as it can be quite distressing and upsetting, showing all sides of India, documenting not just the beautiful, eye-catching parts.

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Photos by Raghubir Singh

However, another article I read, written by Allen Murabayashi defends McCurry’s work although does not deny that some of his images are staged or altered as there is clear evidence of this available to public. He does however state that amazing photos with perfect composition can be captured by luck, providing the example of the famous 9/11  photo of the world trade centre collapsing behind Saint Peter’s church by James Nachtwey. This is a fair argument as Steve McCurry spent many years of his life as a ” highly skilled photographer taking 250,000 images over the course of 3-6 months for an assignment” and also had access professional photo editor, Murabayashi asks whether or not “anyone be surprised that the photos are exceptional?”

I completely agree with Murabayashi’s view that Steve McCurry is an exceptional photographer and that there is nothing wrong with wanted to document the most beautiful elements of a certain country. However, Steve McCurry’s photos were often featured in prestigious, factual publications such as “National Geographic” and as many of his photos are staged , this leads to the question of whether McCurry is presenting countries such as India in a factual way to the western world. The iconic picturesque view of the Taj Mahal, with two turbaned gentleman casually draped over the front of a passing train is without a doubt a beautiful image but also completely staged. McCurry selected the two gentleman in the image because they satisfied the Indian stereotypes he wanted to fulfill and the train was sent back down the tracks by McCurry when he was not satisfied with the focus of the first image . This image is not an accurate representation of everyday life in India and as McCurry’s image are the only exposure to other cultures that some westerner’s experience if they are to be published in magazines such as the national geographic they should be genuine.